ED & SweetFX - Screenshots and DL link

Oh no I was just saying sorry I couldnt help you with the error.
Was just posting to say that am using it NVidia card and no error.

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In case anyone else gets this error, I got six identical error messages in a row when clicking the launcher's Play button. Clicking OK on each of these errors still allowed me to continue on to launch the game, but I wanted to fix the problem. I didn't continue on to play the game without fixing the error so I don't know what effect not fixing this error has on the rest of the game.

[ The procedure entry point Direct3DCreate9Ex could not be located in the dynamic link library d3d9.dll ]


After digging around on the net for a bit, I found that there is a conflict with the "new" NVidia Geforce Experience.

I am running Win7 x64 with two GTX460's in SLI. Yes, I know they're old as dirt, but they are absolutely stellar cards and do the job quite nicely.

I uninstalled the NVidia GeForce Experience from Programs and Features in my control panel. This removed the icon from my system tray, but the NVidia Control Panel still launched from the start menu and the control panel and still functioned properly. The video drivers still function properly.

The game now launches properly with this SweetFX modification and with no errors.

When I first unzipped the files in to the Elite folder and ran elite I got the same error... I then looked in to the sub folder "SweetFX_x64" and copied the files in there to the main game folder (as it said so in the read me).

Once I did that, had no problem running the game.
Is there a site with the config files in English? I think the download site is Russian?
It's Bulgarian, this is my old mail.Why do you need english site, just click the file and you're good to go. :)
It don't seem to work for me... I followed the instruction, but no change (or log.log) to be seen.
Windows 7 or 8?Btw are you sure you put the files in the correct location?
I'm excited to try this!

Edit: Had to really turn down the Gaussian, but it looks good:

#define GaussEffect 2
#define GaussQuality 3
#define GaussSigma 3
#define GaussBloomWarmth 2
#define GaussThreshold 0.30
#define GaussExposure 25.0
#define GaussStrength 0.15
I'll try it.Thanks. :)
Very nice thank you! I think I like your settings more than mine so really appreciate you posting them.
I also turn on FXAA as well to go with the SMAA. It really seems to help the shimmering bits.

The ONLY good thing about post process AA is you can combine them.

Does the in-game AA setting interfere with SweetFX's postfx AA or can I leave it on? I'm currently using the in-game FXAA.
Did you make it to run on Win 8.1?

Yes, I followed the instructions and it's running now.

For Win 8.1 users:
Be careful not to put the files in the ED folder like the OP said.
You need an extra program (RadeonPro) and some more steps to configure it. This program must be runnig to detect the start of ED, and then everything should be working.

Here is another good article for reference:
When I first unzipped the files in to the Elite folder and ran elite I got the same error... I then looked in to the sub folder "SweetFX_x64" and copied the files in there to the main game folder (as it said so in the read me).

Once I did that, had no problem running the game.

Worked for me too, thx.
I had no problems getting it to work, but it is saving screenshots as *.dds files instead of *.bmp and I cannot for the life of me find anywhere to explain why or how to fix it. Here's a short video that shows a split-screen of what SweetFx does. I'll be playing with the setting quite a bit more to get closer to what I'm looking for, but you can see the difference.
Thanks ICO, really a good work, now the Earth-like planets are blue, not grey! ;) And the SMAA.....sweet.

I've just changed the screen configuration, because of the high brightness..... but it's not a big problem.

+1 for you incoming....


Volunteer Moderator
Thanks ICO, really a good work, now the Earth-like planets are blue, not grey! ;) And the SMAA.....sweet.

I've just changed the screen configuration, because of the high brightness..... but it's not a big problem.

+1 for you incoming....

Actually - do you have to turn off the AA (whichever you use) before SweetFX SMAA will come in effect?


Volunteer Moderator
People using Win8 might not be able to run this at all without going through RadeonPro. ICO_hr seems to use Win7, so that explains why it works for him and many more, but doesn't for others.

I googled a bit and it seems as Win 8.1 user you'll have to jump through some extra hoops to make it work, since the bundled DirectX version changed some things around. Here is a tutorial I found online:

Interesting, and thanks for the link.

I am able to run DX9 versions of SweetFX on Win 8.1 and I do for many games, but never tried to run one for DX11.

Elite actually crashed on me upon selecting PLAY button in the launcher when I tried to run it with this SweetFX. I'll try this RadeonPro solution and report back.


It worked perfectly fine, cheers CMDRs!
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Interesting, and thanks for the link.

I am able to run DX9 versions of SweetFX on Win 8.1 and I do for many games, but never tried to run one for DX11.

Elite actually crashed on me upon selecting PLAY button in the launcher when I tried to run it with this SweetFX. I'll try this RadeonPro solution and report back.


It worked perfectly fine, cheers CMDRs!
Does it work only for Radeon ATI card users or does radeon pro works with Nvidia cards too?
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