Release EDDI 3.3 - Bring your cockpit to life

I wonder if you may have made some adjustments to your registry files in the past?
LOL! A lot!
Just not related to the TTS sections.

Anyway, i tried installing another language from the TTS setup panel (English UK, which brings George and Hazel voices) and EDDI does the same: they are in the voices list, but throws the same error when used in a script.
So i think the problem raises somewhere in a "general setting" rather than in a specific voice section.
I'll try to see what EDDI looks for using ProcMon64.exe and comparing the results with the PC i have at work (which is not "manually tampered" and there EDDI works fine with David voice).
Hello dear EDDI users, since yesterday I have a new virus scanner. Since yesterday I have problems with EDDI. The virus scanner is the Bitdefender.
I have tried many settings for games. Nothing has helped. Announcements about Voice Attack are executed.
Announcements via the plugin for EDDI via Voice Attack are not executed. :cry:
Does anyone have an idea what this can be ? Thanks for some tips. :rolleyes:
EDDI is in no way malicious (users are free to inspect the code and build from source whenever they wish) but virus scanners sometimes find false positives anyways. Ironically, BitDefender is one of the same antivirus apps that report EDDI as 'clean' on VirusTotal.
There is no question that EDDI is "clean". We/I have been using EDDI for years, as you know. The problem with Bitdefender seems to be not the detection as a virus,
but the handling with external programs.
I haven't gotten around to trying Parduz's tip yet. But I think that's where the problem lies. Let's see ...
There is no question that EDDI is "clean". We/I have been using EDDI for years, as you know. The problem with Bitdefender seems to be not the detection as a virus,
but the handling with external programs.
I haven't gotten around to trying Parduz's tip yet. But I think that's where the problem lies. Let's see ...
i'd say that what it detects as malicious could be the way VA and EDDI interacts (some DLL calls?), like when one malicious software "hacks" the memory allocated by another program (this is a bovine description that should not be taken as "technical" :| )
We obtain a list of voices from the speech synthesizers we support.
1) We search the (newer) WindowsMediaSynthesizer first. This would be the synthesizer that would normally contain the voice Microsoft David.
2) We search the (older) SystemSpeechSynthesizer second. If we've already found a newer version of a voice then we'd suppress older 'Desktop' variants of the same voices found here (like Microsoft David Desktop).
We save each voice with information about which synthesizer listed the voice and then we use the same synthesizer to access / invoke the voice.

From your log files, it seems that EDDI is finding Microsoft David in the SystemSpeechSynthesizer rather than in the expected location in the WindowsMediaSynthesizer and is trying to access it via that older SystemSpeechSynthesizer.

I wonder if you may have made some adjustments to your registry files in the past? If you made a backup of your registry before making a change or if you can reverse the steps from the guide you might have followed then you might be able to walk back / undo those changes to your registry. Please make a System Restore Point and backup your registry (and ideally your whole computer) before making registry modifications as registry modifications are risky and could at worst case put your system into an irrecoverable state.
I'm sorry to bother you all again, but i'm still bashing my head on this.
Now, as i have free time thanks to my second COVID positivity ( :rolleyes: ), i devoted the whole day to this.

First, i've removed ANY other language installed on my PC, so Windows now just has "Italian" as available language.
Fun fact, the "remove" button in the EN-US voices was grayed, so i had to install EN-US in the "preferred language", restart, and ONLY THEN, by removing the EN-US language Windows removed the EN-US voices as well.

Aaaaniway, this was my "Italian-only" status:

This is what i have in the "voices" dropbox:

(dunno why Zira's still there)

Anyway, EDDI lists the same voices:

Fisrt weird thing, EDDI speak "Cosimo" with the "Elsa" voice. Not that it bother me a lot, but as an information it could be useful.

Second weird thing, these are the voices listed in the Windows setting:

These are all "remnants" of the previous installed voices (George and Hazel being EN-UK, i tried to install them a week ago to see what happened). The only working (using the "Voice preview" button) are Cosimo, Elsa and Zira.
I know this is a Windows problem, but still i put here as a maybe-useful information.

