EDO Stuttering


i´am looking for some hints to reduce my stuttering problems in EDO. I have checked the Internet on tips but found only the standard proposals like ,reinstall drivers, delete graphics config folder, check thermal throttling ... I do not have this problems in other games like MSFS2020 or X4.
My config is an Ryzen 5800X3D ond an B450 board with 32GB Crucial 3200Mhz Memory, Graphics is an 3060TI with 8GB VRam, EDO installed on an ADATA nvme SSD. I have capped the framerate at 60Hz in the driver settings and the game and most settings at max in 1440p resolution. The overall performace is good with 60fps and between 40-56fps in High Ground Combat Zones, but ist stutters from time to time mainly in Ground Combat Zones and on on Stations, never in space or on exploring planets. It feels a little like loading problems, but it runs on NVME SSD, maybe a VRAM loading shortage ?.
i´am looking on ingame config parameters to improve this, havn´t tried to much with all this combination. Maybe someone here has some insight on how this parameters influence the stuttering.
thx, Geronimo
From what I've read on these forums, my bet is on too low VRAM.
But hope the more knowledgeable folks will chime in soon (paging @Morbad )!
i have an evga kingpin 3090ti with 24 go
even if i play 1900x1080, i still have stuttering when entering the stations with my ship, 0 to 5 fps during 2 seconds, like hitting an invisible wall
i have an evga kingpin 3090ti with 24 go
even if i play 1900x1080, i still have stuttering when entering the stations with my ship, 0 to 5 fps during 2 seconds, like hitting an invisible wall
ah, thats very interesting. with this observation on stuttering with so much VRAM i have to look in a different direction. thanks for sharing, i thought such powerfull cards are free of stutters
First thing I would do is disable all frame rate caps/limiters and synchronization to see if that has any impact on the stutter. It's worth knowing if it does and you can go back and fix tearing later.

Texture, terrain, and galaxy map quality are about the only settings other than resolution that have a significant impact on VRAM use.

Anyway, some parts of EDO are going to stutter to some degree, especially when loading areas or when significant new assets spawn. This is pretty much unavoidable in surface CZs, though it should not be obtrusive with the right settings. Stations doing it is a little stranger, at least after their initial loading, unless you're connected to a lot of peers.
thx Morbad, ok worth a try to disable fps limits. have experimented a little with the shader, texture and terrain quality and was surprised that i observed zero impact on the fps and stuttering when lowering them. i found some other comments on reddit which implied that a general EDO engine problem with not much to improve but was surprised that i found little here on the frontier forum.
thanks for the help so far

I'm running a 3060 Ti with all the graphic settings completely maxed out and it runs just fine.

Every single thread I've seen these issues on has one thing in common: the Ryzen chipset.
ok, not much what i can do in this case, but whats wonders me is that EDO is the only game with this behaviour. with my setup i can run msfs2020 in 1440p and nvidia DLSS in DX12 with 40-55 fps smooth.
ok anyway thanks for stepping by and give your thoughts

I'm running a 3060 Ti with all the graphic settings completely maxed out and it runs just fine.

Every single thread I've seen these issues on has one thing in common: the Ryzen chipset.
my 3090ti is installed on an asus prime Z690 (with a i7-12700K and 32 go ram), my internet connexion is fiber (1 gigabit/s down / 0.5 up), is it the 26 ms internet latency causing the lag in entering the stations ?

i'll have to test in EDH3.8
my 3090ti is installed on an asus prime Z690 (with a i7-12700K and 32 go ram), my internet connexion is fiber (1 gigabit/s down / 0.5 up), is it the 26 ms internet latency causing the lag in entering the stations ?

i'll have to test in EDH3.8
Same processor, MSI Z690A Pro motherboard, Samsung Z980 NVMe SSD, 32 gigs 3200 ram, 500 mbps connection, EVGA 3060 Ti, Windows 11, zero problems.

It must be something in your settings.
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ok, not much what i can do in this case, but whats wonders me is that EDO is the only game with this behaviour.

Can you get a frametime graph of this behavior?

Being able to actually quantify it will help reveal if it's fixable or not.

Same processor, MSI Z690A motherboard, 32 gigs 3200 ram, 500 mbps connection, EVGA 3060 Ti, Windows 11, zero problems.
I'm running a 3060 Ti with all the graphic settings completely maxed out and it runs just fine.

This likely says more about your perceptions than the game or the hardware.

Every single thread I've seen these issues on has one thing in common: the Ryzen chipset.

I've compared plenty of AMD and Intel setups in this game and I'm extremely doubtful of any Ryzen specific issue with EDO.

is it the 26 ms internet latency causing the lag in entering the stations ?

so, i did 4 Taygeta/Electra runs,
1 in EDH3.8
1 in EDH4.0
1 in EDO
1 in EDH4 with Steam Overlay enabled

only a very small and short stuterring in all cases (almost invisible, contrary of yesterday runs...)

i usually play in the evenings, so maybe at the moment, there are less players et more free cpu on the serveurs ???
i don't know
That shouldn't matter.

What are you running your super sampling at?
i didn't change my settings since yesterday :
texture quality high
texture filter anisotropic x16
anti-aliasing SMAA
supersampling x1.0
upscalling normal
model draw distance at 80%
terrain work at 0 (don't know if it applies to entering station)
OK, here's a shot of all of my settings stitched together. Compare them to yours.

I never drop below 70 FPS and my card hardly works up a sweat, so I don't see how it's possible that yours is.

thanks for sharing your settings
mine are often lower because sometimes i play in 4K (ou in VR with a HP Reverb G2...)

but as i said, yesterday evening i saw stuterring entering at each station and none a few minutes ago, with the same settings, go figure...
thanks for sharing your settings
mine are often lower because sometimes i play in 4K (ou in VR with a HP Reverb G2...)

but as i said, yesterday evening i saw stuterring entering at each station and none a few minutes ago, with the same settings, go figure...
Never set shaders lower. When you do that it makes the card actually work harder than it should. It goes more to software than hardware rendering and will give you fits.

I actually ran Odyssey on Ultra with my old GTX 960 and it ran fine and only dropped down when entering stations and on ground missions. It would drop to 25 to 35 FPS. But in space even the old 960 was rock solid at 70 FPS with the same settings.
Can you get a frametime graph of this behavior?
Hi Morbad,
here are my frametimes and fps running a circle in the upper deck of a coriolis spaceport



forgot to mention that i have hwinfo64 and the RivaTunerStatistics server running in the background. CapFrameX looks like it has disabled this during the capture and it was running smooth this time. maybe the combination of hwinfo64 and RivaTunerStatistics running in the background to monitor temps and powerusage are generating this stutters. will disable all checking processes next time i play to verify.
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