Well I have only RN running. I can export the CSV if it helps.
From what I found, it is not related to EDDN
Here is my log for coffee:
[COLOR=#000000][FONT=Courier New] | Receiving commodity-v1 message... | - Converting to v2... | - Software: RegulatedNoise__DJ / v1.84_0.25 | - AUTHORISED | - Checking System: Jeterait | - System found: 10107 | - Checking Station: Barnard Port | - Station found: 10791 | - Checking Commodities: | - Checking commodity: Coffee | - Commodity found: 15 | - Updating commodity price | - Sell Price: 1351 | - Demand: 7958[/FONT][/COLOR]
And the EDDN message:
{ "header": {
"softwareVersion": "v1.84_0.25",
"gatewayTimestamp": "2015-06-02T21:22:34.727186",
"softwareName": "RegulatedNoise__DJ",
"uploaderID": "Carrahaar"
"$schemaRef": "http://schemas.elite-markets.net/eddn/commodity/1",
"message": {
"buyPrice": 0,
"timestamp": "2015-06-02T23:22:00+02:00",
"stationStock": 0,
"systemName": "Jeterait",
"stationName": "Barnard Port",
"demand": 7958,
"sellPrice": 1351,
"itemName": "Coffee"
RN seems to put you with a -1 ^^[/FONT]