Release EDEngineer - an overlay to track your blueprint progress in realtime

Shame this only works in borderless, but if you want to do on foot gameplay borderless makes it way harder (ADS functionality goes very weird and semi unusable)
It seems EDE has lost track of materials totals. I have logged in/out. I have reloaded EDE. I have confirmed it is pointing to the correct folder and I have reviewed the journal.log file to see that it is updated. How do I get EDE back to reading the current totals and correctly displaying?
Hello there, EDE is giving me the wrong augments when importing shop list from coriolis, giving me PA instead of MC for example. Haven't cheched everything since you can't see all of it when there is too much but this one i did.
Hi all. It seems my EDEngineer has stopped updating correctly the materials for my CMDR. Is there a way to get it back in sync? I've logged out/in, and reloaded EDE. I've now uninstalled and redownloaded/einstalled EDEngineer and it isn't even seeing my CMDR when it loads. All values are zeroed. The target directory is correct.
Me too.Tryed all the same stuff.
Click on the gear wheel in the top right corner

At bottom - "Reload all data"

You might need to start ED and redo a time or two but it should sync.

Did for me

is this still being maintained? have added a couple of issues/pull requests and no response for a couple of months...
Wondering that myself.

Starting EDE randomly triggers re-installation recently after last ED update.

I can understand if there's a loss of interest in maintaining the program given the nutty things Fdev does.
Yeah this is the problem with any third party tool. As soon as the player loses interest in the game then the tool stops being maintained and gradually becomes degraded to the point of uselessness. I do believe that it is better to avoid the darn things completely and find your own way.
Yeah this is the problem with any third party tool. As soon as the player loses interest in the game then the tool stops being maintained and gradually becomes degraded to the point of uselessness. I do believe that it is better to avoid the darn things completely and find your own way.
It may have been due to a .NET update.

Still testing, but recently did a .NET update preview and it hasn't happened again - yet...

It's not a catastrophic fail. I like the layout, but I do have other resources to see the same information.

If it wasn't for the third party tools, I would have stopped playing ED long ago.
Seems windows update was the issue

Installing now - will know in 24 hours if that was the issue.

EDIT: Working properly so far. I'll wait one more day before declaring it fixed.
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Good news. I like the tool also. Doesn't change the issue though. Eventually the author will run out of steam. But gotta say - it has been brilliant so far so thanks mister author person.
Man, I hope this still works. After the update 18,19, ship, and pp rework announcement, I'm getting back to ED to see if they do it "right".
Any chance they will add the Sirius AX Missile Racks and the Azimuth AX Multi-cannons to Technology?

Or has development been abandoned?
The current release is a year old. The developer has a history of sporadic updates at his convenience.

It''s still a great program despite being a bit dated at this point.
we're still feeding updates into the code - its just sporadic releases tho.
Good to hear. I still like EDE and use it frequently when mats hunting.

BTW - the link to the installer on the OP is no longer valid.

It can be found here:

I can't get it to work, no matter what. I'm first getting log parsing errors, then finally it breaks with an unrecoverable program error. All while the main Window sits squarely in the middle of my screen and can't be moved and always sits in the foreground.
I can't get it to work, no matter what. I'm first getting log parsing errors, then finally it breaks with an unrecoverable program error. All while the main Window sits squarely in the middle of my screen and can't be moved and always sits in the foreground.

Top right corner gear wheel - click to open settings.

Toggle Window mode, etc,
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