Now i closed EDDI, and using that "+" button to add voices i added both EN-US and EN-UK:

After closing and reopen that window (as per the yellow instruction) all the previous listed voices worked.

Opened EDDI again, the voices are there:

Now: for this screen i tried ALL the voices using the "test voice" button, and Elsa and Cosimo did'nt make any sounds.
This is the log when i tried Elsa:
2022-11-07T15:48:02 [Warning] WindowsMediaSynthesizer:WindowsMediaSpeechSynthesis Speech failed. Stripping IPA tags and re-trying.: {"voice":{"name":"Microsoft Elsa","gender":"Female","culturecode":"it-IT","synthType":"SpeechSynthesis","cultureinvariantname":"Italian (Italy)","culturename":"italiano (Italia)","Culture":"it-IT"},"speech":"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><speak version=\"1.0\" xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\" xsi:schemaLocation=\"\" xml:lang=\"it-IT\"><lexicon uri=\"C:\\Users\\%USERNAME%\\AppData\\Roaming\\EDDI\\lexicons\\it-it.pls\" type=\"application/pls+xml\"/>Ecco come suonerò nel tuo Adder.</speak>","exception":{"ClassName":"System.AggregateException","Message":"Si sono verificati uno o più errori.","Data":null,"InnerException":{"ClassName":"System.Exception","Message":"Impossibile trovare il testo associato a questo codice di errore.\r\n\r\nInternal Speech Error.","Data":{"RestrictedDescription":"Internal Speech Error.","RestrictedErrorReference":null,"RestrictedCapabilitySid":null,"__RestrictedErrorObject":{"RealErrorObject":{}},"__HasRestrictedLanguageErrorObject":false},"InnerException":null,"HelpURL":null,"StackTraceString":null,"RemoteStackTraceString":null,"RemoteStackIndex":0,"ExceptionMethod":null,"HResult":-2147199584,"Source":"","WatsonBuckets":null},"HelpURL":null,"StackTraceString":"   in System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ThrowIfExceptional(Boolean includeTaskCanceledExceptions)\r\n   in System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.GetResultCore(Boolean waitCompletionNotification)\r\n   in System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.get_Result()\r\n   in EddiSpeechService.SpeechSynthesizers.WindowsMediaSynthesizer.<>c__DisplayClass6_0.<WindowsMediaSpeechSynthesis>b__0()","RemoteStackTraceString":null,"RemoteStackIndex":0,"ExceptionMethod":"8\nThrowIfExceptional\nmscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089\nSystem.Threading.Tasks.Task\nVoid ThrowIfExceptional(Boolean)","HResult":-2146233088,"Source":"mscorlib","WatsonBuckets":null,"InnerExceptions":[{"ClassName":"System.Exception","Message":"Impossibile trovare il testo associato a questo codice di errore.\r\n\r\nInternal Speech Error.","Data":{"RestrictedDescription":"Internal Speech Error.","RestrictedErrorReference":null,"RestrictedCapabilitySid":null,"__RestrictedErrorObject":{"RealErrorObject":{}},"__HasRestrictedLanguageErrorObject":false},"InnerException":null,"HelpURL":null,"StackTraceString":null,"RemoteStackTraceString":null,"RemoteStackIndex":0,"ExceptionMethod":null,"HResult":-2147199584,"Source":"","WatsonBuckets":null}]}}
2022-11-07T15:48:02 [Warning] WindowsMediaSynthesizer:WindowsMediaSpeechSynthesis Speech failed
2022-11-07T15:48:02 [Warning] SpeechService:getSpeechStream Speech failed (Europa occidentale (Windows)): {"ClassName":"System.ArgumentNullException","Message":"Il valore non può essere null.","Data":null,"InnerException":null,"HelpURL":null,"StackTraceString":"   in System.IO.WindowsRuntimeStreamExtensions.AsStreamInternal(Object windowsRuntimeStream, Int32 bufferSize, String invokedMethodName, Boolean forceBufferSize)\r\n   in System.IO.WindowsRuntimeStreamExtensions.AsStreamForRead(IInputStream windowsRuntimeStream)\r\n   in EddiSpeechService.SpeechSynthesizers.WindowsMediaSynthesizer.Speak(VoiceDetails voiceDetails, String speech, SpeechServiceConfiguration Configuration)\r\n   in EddiSpeechService.SpeechService.speak(VoiceDetails voiceDetails, String speech)\r\n   in EddiSpeechService.SpeechService.speak(String voice, String speech)\r\n   in EddiSpeechService.SpeechService.getSpeechStream(String voice, String speech)","RemoteStackTraceString":null,"RemoteStackIndex":0,"ExceptionMethod":"8\nAsStreamInternal\nSystem.Runtime.WindowsRuntime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089\nSystem.IO.WindowsRuntimeStreamExtensions\nSystem.IO.Stream AsStreamInternal(System.Object, Int32, System.String, Boolean)","HResult":-2147467261,"Source":"System.Runtime.WindowsRuntime","WatsonBuckets":null,"ParamName":"windowsRuntimeStream"}

