Patch Notes Update Elite: Dangerous 1.2.07 incoming

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- Prevent docking after the police 'notice' that a player is wanted. This is the same reaction with committing a violent crime near the station.


WORST MOVE EVER.... 400c infraction, "which btw I think was a glitch to begin with....." get permission to dock....go to dock.....get all the way into the mail slot...permission revoked your under attack, shields down, module malfuction, KABOOOM 400k

Umm ya I literally just quit again.. You guys are taking 1 step forward 2 steps back witch each update....You allowing mindless trolls who want "Euro Space Trucker" to tell you what kind of game to make, people complaining about PVP when you can get a private server or a SOLO server.....and you seem to cater to those guys.... Why can't we literally keep the dynamics EXACTLY LIKE THEY WERE and work on content adding.... Very close to jumping ship to Star Citizen, as much as I have enjoyed this game, if for nothing else then the hope for a game that doesn't change gameplay every time I log on...
Agree with above, worst idea ever with this ridiculous infraction concept. This is why i don't really play anymore, pander to the few, never mind the rest of us. Think i'll go and watch some paint dry, far more entertaining
Are your two complaints because you can't silent speed dock? And you enjoy ganking other payers? Or because you can't control your fire in a RES?

We don't know how many people have logged issues. All we see are those that complain on the forums.

And Franky after coming to these forums regularly for years waiting for an announcement elite 4 was on its way. Reading and making many posts through KS, alpha, beta and into gamma, many conductive posts, positive and negative with discussions. Then the whiners and complaints started so I left the forums, only to occasionally visit. Mindless comments like.....

"WORST MOVE EVER.... 400c infraction, "which btw I think was a glitch to begin with....." get permission to dock....go to dock.....get all the way into the mail slot...permission revoked your under attack, shields down, module malfuction, KABOOOM 400k

Umm ya I literally just quit again.. You guys are taking 1 step forward 2 steps back witch each update....You allowing mindless trolls who want "Euro Space Trucker" to tell......"

Why not state you think this is a bad move because.......

Because this is exactly the same type of complaining you're complaining about.

I actually think it's a good idea. But then I've never had any problems manual docking in any version of elite.
WORST MOVE EVER.... 400c infraction, "which btw I think was a glitch to begin with....." get permission to dock....go to dock.....get all the way into the mail slot...permission revoked your under attack, shields down, module malfuction, KABOOOM 400k

Just hit reverse thrusters, spin around when you're out of the slot and boost out 'till you can enter supercruise. Then you can return and try again as they've forgotten about you. Takes about 90 seconds. Did it twice last night.
WORST MOVE EVER.... 400c infraction, "which btw I think was a glitch to begin with....." get permission to dock....go to dock.....get all the way into the mail slot...permission revoked your under attack, shields down, module malfuction, KABOOOM 400k

Somebody earlier said that we can still dock if we just ask docking permission BEFORE they scan (so 7.5 km from station, pretty much impossible to be scanned there), in that case patrolling ships ONLY (not station) will attack you (until you get inside station, as I understood).

Have not tried but think it applies to smallest bounties anyway, maybe station attacks too if you have bounty for murder...

I found it realistic and "Elite" that one just cant commit murder and dock just ANYWHERE to pay it away...

But anyway you can just find another station in range (outpost/anarchy/non-hostile) to pay off bounty, and those are EVERYWHERE...
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When I res grind, there's an outpost nearby where I can land to clear the bounty. However with some care about fire discipline those shouldn't happen much.

Regardless, when it does - land at an outpost and you're fine :)
Neither time was I attacked by the station after I reversed out, just the patrols. You have the same time to get out as you would for any other slot infraction.
I requested docking, it was granted, I got was traveling fairly fast through the mail slot, no time to turn around before hand, while turning, instant tresspass fine was issued, and the station fired on me, disabling my shield first, then the npc patrols, took out my thrusters, I was already heavily damaged from an assination that had gone wrong, and the only reason I was at that station was to eliminate a 400cr fine that was issued the INSTANT the police showed up in my instance. I was RUNNING from the damn Elite anaconda, and next thing i know, security is shooting at me instead of the bad guy.... "he was a wanted criminal without a scanner" ....So I go to get back to base, first time, chalk it up to a bug, as i try to enter, my docking was revoked, i got away, and litterally shut my machine OFF, because I wasn't aware of the change in the new patch and Was about to lose a 6 million credit ship...."ya i know its not a damn python but still" ... ok so i log back on, notice im not being attacked, request docking, and knowing that because of that 400 credit bounty they are going to try to scan me again, i am SCREAMING through the mail slot....get THROUGH IT, and then about 60% throttle.... Oh crap.....spin it around, station instantly tacks on a trespassing, and STATION shoots at me, they take out my shields, im already only at 42% hull and canopy is compromised, less then 50% from earlier... So i try to get out....i boost back out the mail slot, and am intercepted by the patrol, they drop my thrusters, ....can't FSD time to reboot....all i can do is sit....and I do..... My earlier comment as I said I think my original bounty was a bug anyways....Hell I barely even TOUCHED the anaconda i was targeting, and there was no police, then while running away, i notice 2 red blips instead of 1..... so i target it...and see...oh crap why are the police trying to kill me... then combine that with the station going hostile towards me....the current system is rubbish... It's bad enough that you can fly a ship worth 9000k have 5000k in the bank and the cops will instantly try to KILL YOU over 400c ... Ok I got use to that...but now that its even harder to just go pay off a 400c fine....that is "shoot on site" with the cops, I hold my original statement. You broke it...
Also I know it wasn't listed on the last 2 patch notes, but does anyone else seem to have a huge issue with their shields now? I can NOT keep my shields up at all anymore, after spending a small fortune on my cobra for the best shields for that ship.....a damn adder can take my shields out within 2 seconds, my shield banks don't seem to be working at all....because of the 5 second lag or so, and the fact my shields when not fully charged take 1 hit now before they are gone again, its basically left my bounty hunting ship a paperweight.... I use to be able to bounty hunt for an hour before having to re-arm and repair.... and that was because i took on a larger ship, elite python, anaconda, I can't take on an adder without it basically ripping me apart...but the NPC's shields seem to regen 3x as fast....what in the world..... I loved this more then any other game when it launched, but as time goes on, the game keeps getting worse....not better....Guess im going to quit it for a long time, glad you got your money from me frontier, but at this rate its probably the only money you will get from me....
Anything that makes the game easy i dont agree with,
the dock computer should be removed , ( if you cant control the ship you should not use it ) type9 for example,,, You want 500 cargo earn it by docking it yourself and not going for as coffie break.....

