we are in patchday and the only thing post is :
The Galaxy Servers will be down from 9AM BST today for approximately 6 hours to allow us to update to Beyond Chapter 3.
,no patchnote,no screenshot ,absolutely no COMMUNICATION (usual from frontier) ,nothing. Almost of that they need a full workday to deploy a minor patch.
TETRIS had more hype for his standalone.
Frontier where is the passion? i can understand you play StarC or other (ambitious?,sic where your..) but please respect your job, your society and your customers.where is your problem?
without release a fake ship for paint job($$$) and produce a content who not interest all people...
we are at 3/4 of beyond patches and less than of quarter of your promises have been done.I do not think you'll hold them and it's a general opinion
global fixes and technical solutions (buy servers and/or improvement of your p2p,dx12,vulkan,global documentation of all functionnality etc),powerplay campaign ,stronger cops,real army presence in principaly systems, real stories and not your actual stupid galnet without associated gameplay ,housing,spacelegs and associated gameplay,content content, and the more appreciated of all,content....