Then i tried my "voice test" script:
{Voice("Fabio.", "Fabio")}
{Voice("Giulia.", "Giulia")}
{Voice("Giorgio.", "IVONA 2 Giorgio")}
{Voice("Luca.", "Luca")}
{Voice("Marcello.", "Marcello")}
{Voice("Cosimo.", "Microsoft Cosimo")}
{Voice("Elsa.", "Microsoft Elsa")}
{Voice("Paola.", "Paola")}
{Voice("Roberto.", "Roberto")}
Passiamo all'inglese.
{Voice("this is a test.", "Microsoft Zira Desktop")}
{Voice("this is a test.", "Microsoft David")}
{Voice("this is a test.", "Microsoft George")}
{Voice("this is a test.", "Microsoft Hazel")}
{Voice("this is a test.", "Microsoft Mark")}
{Voice("this is a test.", "Microsoft Susan")}
{Voice("this is a test.", "Microsoft Zira")}
ALL VOICES before David worked (Zira Desktop throws "the voice function is used improperly") and then silence, whit this error in the log:
2022-11-07T15:51:26 [Warning] SystemSpeechSynthesizer:SystemSpeechSynthesis Speech failed. Stripping IPA tags and re-trying.: {"voice":{"name":"Fabio","gender":"Male","culturecode":"it-IT","synthType":"Synthesis","cultureinvariantname":"Italian (Italy)","culturename":"italiano (Italia)","Culture":"it-IT"},"speech":"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><speak version=\"1.0\" xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\" xsi:schemaLocation=\"\" xml:lang=\"it-IT\"><lexicon uri=\"C:\\Users\\%USERNAME%\\AppData\\Roaming\\EDDI\\lexicons\\it-it.pls\" type=\"application/pls+xml\"/><voice name=\"Microsoft David\" xml:lang=\"en-US\">this is a test.</voice></speak>","exception":{"ClassName":"System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException","Message":"Eccezione da HRESULT: 0x80045087","Data":null,"InnerException":null,"HelpURL":null,"StackTraceString":"   in System.Speech.Internal.Synthesis.VoiceSynthesis.Speak(Prompt prompt)\r\n   in System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer.Speak(Prompt prompt)\r\n   in EddiSpeechService.SpeechSynthesizers.SystemSpeechSynthesizer.<>c__DisplayClass6_0.<SystemSpeechSynthesis>b__0()","RemoteStackTraceString":null,"RemoteStackIndex":0,"ExceptionMethod":"8\nSpeak\nSystem.Speech, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35\nSystem.Speech.Internal.Synthesis.VoiceSynthesis\nVoid Speak(System.Speech.Synthesis.Prompt)","HResult":-2147200889,"Source":"System.Speech","WatsonBuckets":null}}
2022-11-07T15:51:26 [Warning] SystemSpeechSynthesizer:SystemSpeechSynthesis Speech failed: : {"ClassName":"System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException","Message":"Eccezione da HRESULT: 0x80045087","Data":null,"InnerException":null,"HelpURL":null,"StackTraceString":"   in System.Speech.Internal.Synthesis.VoiceSynthesis.Speak(Prompt prompt)\r\n   in System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer.Speak(Prompt prompt)\r\n   in EddiSpeechService.SpeechSynthesizers.SystemSpeechSynthesizer.<>c__DisplayClass6_0.<SystemSpeechSynthesis>b__0()","RemoteStackTraceString":null,"RemoteStackIndex":0,"ExceptionMethod":"8\nSpeak\nSystem.Speech, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35\nSystem.Speech.Internal.Synthesis.VoiceSynthesis\nVoid Speak(System.Speech.Synthesis.Prompt)","HResult":-2147200889,"Source":"System.Speech","WatsonBuckets":null}
2022-11-07T15:51:26 [Info] SystemSpeechSynthesizer:SystemSpeechSynthesis Speech failed