or make it cost you 25% cargo to use it.

They should make a game for you called Difficulty Simulator where you just pointlessly struggle to do various things.
Also I know it wasn't listed on the last 2 patch notes, but does anyone else seem to have a huge issue with their shields now? I can NOT keep my shields up at all anymore, after spending a small fortune on my cobra for the best shields for that ship.....a damn adder can take my shields out within 2 seconds, my shield banks don't seem to be working at all....because of the 5 second lag or so, and the fact my shields when not fully charged take 1 hit now before they are gone again, its basically left my bounty hunting ship a paperweight.... I use to be able to bounty hunt for an hour before having to re-arm and repair.... and that was because i took on a larger ship, elite python, anaconda, I can't take on an adder without it basically ripping me apart...but the NPC's shields seem to regen 3x as fast....what in the world..... I loved this more then any other game when it launched, but as time goes on, the game keeps getting worse....not better....Guess im going to quit it for a long time, glad you got your money from me frontier, but at this rate its probably the only money you will get from me....

I've noticed the shields seem a bit more... papery now as well on player ships at least.


We all know what's coming next, Solo players will lose the right to play in Group mode or Open mode because FD have sided with those people once again. Thus showing Favouritism once again to those who play in open and discriminating those who want to play in other modes

i bet you have evidence of this slander talk
but anyways tyvm for telling me this.. i did not know this was coming until i read ur fine post *ironic*
We all know what's coming next, Solo players will lose the right to play in Group mode or Open mode because FD have sided with those people once again. Thus showing Favouritism once again to those who play in open and discriminating those who want to play in other modes.

Wrong. FD never said such a thing. They said the complete opposite. Even if IMO it's legitimate to put something like a cooldown to avoid mode transition every 5 minutes.
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Wrong. FD never said such a thing. They said the complete opposite. Even if IMO it's legitimate to put something like a cooldown to avoid mode transition every 5 minutes.
What are you guys saying about solo and opeN play? I only play in my own group even if no one else is on. Are you saying we won't be abLe to do this anymore?
The 200Cr fine (not bounty unless you don't pay it for 24 hours) is not from a stupid NPC flying in front of you, but for a stupid CMDR not using his scanner to see that an NPC is about to fly in front of him.

Heh, I actually thought what you said (200cr is not bounty unless paid in 24 hrs) was true. It's just not. Where did you read that?
I just tested. Oh, 200 CR from friendly fire is BOUNTY with capital B. You are practically a number one villan in the universe if you have 200 CR bounty. Giant "WANTEEEDDDD!!!" sign and "everyone just drop their 250000 CR bounty Condas, you're hunting!! Let's kill the 200 CR dude that is allied with us!!! But let's kill him!!! He's the worst! ...nonsense.

EDIT: Ok: fine from tresspassing or smuggling is not "WANTED", but fine from friendly fire is "WANTED". No matter the amount. Right?
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Ok sooo again, a 200c bounty... that spawned from nowhere and just as I try to dock into another base, boom docking privileges revoked, and im being shot at again.... SHield's almost instantly taken away... This HAS to be a bug but why am I the only one who seems to be affected by it?? I wasn't wanted before going to dock, and as I'm going to dock it tells me criminals are not allowed to dock, revokes docking privileges, and im being shot at by EVERYTHING including getting another tress passing warning as it waits until im literally inside before it tells me its been revoked..... I'm trying to damn hard to keep playing this game but this same damn bug over and over again even though i have paid my fines from before, after DYING.. "which is how i was finally able to dock" and then paying since they don't take away your fines automatically anymore...
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