... should be located here:Can anyone tell me where the personality.json file lives? I need to restore mine on a new machine.
,if the normal installation was used.
... should be located here:Can anyone tell me where the personality.json file lives? I need to restore mine on a new machine.
,Thanks for the suggestion. No change. Still fails.Hello @GJ51 , so that T'Kael doesn't get additional pressure (I think he still has some construction sites), you could exchange the variables for "event.stationtype".
Works pretty clean for me. It then looks like this:
Code:{_ Context } {SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'landing pad')} {SetState('eddi_context_landing_pad_system', system.name)} {SetState('eddi_context_landing_pad_station', event.station)} {SetState('eddi_context_landing_pad_station_model', event.stationtype)} {SetState('eddi_context_landing_pad_pad', event.landingpad)} {if event.stationtype = "Coriolis" || event.stationtype = "Orbis" || event.stationtype = "Bernal" || event.stationtype = "Ocellus" || event.stationtype = "AsteroidBase": {Pause(8000)} {F("Landing pad report")} |else: {Pause(8000)} Landing pad {event.landingpad} {OneOf('ready', 'assigned', 'allocated')} {Occasionally(4, cat(', ', F('Honorific') ))}. }
It's worth a try.![]()
{ "timestamp":"2023-04-18T19:01:44Z", "event":"DockingGranted", "LandingPad":11, "MarketID":3227299328, "StationName":"Cassidy Gateway", "StationType":"Coriolis" }
to announce the station, i.e. the type. If you enter this at the very beginning or at the very end of the script "Docking granted" as written above, the station should always be announced. Then you would know if the if-query works (but I think it will, EDDisc. has read out the station type too.Just as a test, create a test copy of the default personality, and replace the docking granted script with a copy of my one. I doubt there will be any difference, but you never know.Thanks for the suggestion. No change. Still fails.
{_ Context _}
{SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'landing pad')}
{SetState('eddi_context_landing_pad_system', system.systemname)}
{SetState('eddi_context_landing_pad_station', event.station)}
{SetState('eddi_context_landing_pad_station_model', event.stationtype)}
{SetState('eddi_context_landing_pad_pad', event.landingpad)}
{_ Check for a Docking Computer, and if it's enabled _}
{for compartment in ship.compartments:
{if find(compartment.module.invariantName, "Docking") > -1:
{set dockComp to true}
{if compartment.module.enabled:
{set dockCompOn to true}
{set station_type to event.stationDefinition.basename}
{set starports to ["AsteroidBase", "Bernal", "Coriolis", "CraterOutpost",
"CraterPort", "FleetCarrier", "Ocellus", "Orbis"]}
{set other_types to ["Mega-ship", "Megaship", "OnFootSettlement", "Outpost", "Settlement"]}
{if !dockComp || !dockCompOn:
{if find(starports, station_type) > -1:
{F("Landing pad report")}
{if find(other_types, station_type) = -1: {Pause(9000)} }
{Occasionally(2,"Landing")} Pad
{OneOf("{OneOf('has been made', 'is')} {OneOf('available', 'free', 'ready')}",
"{Occasionally(2, 'has been')} {OneOf('assigned', 'allocated')}")}
{OneOf("for {OneOf('landing', 'docking')}", "to {OneOf('use', 'dock at')}")}
{Occasionally(4, ", {F('Honorific')}")}.
{if dockComp && !dockCompOn:
Enable docking computer module to activate auto docking procedure.
{if find(starports, station_type) = -1 && find(other_types, station_type) = -1:
{_ Report other station types not yet listed _}
Station type: {station_type}.
{if find(other_types, station_type) = -1:
{set volume to "medium"}
{set volume to "default"}
{set notification to OneOf("Auto dock {OneOf('activated', 'engaged', 'in progress')}",
"Docking computer {OneOf('activated', 'engaged')}")}
{SpeechVolume(notification, volume)}.
Same result. EDDI acknowledges "DC engaged" but then never gives the Landing pad report. Loading VA with EDDI.vap allows me to request the landing pad report ( I wrote a reques command in the vap) and it responds but doesn't know the pad # and just omits the number when it responds. Seems to me that the pad # is not being read after the docking granted executes so it never triggers the landing pad report.Just as a test, create a test copy of the default personality, and replace the docking granted script with a copy of my one. I doubt there will be any difference, but you never know.
