Thank you for everithing! So i give you guys and girls my story! (Almost unnecessarilylong read!) Here it is: Before i started the game in September 2018, i actually followed the happenings in elite. I watched videos from the first DW expedition, and i was immediately blown away by the experience. Even though i was only watching. It's crazy to think i was only 12 at the time.... But from the outlook, the game looked a bit hard for my taste so i waited with the buy. I can remember setting up my commander and everything, and i immediately started loving this game. Not so proud of the fact that there were days when i spent 6 hours on the game non stop, but i guess i was a bit too immersed by the experience
. I advanced so fast that i bought my first Krait mk2 just 1 month after i started playing. And after that buy i started my journey to Colonia. I had little experience in outfitting the ships so i thought a solid 27lyrs will be enough. It took me exactly one week to get there, with days of me jumping 500 times to reach the place, but it was worth it at the end. With that trip i made my first 200mil of credits. I explored around the place, and upgraded some modules on the ship, boosting that 27ly jump range to 42. I was still out there when i heard about the 3.3 update, and i started my trip back to the bubble. I made it, the update dropped, and i made my first billion (with Void opals of course.). It was the time i heard about Distant Worlds 2 the first time. So i decided to join, (What a great idea that was!
) and with the engineers i unlocked, i built my exploration Anaconda. The journey started, and what i got from it is truly unforgettable. I joined mass jumps, events and everything. My most precious discovery on this expedition was a previously undiscovered planetary nebula between WP10 and WP11. If only i could name it.. I would probably name it the Berczkovi nebula. (PRAE FLYI VE-Q e5-4 (black hole)). The moment i reached Beagle Point i felt really disconnected from the bubble and becouse i wanted to fight thargoids and wanted to participate in the Interstellar initiative, i started to head back the other day (23rd) As i'm writing this, i'm already back at Sag A. And i'm wishing the best of luck to everyone else on the trip back! Fly safe Commanders!
(Also sorry for spelling mistakes. Just a hungarian boy here.)