Release EDSY - The ship outfitting tool formerly known as E:D Shipyard; reimagined, redesigned, reborn

I'm exploring how ship heat works, and was a bit puzzled by the fact that this equation uses 'heatdismax', since I had sort-of expected that 'heatdismin' might be playing a role for idle temperatures (not sure that makes sense now that I think of it though!).
However, reviewing the EDSY code it appears that heatdismin is never used in any of the calculations, and since there isn't even a fixed ratio between the min and max dissipation I'm forced to conclude that the minimum dissipation is bogus/meaningless data, given that EDSY does such a good job of predicting ship temperatures without recourse to it. I found a hint in the heat mechanics thread that the dissipation info came from FD somehow but I didn't actually find a source for it.
Is there any meaning at all to heatdismin?
IIRC from my heat mechanics testing, which was (...checks notes...) five years ago now so my memory is foggy, 'heatdismax' and 'heatdismin' are misleadingly named because they aren't used in analogous ways; 'heatdismax' is the maximum rate at which the hull can dissipate heat (which it reaches when it is at 66% heat level), but 'heatdismin' is actually a heat level (measured not as a percentage but in arbitrary "heat units", just like the hull's heat capacity) below which the hull will still dissipate heat at a rate as if it were at that heat level, so that it never gets all the way down to 0 dissipation even at 0 heat level.

But in practice that minimum threshold is so low that it basically never matters; a ship with absolutely everything disabled will generate 0 heat and thus cool down to 0% heat level, but a ship with even a single very low power module enabled will generate enough heat to reach equilibrium higher than that minimum level anyway. At least that's my fuzzy recollection.
Updated to v3.8.14.14:
  • redirected station search links to Inara in build and retrofitting export popups (farewell themroc!)
  • added one decimal precision to heat level stats, with additional precision on mouseover
  • updated some Enhanced AX MC stats based on further testing by AXI
Apologies in advance; I'm sure the answer is in a post somewhere but I could not find it. When I start a new browser session and import a ship from EDMC, EDSY seems to start a new session as well, and all my other saved ships are not listed. How can I make sure adding a ship to my EDSY adds it to my other ships instead of creating a new instance of EDSY.
Apologies in advance; I'm sure the answer is in a post somewhere but I could not find it. When I start a new browser session and import a ship from EDMC, EDSY seems to start a new session as well, and all my other saved ships are not listed. How can I make sure adding a ship to my EDSY adds it to my other ships instead of creating a new instance of EDSY.
As it works for me (I can see all my saved ships & modules when I click on the ship in EDMC), I guess this is something specific to the browser you are using or the way it is set up.
Possible reasons:
  • the browser starts with a different user profile than the one you are normally using with EDSY
  • the browser starts in private mode
What browser it is, anyway?
It's Firefox. I figured out what I was doing wrong. After clicking on a ship in EDMC there's a window with the ship name, etc. I wasn't clicking OK. It's what I get for NOT READING.
Bearing in mind I am a moron, and also been using Coriolis until recently, and ALSO using a Mac for most non-gaming stuff, but...

How the #$%#$ can you generate a shortcode on here to share a build?
Hey mate. I don't think I've ever mentioned it before, but thank you so much for EDSY. It's great.

Sadly, exporting builds to EDOMH currently CTDs my web browser (Vivaldi). Works just fine on Firefox though. Have you heard anything about this before? It started happening with the U15 drop.
Hey mate. I don't think I've ever mentioned it before, but thank you so much for EDSY. It's great.

Sadly, exporting builds to EDOMH currently CTDs my web browser (Vivaldi). Works just fine on Firefox though. Have you heard anything about this before? It started happening with the U15 drop.
Huh, that's... interesting. Been awhile since I heard of a web browser completely crashing for anything, they're pretty compartmentalized these days.