Note that I do have the volume set lower for large stations, so it doesn't talk over the in-game announcement.Code:{_ Context _} {SetState('eddi_context_last_subject', 'landing pad')} {SetState('eddi_context_landing_pad_system', system.systemname)} {SetState('eddi_context_landing_pad_station', event.station)} {SetState('eddi_context_landing_pad_station_model', event.stationtype)} {SetState('eddi_context_landing_pad_pad', event.landingpad)} {_ Check for a Docking Computer, and if it's enabled _} {for compartment in ship.compartments: {if find(compartment.module.invariantName, "Docking") > -1: {set dockComp to true} {if compartment.module.enabled: {set dockCompOn to true} } } } {set station_type to event.stationDefinition.basename} {set starports to ["AsteroidBase", "Bernal", "Coriolis", "CraterOutpost", "CraterPort", "FleetCarrier", "Ocellus", "Orbis"]} {set other_types to ["Mega-ship", "Megaship", "OnFootSettlement", "Outpost", "Settlement"]} {if !dockComp || !dockCompOn: {if find(starports, station_type) > -1: {Pause(13000)} {F("Landing pad report")} |else: {if find(other_types, station_type) = -1: {Pause(9000)} } {Pause(2000)} {Occasionally(2,"Landing")} Pad {event.landingpad} {OneOf("{OneOf('has been made', 'is')} {OneOf('available', 'free', 'ready')}", "{Occasionally(2, 'has been')} {OneOf('assigned', 'allocated')}")} {OneOf("for {OneOf('landing', 'docking')}", "to {OneOf('use', 'dock at')}")} {Occasionally(4, ", {F('Honorific')}")}. } {if dockComp && !dockCompOn: Enable docking computer module to activate auto docking procedure. } |else: {if find(starports, station_type) = -1 && find(other_types, station_type) = -1: {_ Report other station types not yet listed _} Station type: {station_type}. } {if find(other_types, station_type) = -1: {set volume to "medium"} |else: {set volume to "default"} } {Pause(2000)} {set notification to OneOf("Auto dock {OneOf('activated', 'engaged', 'in progress')}", "Docking computer {OneOf('activated', 'engaged')}")} {SpeechVolume(notification, volume)}. }
Oh, so EDDI does say that the docking computer is ready? You have a docking computer, and it is enabled? Then the landing pad report doesn't get spoken in that situation.Same result. EDDI acknowledges "DC engaged" but then never gives the Landing pad report. Loading VA with EDDI.vap allows me to request the landing pad report ( I wrote a reques command in the vap) and it responds but doesn't know the pad # and just omits the number when it responds. Seems to me that the pad # is not being read after the docking granted executes so it never triggers the landing pad report.
No idea why that's the case. I did a complete wipe of EDDI using Revo uninstaller and started fresh with a clean install yesterday.
I've tested multiple times multiple ways with both the default and a Test personality and still get inconsistent results. Sometimes starting a new session of ED I'll get a system report/sometimes no. never get the landing pad report. Sometimes triggers respond instantly - other times there's significant delay.
It feels like EDDI is not reading the ED logfile consistently, but I have no idea wht the would be as my other apps have no problem. I akso use Status display and EDDiscovery and log events pop up instantly. During my attempts to isolate my EDDI issue I don't load the other apps so I can rule out conflicts.
Totally lost here... Why does EDDI respond to some event triggers and then die or get delayed by others ???
EDIT: When I ask where the landing pad is I get a reply, "Not set." But the DC does put me down on the right pad.
Solves that part of the equation...Oh, so EDDI does say that the docking computer is ready? You have a docking computer, and it is enabled? Then the landing pad report doesn't get spoken in that situation.
Looking at the default code, if you have a docking computer and it is active (in the right hand panel), EDDI will only say that it's ready, and will not give a pad report. The pad report is ONLY given when you DON'T have a docking computer, or it is deactivated in the right panel.
normal installation. Copied in, but not being picked up by EDDI.... should be located here:c:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\EDDI\
if the normal installation was used.
Mine are innormal installation. Copied in, but not being picked up by EDDI.
Have copied default to a new name and can't see that either.
Yup. That did it. Cheers.Mine are inC:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Roaming\EDDI\personalities
Sorry @Stabby_Dave , I thought you were looking in the "EDDI" directory, then you would have seen the "personalities" folder.normal installation. Copied in, but not being picked up by EDDI.
Have copied default to a new name and can't see that either.
Anybody know if there's a way to stop EDDI from nagging to upgrade?
API connection is important! But there are some problems with it at the moment ... (e.g. reading out the Launchbay ...)
View attachment 353579
The announcement of the "launchbays" is not correct. · Issue #2530 · EDCD/EDDI
What's Wrong (please be as specific as possible) Smaller problem: The announcement of the "launchbays" is not correct. No changes of the "launchbays" are recognized. The hangars are detected correc...github.com