What should i look for? EDDI has a different behaviour from the Voice assistant and the Speech Synthesis. Why so?
Also: if i had a lot of script using Zira Desktop, why should i edit them all if, for whatever reason, i then install "Zira"?
I'm sorry to bother you all again, but i'm still bashing my head on this.
Now, as i have free time thanks to my second COVID positivity ( :rolleyes: ), i devoted the whole day to this.

First, i've removed ANY other language installed on my PC, so Windows now just has "Italian" as available language.
Fun fact, the "remove" button in the EN-US voices was grayed, so i had to install EN-US in the "preferred language", restart, and ONLY THEN, by removing the EN-US language Windows removed the EN-US voices as well.

Aaaaniway, this was my "Italian-only" status:
View attachment 331258
This is what i have in the "voices" dropbox:
View attachment 331257
(dunno why Zira's still there)

Anyway, EDDI lists the same voices:
View attachment 331260

Fisrt weird thing, EDDI speak "Cosimo" with the "Elsa" voice. Not that it bother me a lot, but as an information it could be useful.

Second weird thing, these are the voices listed in the Windows setting:
View attachment 331264
These are all "remnants" of the previous installed voices (George and Hazel being EN-UK, i tried to install them a week ago to see what happened). The only working (using the "Voice preview" button) are Cosimo, Elsa and Zira.
I know this is a Windows problem, but still i put here as a maybe-useful information.

Now i closed EDDI, and using that "+" button to add voices i added both EN-US and EN-UK:
View attachment 331268
After closing and reopen that window (as per the yellow instruction) all the previous listed voices worked.

