[DW2] Distant Worlds 2 Arrivals Thread

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I registered for DW2 pretty early, then completely forgot about it until about a week before it set off. I had registered my AspX on the roster but manged to build an engineered, longer range (56.6ly), Krait Phantom just in time to set off. I've met a lot of great cmdrs on the way and it's been a great experience. I even bought a DW2 mug (which I'm sipping tea out of as I type this). Thanks to all involved in setting this up, it's been a blast.

I have to admit, I probably wouldn't trek out this far again. But it was worth it for the sense of accomplishment. The main problem is supplies. Yeah the Krait Mk II has a built in coffee/tea machine, and ample biscuit storage space... but what do you do when all the tea is gone?! Dipping biscuits in water is just not the same!
And by this point, the water has been recycled so many times, it's developed quite the tang.
Thank you all who were involved for delivering one of the most awesome expedition one could ever experience. Despite being a latcommer, I was able to edure and witnes with other latcommers/superlatecommers on Mobius PG the splendour of deep space. Coming together with other like minded explorers have been enriching, and I have made more friends in the black then I have done in the bubble. Participating a mass-jump was the most memorable thing I have done so for. Again thank you all so much for your contributions for the community!


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I came back to the game a few weeks before DW2 launched, in no small part, inspired by the expedition. Made a small fortune opal mining to pay for a shiny chrome Krait II, raced to guardian space and back for the FSD booster and a little engineering later my registered 31ly 'Diamond Dog' had matured into a 53ly capable expedition vessel.
It's been a fantastic trip, met lots of like-minded cmdrs, chatted with more I'll never meet whilst out in the black alone, helped build a lasting legacy of the expedition with Explorer's Anchorage and finally parked at Salome's Reach in the fading light of the setting Galaxy.

Big shout out to everyone involved in organising the trip, I'd have witnessed none of this without you.

o7 Commanders







A quick charge with the last 142 jumps to Beagle Point tonight. I wanted to make it today as it is my birthday. I did quit the DW1 at Saggie back then (good reasons though!), so this was a nice amends. Big thanks to the organisers! Great fun. Now to prepare for the loong road home, which way though?... we'll see.
Just want to say thanks so much to the organisers.

Touched down a few hours ago. Picked up ED a year ago but struggled without a real goal to keep me flying. Found out about DW2 late (mid Feb) but it gave me that target I was craving. Grinded to get a ship I was happy with (50ly Krait Mk2) and began my catch-up. Was a long but incredible journey. Me and my feline co-pilot are now off for a few days rest before the return leg.
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