EDO Stuttering

And here it is going into the station. The power cranks up and it doesn't drop a single frame.


No utilities, no tweeking, no overclocking, no nothing required.
i have an evga kingpin 3090ti with 24 go
even if i play 1900x1080, i still have stuttering when entering the stations with my ship, 0 to 5 fps during 2 seconds, like hitting an invisible wall
I think that's probably a CPU/memory issue. I used to have the same with my 2600k and 1660Ti (at 1080p). After upgrading to a 12900k and keeping the 1660Ti I no longer have any FPS drops (locked at 60 fps) when entering the stations, but I do see the GPU usage go up. For some reason that's one of the absolutely hardest part for the game to render. I theorize that it's because the game has to load a lot of resources.
Hi Morbad,
here are my frametimes and fps running a circle in the upper deck of a coriolis spaceport

View attachment 331581
View attachment 331582

forgot to mention that i have hwinfo64 and the RivaTunerStatistics server running in the background. CapFrameX looks like it has disabled this during the capture and it was running smooth this time. maybe the combination of hwinfo64 and RivaTunerStatistics running in the background to monitor temps and powerusage are generating this stutters. will disable all checking processes next time i play to verify.

CapFrameX will open RTSS as that's what it uses to display it's overlay.

Anyway, I started the game, got out of my ship, took the elevator to starport concourse (also a corriolis) ran up to the second level, started the capframeX capture, and did two laps around the catwalk area, then ran to the bar and ended the capture:

Definitely seeing frametime spikes, which is pretty typical (especially when running monitoring applications), in my experience, but the only perceptible stutter (due to my having a faster GPU and more of a frametime buffer) was near the end, when it appeared that the final LODs for the NPCs near the bar loaded in, which only lasted a twentieth of a second.

I also recorded a video earlier with the CapFrameX overlay graph running to try to identify any stutter where it wouldn't be expected:
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8z-E-UM3xI

Loading screens aside, the only weirdness I saw when traveling to a large surface port and back to the coriolis station was in the hangar of the surface port.

It should also be noted that larger Odyssey specific settlements will have much more severe issues, due to the assets themselves.

Anyway, it might be worth seeing what the graph looks like at 1080p, and/or with hardware accelerated GPU scheduling disabled.

And here it is going into the station. The power cranks up and it doesn't drop a single frame.

View attachment 331583

No utilities, no tweeking, no overclocking, no nothing required.

Looks good, though it's also 1080p. OP is trying to do 1440p ultra, which might be a bit much for a 3060 Ti.

ok, beginners fault. played again a ground conflict zone with all this background hw-monitor overlays and apps disabled. my stutterings have gone beside the understandable ones e.g. initial loading of starport interieurs.

HWiNFO is generally much harsher than CapFrameX in this regard.
only stutter i get is from entering the walk to/from elevators sections, it seems to happen when you start to get near the entrance/exit .i have main high/utra settings set by ge force settings, on a RTX 2060 (6gb) and a ryzen 5 4500 (3.8).
I think that's probably a CPU/memory issue. I used to have the same with my 2600k and 1660Ti (at 1080p). After upgrading to a 12900k and keeping the 1660Ti I no longer have any FPS drops (locked at 60 fps) when entering the stations, but I do see the GPU usage go up. For some reason that's one of the absolutely hardest part for the game to render. I theorize that it's because the game has to load a lot of resources.
yes, i "hear" a gpu load increase when landing inside the station (much complex geometry than deep space)

i always forgot to watch cpu %
actually, i thought a 12700k might be enough, maybe i was wrong, will look into that
i hope ED is not running in E-cores sometimes :)

thanks for the info (and sorry for my bad english)
it not the system what causing the problems, the system are fine all around, the last time there was a stuttering thread was due to the ground cz when people entered the base units (pwr plants....) and thinks like fire and windows were causing a massive lag in the game due to poor shader/rendering programming.

i still have some quirky textures malfunctions to this day, but they usually sort themselves out! when i first start up the game
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yes, i "hear" a gpu load increase when landing inside the station (much complex geometry than deep space)

i always forgot to watch cpu %
actually, i thought a 12700k might be enough, maybe i was wrong, will look into that
i hope ED is not running in E-cores sometimes :)

thanks for the info (and sorry for my bad english)
I don't know, I think a 12700k ought to be more than enough!

I didn't properly read what kind of CPU you were using. Still I found it interesting that the frame drops entering a startport went away when I upgraded CPU/RAM/MB while keeping the relatively weak 1660Ti. So I don't think it's entirely down to the GPU used unless it's very old.
One problem is that it's hard measuring CPU performance. It all depends on how multithreaded the program is and how well it can utilize the various CPUs. Most benchmarking only shows an aggregate number for the entire CPU while a program could still be CPU bound as it has one thread that is running at max speed while the other threads are waiting.
Aggregate CPU performance is never the issue, even in completely CPU bound scenarios, unless the CPU has a very low core-core or is ancient. If you're limited by a few threads or the time it takes the CPU to access memory, that's still a problem at the CPU/platform level, even if the total CPU utilization is extremely low.
forgot to say, i run ED in MS-Wonders 11

but as i said previously, this afternoon, only drops to 47 fps when entering the stations, noticeable, but acceptable

yesterday evening, drops to 0-7 fps, entering same station, same ship, same mode (solo)
forgot to say, i run ED in MS-Wonders 11

but as i said previously, this afternoon, only drops to 47 fps when entering the stations, noticeable, but acceptable

yesterday evening, drops to 0-7 fps, entering same station, same ship, same mode (solo)
Urgh, such occasional drops in fps with that hardware would (IMO) point to some software problem and not a hardware problem at all. I have noticed that sometimes an instance consumes more GPU resources than normal, but usually a new instance or a relog to main fixes that issue. Some bug in ED that occasionally occurs.
HWiNFO is generally much harsher than CapFrameX in this regard.
yes, thats true, probably because of this 1000+ values hwinfo is processing. monitoring with CapFrameX is much smoother and does not noticeble influence my frametimes. i agree 1440p resolution is probably a bit much for complex situations in EDO (ground combat zones) but in general ok if you can live with 60fps. a little wondering on Pralines experience with such a powerfull machine ?, hopefully he can get some hints out of this thread. i run also windows 11 22H2 with latest patches from today and resetted nvidia driver settings while installing the latest drivers without geforce experience.
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