Opened EDDI again, the voices are there:
View attachment 331269

Now: for this screen i tried ALL the voices using the "test voice" button, and Elsa and Cosimo did'nt make any sounds.
This is the log when i tried Elsa:
2022-11-07T15:48:02 [Warning] WindowsMediaSynthesizer:WindowsMediaSpeechSynthesis Speech failed. Stripping IPA tags and re-trying.: {"voice":{"name":"Microsoft Elsa","gender":"Female","culturecode":"it-IT","synthType":"SpeechSynthesis","cultureinvariantname":"Italian (Italy)","culturename":"italiano (Italia)","Culture":"it-IT"},"speech":"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><speak version=\"1.0\" xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\" xsi:schemaLocation=\"\" xml:lang=\"it-IT\"><lexicon uri=\"C:\\Users\\%USERNAME%\\AppData\\Roaming\\EDDI\\lexicons\\it-it.pls\" type=\"application/pls+xml\"/>Ecco come suonerò nel tuo Adder.</speak>","exception":{"ClassName":"System.AggregateException","Message":"Si sono verificati uno o più errori.","Data":null,"InnerException":{"ClassName":"System.Exception","Message":"Impossibile trovare il testo associato a questo codice di errore.\r\n\r\nInternal Speech Error.","Data":{"RestrictedDescription":"Internal Speech Error.","RestrictedErrorReference":null,"RestrictedCapabilitySid":null,"__RestrictedErrorObject":{"RealErrorObject":{}},"__HasRestrictedLanguageErrorObject":false},"InnerException":null,"HelpURL":null,"StackTraceString":null,"RemoteStackTraceString":null,"RemoteStackIndex":0,"ExceptionMethod":null,"HResult":-2147199584,"Source":"","WatsonBuckets":null},"HelpURL":null,"StackTraceString":"   in System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ThrowIfExceptional(Boolean includeTaskCanceledExceptions)\r\n   in System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.GetResultCore(Boolean waitCompletionNotification)\r\n   in System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.get_Result()\r\n   in EddiSpeechService.SpeechSynthesizers.WindowsMediaSynthesizer.<>c__DisplayClass6_0.<WindowsMediaSpeechSynthesis>b__0()","RemoteStackTraceString":null,"RemoteStackIndex":0,"ExceptionMethod":"8\nThrowIfExceptional\nmscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089\nSystem.Threading.Tasks.Task\nVoid ThrowIfExceptional(Boolean)","HResult":-2146233088,"Source":"mscorlib","WatsonBuckets":null,"InnerExceptions":[{"ClassName":"System.Exception","Message":"Impossibile trovare il testo associato a questo codice di errore.\r\n\r\nInternal Speech Error.","Data":{"RestrictedDescription":"Internal Speech Error.","RestrictedErrorReference":null,"RestrictedCapabilitySid":null,"__RestrictedErrorObject":{"RealErrorObject":{}},"__HasRestrictedLanguageErrorObject":false},"InnerException":null,"HelpURL":null,"StackTraceString":null,"RemoteStackTraceString":null,"RemoteStackIndex":0,"ExceptionMethod":null,"HResult":-2147199584,"Source":"","WatsonBuckets":null}]}}
2022-11-07T15:48:02 [Warning] WindowsMediaSynthesizer:WindowsMediaSpeechSynthesis Speech failed
2022-11-07T15:48:02 [Warning] SpeechService:getSpeechStream Speech failed (Europa occidentale (Windows)): {"ClassName":"System.ArgumentNullException","Message":"Il valore non può essere null.","Data":null,"InnerException":null,"HelpURL":null,"StackTraceString":"   in System.IO.WindowsRuntimeStreamExtensions.AsStreamInternal(Object windowsRuntimeStream, Int32 bufferSize, String invokedMethodName, Boolean forceBufferSize)\r\n   in System.IO.WindowsRuntimeStreamExtensions.AsStreamForRead(IInputStream windowsRuntimeStream)\r\n   in EddiSpeechService.SpeechSynthesizers.WindowsMediaSynthesizer.Speak(VoiceDetails voiceDetails, String speech, SpeechServiceConfiguration Configuration)\r\n   in EddiSpeechService.SpeechService.speak(VoiceDetails voiceDetails, String speech)\r\n   in EddiSpeechService.SpeechService.speak(String voice, String speech)\r\n   in EddiSpeechService.SpeechService.getSpeechStream(String voice, String speech)","RemoteStackTraceString":null,"RemoteStackIndex":0,"ExceptionMethod":"8\nAsStreamInternal\nSystem.Runtime.WindowsRuntime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089\nSystem.IO.WindowsRuntimeStreamExtensions\nSystem.IO.Stream AsStreamInternal(System.Object, Int32, System.String, Boolean)","HResult":-2147467261,"Source":"System.Runtime.WindowsRuntime","WatsonBuckets":null,"ParamName":"windowsRuntimeStream"}