Vivaldi is Chromium-based, but I take it you don't have the same problem in Chrome? My first guess is that Vivaldi dislikes the custom URL protocol that EDOMH uses for exports (edomh://) and is failing to pass it on to the system-wide protocol handlers where EDOMH is registered. One thing you could try is copying the URL from the EDOMH export button (which is actually a link, just styled to look like a button), paste it into some other app (like Word), and then click on it there to see if the system launches EDOMH to handle it.
Hi @taleden ,⁠
in case it helps, here are JSON loadout extracts of the pre-engineered Enhanced AX Multi-Cannons:
      "Slot": "LargeHardpoint2",
      "Item": "hpt_atmulticannon_gimbal_large",
      "On": true,
      "Priority": 2,
      "AmmoInClip": 100,
      "AmmoInHopper": 2100,
      "Engineering": {
        "EngineerID": 399999,
        "BlueprintID": 129028578,
        "BlueprintName": "Weapon_Overcharged",
        "Level": 5,
        "Quality": 1.0,
        "ExperimentalEffect": "special_auto_loader",
        "ExperimentalEffect_Localised": "Auto Loader",
        "Modifiers": [
            "Label": "PowerDraw",
            "Value": 1.12,
            "OriginalValue": 0.64,
            "LessIsGood": 1
            "Label": "DamagePerSecond",
            "Value": 16.710295,
            "OriginalValue": 15.191176,
            "LessIsGood": 0
            "Label": "Damage",
            "Value": 2.84075,
            "OriginalValue": 2.5825,
            "LessIsGood": 0
            "Label": "ThermalLoad",
            "Value": 1.12,
            "OriginalValue": 0.28,
            "LessIsGood": 1
      "Slot": "MediumHardpoint4",
      "Item": "hpt_atmulticannon_gimbal_medium",
      "On": true,
      "Priority": 2,
      "AmmoInClip": 100,
      "AmmoInHopper": 2100,
      "Engineering": {
        "EngineerID": 399999,
        "BlueprintID": 129028578,
        "BlueprintName": "Weapon_Overcharged",
        "Level": 5,
        "Quality": 1.0,
        "ExperimentalEffect": "special_auto_loader",
        "ExperimentalEffect_Localised": "Auto Loader",
        "Modifiers": [
            "Label": "PowerDraw",
            "Value": 0.805,
            "OriginalValue": 0.46,
            "LessIsGood": 1
            "Label": "DamagePerSecond",
            "Value": 10.520714,
            "OriginalValue": 9.564285,
            "LessIsGood": 0
            "Label": "Damage",
            "Value": 1.4729,
            "OriginalValue": 1.339,
            "LessIsGood": 0
            "Label": "ThermalLoad",
            "Value": 0.72,
            "OriginalValue": 0.18,
            "LessIsGood": 1
And this is how their specs look like in-game:
(Their modification is listed as “Overcharged Weapon”, by the way.)

And the recently added Sub-surface Extraction Missiles’ specs look like in the systems panel:

and the modules look like this in the JSON:
      "Slot": "MediumHardpoint3",
      "Item": "hpt_human_extraction_fixed_medium",
      "On": true,
      "Priority": 4,
      "AmmoInClip": 1,
      "AmmoInHopper": 96
I am very sorry but how can I import my ships into EDSY? I don't see any Import button. I don't speak or write english very well☹️
There is no direct way from the game into EDSY as far as I know. Well there is, but it doesn't work for me. In the EDSY GUI there is a button labeled "OPS", there you can find the import function. It says it is able to import from the Frontier API, but all I get is an error message (authorization attempt failed).

I know of two ways to get a ship into EDSY; the first one is from Inara. This means you have to sync your CMDR data to Inara in some way, and if you do, you can go to your hangar page, select a ship and click on "export to EDSY".

The other way is with EDMC. EDMC shows the ship you're currently in, and if you click on the ship name, EDMC opens the ship in the shipyard you selected in the options (Coriolis or EDSY). EDMC is also my tool of choice to sync my CMDR with Inara.
There is no direct way from the game into EDSY as far as I know. Well there is, but it doesn't work for me. In the EDSY GUI there is a button labeled "OPS", there you can find the import function. It says it is able to import from the Frontier API, but all I get is an error message (authorization attempt failed).

I know of two ways to get a ship into EDSY; the first one is from Inara. This means you have to sync your CMDR data to Inara in some way, and if you do, you can go to your hangar page, select a ship and click on "export to EDSY".

The other way is with EDMC. EDMC shows the ship you're currently in, and if you click on the ship name, EDMC opens the ship in the shipyard you selected in the options (Coriolis or EDSY). EDMC is also my tool of choice to sync my CMDR with Inara.
Thank you very much for your explanation👍. It would help a lot people if the programmer of EDSY put your explanation in the help section.
I'm not sure when exactly it came in to effect, but the crew #s were upped by +1 for the Alliance Crusader, Anaconda, Beluga, FCorvette, iCutter, Type-9 and Type-10. These can all carry a full team of 4 (including the pilot). Only the Krait2 is a 3 person ship, and all the old 1s and 2s have not changed.
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