Then i tried my "voice test" script:
{Voice("Fabio.", "Fabio")}
{Voice("Giulia.", "Giulia")}
{Voice("Giorgio.", "IVONA 2 Giorgio")}
{Voice("Luca.", "Luca")}
{Voice("Marcello.", "Marcello")}
{Voice("Cosimo.", "Microsoft Cosimo")}
{Voice("Elsa.", "Microsoft Elsa")}
{Voice("Paola.", "Paola")}
{Voice("Roberto.", "Roberto")}
Passiamo all'inglese.
{Voice("this is a test.", "Microsoft Zira Desktop")}
{Voice("this is a test.", "Microsoft David")}
{Voice("this is a test.", "Microsoft George")}
{Voice("this is a test.", "Microsoft Hazel")}
{Voice("this is a test.", "Microsoft Mark")}
{Voice("this is a test.", "Microsoft Susan")}
{Voice("this is a test.", "Microsoft Zira")}
ALL VOICES before David worked (Zira Desktop throws "the voice function is used improperly") and then silence, whit this error in the log:
2022-11-07T15:51:26 [Warning] SystemSpeechSynthesizer:SystemSpeechSynthesis Speech failed. Stripping IPA tags and re-trying.: {"voice":{"name":"Fabio","gender":"Male","culturecode":"it-IT","synthType":"Synthesis","cultureinvariantname":"Italian (Italy)","culturename":"italiano (Italia)","Culture":"it-IT"},"speech":"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><speak version=\"1.0\" xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\" xsi:schemaLocation=\"\" xml:lang=\"it-IT\"><lexicon uri=\"C:\\Users\\%USERNAME%\\AppData\\Roaming\\EDDI\\lexicons\\it-it.pls\" type=\"application/pls+xml\"/><voice name=\"Microsoft David\" xml:lang=\"en-US\">this is a test.</voice></speak>","exception":{"ClassName":"System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException","Message":"Eccezione da HRESULT: 0x80045087","Data":null,"InnerException":null,"HelpURL":null,"StackTraceString":"   in System.Speech.Internal.Synthesis.VoiceSynthesis.Speak(Prompt prompt)\r\n   in System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer.Speak(Prompt prompt)\r\n   in EddiSpeechService.SpeechSynthesizers.SystemSpeechSynthesizer.<>c__DisplayClass6_0.<SystemSpeechSynthesis>b__0()","RemoteStackTraceString":null,"RemoteStackIndex":0,"ExceptionMethod":"8\nSpeak\nSystem.Speech, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35\nSystem.Speech.Internal.Synthesis.VoiceSynthesis\nVoid Speak(System.Speech.Synthesis.Prompt)","HResult":-2147200889,"Source":"System.Speech","WatsonBuckets":null}}
2022-11-07T15:51:26 [Warning] SystemSpeechSynthesizer:SystemSpeechSynthesis Speech failed: : {"ClassName":"System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException","Message":"Eccezione da HRESULT: 0x80045087","Data":null,"InnerException":null,"HelpURL":null,"StackTraceString":"   in System.Speech.Internal.Synthesis.VoiceSynthesis.Speak(Prompt prompt)\r\n   in System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer.Speak(Prompt prompt)\r\n   in EddiSpeechService.SpeechSynthesizers.SystemSpeechSynthesizer.<>c__DisplayClass6_0.<SystemSpeechSynthesis>b__0()","RemoteStackTraceString":null,"RemoteStackIndex":0,"ExceptionMethod":"8\nSpeak\nSystem.Speech, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35\nSystem.Speech.Internal.Synthesis.VoiceSynthesis\nVoid Speak(System.Speech.Synthesis.Prompt)","HResult":-2147200889,"Source":"System.Speech","WatsonBuckets":null}
2022-11-07T15:51:26 [Info] SystemSpeechSynthesizer:SystemSpeechSynthesis Speech failed

What should i look for? EDDI has a different behaviour from the Voice assistant and the Speech Synthesis. Why so?
Also: if i had a lot of script using Zira Desktop, why should i edit them all if, for whatever reason, i then install "Zira"?
I'm sorry but I do not see an obvious cause. You said that EDDI was working correctly on another computer you tested?
EDDI may fall back to default voice in some circumstances where the requested voice fails. In this case, it seems that "Cosimo" is failing and falling back to "Elsa".
The exception that is occurring is occurring deep within Windows systems. The exception message does not clearly identify any cause within EDDI's control.

As to your question "Also: if i had a lot of script using Zira Desktop, why should i edit them all if, for whatever reason, i then install "Zira"?"... this is a fair point. I will revise the code to allow legacy "Desktop" voices to be manually invoked even though they won't appear in the list.
I'm sorry but I do not see an obvious cause. You said that EDDI was working correctly on another computer you tested?
Yup. The PC in my office didn't had any issue. It just have the MS IT and EN-US voices, tho, and i've not installed (or uninstalled) any other one.

EDDI may fall back to default voice in some circumstances where the requested voice fails. In this case, it seems that "Cosimo" is failing and falling back to "Elsa".
The exception that is occurring is occurring deep within Windows systems. The exception message does not clearly identify any cause within EDDI's control.
I see. The only clue i think was important (and maybe i've not made it clear) is that the "Test voice" button in the Speech Synthesis page may succeed while the Voice function (using the same voice) fails, so they act differently and, within my ignorance, i'm curious about why it is so.

As to your question "Also: if i had a lot of script using Zira Desktop, why should i edit them all if, for whatever reason, i then install "Zira"?"... this is a fair point. I will revise the code to allow legacy "Desktop" voices to be manually invoked even though they won't appear in the list.
Thanks! :)
I see. The only clue i think was important (and maybe i've not made it clear) is that the "Test voice" button in the Speech Synthesis page may succeed while the Voice function (using the same voice) fails, so they act differently and, within my ignorance, i'm curious about why it is so.
That is curious. There are some differences between the Test Voice button and the Voice() function (for example, the Test Voice button does not need to pass through the Cottle speech rendering engine) but nothing jumps to mind that would offer an explanation for a difference in behavior like you are describing. I will have to ponder further.
If there's anything i can do, i'm trapped at home with COVID. So if you want debug logs, some tests, Shell scriptings or even weird and boring things like using ProcessMonitor to catch .... something , just ask.
Hi @T'kael , I've been looking around a bit on the EDDI page on github. Are you the only one still working/developing with EDDI?
I didn't find @Darkcyde and @VerticalBlank there and Hoodathunk is unfortunately no longer with us.
What I would like to say is, if you need help or simple work, please let me know. If I can help, I would be happy to do so.
Unfortunately I am not a programmer and have no idea about C#.

Greetings nepomuk
Hi @T'kael , I've been looking around a bit on the EDDI page on github. Are you the only one still working/developing with EDDI?
I didn't find @Darkcyde and @VerticalBlank there and Hoodathunk is unfortunately no longer with us.
What I would like to say is, if you need help or simple work, please let me know. If I can help, I would be happy to do so.
Unfortunately I am not a programmer and have no idea about C#.

Greetings nepomuk
I'm not officially a member of the team, just an (over) enthusiastic user who loves to help others with coding scripts. There was a time when I was a member of the Github page, but a couple of years ago the team cleared out people who were not core members. 😔 Still, I'd also love to help out, but like you, I'd need to learn C# first. That being said, I'm not too bad at programming in the languages I've used in the past: Cottle (EDDI), VBA (Excel), and the scripting language used by Rainmeter.

I did look into installing the C# dev environment on my PC a few weeks ago, but I don't have enough space on C: drive to do so (it needs a minimum of 4Gb free on C:, even if you want to install it on another drive!). I want to upgrade my aging PC with the new hardware coming out now (by that I mean build an entirely new PC), and then I intend to make sure I have more free space on C: than I do now. When that's done (or if I can find some way to clear 4Gb off my current PC), then I'm going to start C# up properly.

I love the challenge of making my ideas work, hence my EDDI personality. I'm also well aware that Cottle and VBA are much simpler languages, and that C# will be more difficult to learn, but one thing I'm sure of, is that when it comes to programming, I will keep going until I make it do exactly what I want, in as few lines of code as possible! 😁

Verticalblank doesn't seem to be around much recently, I'm sure real life has meant that he needed to step away from EDDI for a while. That does leave T'Kael as the only person really doing anything with EDDI at the moment, but I'm sure he'd be grateful of any help someone could provide, to kind of take the pressure off for a while at least. 😊 Although, anyone helping would really need to be somewhat good at C# first (maybe). 👍
That's more or less what I thought. Although there are quite a few people on the EDDI github site, @T'kael is the only one who is pushing EDDI forward.
Hmm, @T'kael would have to say how we "one-armed people" :ROFLMAO: could help him. I think colleague @Parduz would not be averse either, if his time permits.
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