News Elite Dangerous 2.4 - The Return

So you are the kind of person who reads the last chapter of a book in order to find out if the book is worth reading?

Historically (earlier Elite games), the Thargoids were hyper aggressive and only beaten back courtesy of a human engineered biological weapon (a WMD as I understand it). They have now come back but are doing so slowly, why? We do not know yet but some are assuming the worst and preparing for it. In the first Thargoid war we were completely outmatched (disregarding the WMD option), now our technology has evolved somewhat hence the newer anti-Thargoid weapons that are not WMDs.

We are led to believe that there are currently at least 2 factions of Thargoids and it is possible that only one of these factions have aggressive intentions towards humankind. Then again, the destruction of human vessels by the Thargoids may be comparable to a human killing an insect just because they do not like where that insect is and/or what it happens to be doing.

Apparently, FD has a bible/encyclopaedia on the Thargoids and that level of detail almost certainly means that another Human-Thargoid war is not the only potential outcome. Not everyone wants that kind of kitsch (an open and unconstrained Human-Thargoid war) nor considers it "compelling content".

I would be one of the latter. I don't consider a war with the Thargoids to be compelling content. Learning to communicate with them so we can work out our differences and come to an understanding that benefits both species is much more compelling content to me. Trading with them to benefit both Humans and Thargoids is what I would prefer. From the lore I have read, the first Human/Thargoid war was due to a misunderstanding; that and the fear of the unknown on the part of the Humans. It would be better to be friends, or at least acquaintances, with them rather than wasting resources on both sides over some silly misunderstanding. The Thargoids, like most species are most likely not evil. They are most likely simply different. We don't compete for planets, since we don't breathe the same gasses. It's likely we wouldn't compete for food either. Now if we both breathed oxygen, or ammonia (or whatever) and both consumed the same types of food, then we would be direct rivals and conflict among such is inevitable. But we don't compete for resources so armed conflict is not necessary.
So you are the kind of person who reads the last chapter of a book in order to find out if the book is worth reading?

Historically (earlier Elite games), the Thargoids were hyper aggressive and only beaten back courtesy of a human engineered biological weapon (a WMD as I understand it). They have now come back but are doing so slowly, why? We do not know yet but some are assuming the worst and preparing for it. In the first Thargoid war we were completely outmatched (disregarding the WMD option), now our technology has evolved somewhat hence the newer anti-Thargoid weapons that are not WMDs.

We are led to believe that there are currently at least 2 factions of Thargoids and it is possible that only one of these factions have aggressive intentions towards humankind. Then again, the destruction of human vessels by the Thargoids may be comparable to a human killing an insect just because they do not like where that insect is and/or what it happens to be doing.

Apparently, FD has a bible/encyclopaedia on the Thargoids and that level of detail almost certainly means that another Human-Thargoid war is not the only potential outcome. Not everyone wants that kind of kitsch (an open and unconstrained Human-Thargoid war) nor considers it "compelling content".
This is true and fine, except it took us 2 days to develop a weapon against them?

Before 2.4 they were disabling our ships so we coudnt do anything.
Now in 2.4 when they stopped disabling our ships on sight - all it took was CG of 6236723754 tons of tantalum and we suddenly have anti-xeno rockets developed in 2 days? Really?

What they should have done :
1. Dont give weapons right away, just xeno scanner, let players attack them (but without a chance to success for now)
2. As you attacking them - you gain "attack pattern data" data or something similar
3. As you get hit by them - you gain "defense pattern data" data or something similar
4. The longer you attack/defend against Thargoid the more data you get.
5. From using xeno-scanner - you also gain some data
6. Make CG's that required this kind of data - for weapons needs "attack pattern data", for defense needs "defense pattern data", others need data from xeno-scanner
7. Let this CG's be miltistaged and roll till they finish without time limit - i.e. tier 1 opens S pulse laser, tier 2 opens S burst laser , tier 3 opens S beam laser, tier 4 opens M lasers, tier 5 opens L lasers, tier 6 opens Huge lasers. The rewards start being availible the moment tier is achived and CG goes on till last tier.

Come on, this is like "how to make multiplayer/MMO progression system 101" class...
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So with this major update I can now equip my ship with a Research Limpet Controller, Xeno Scanner, and AX Missile Launchers, and use them to harass any Thargoids who might be harmlessly loitering in the Pleiades Sector, and maybe collect a few Thargoid bits of pieces which I can sell for peanuts.

So what. I don't get it. What's the point.

I mean, if the Thargoids had, for example, say, ruthlessly and without provocation obliterated all human installations in the Pleiades Sector, or shown up along a wide front on the Bubble's edge attacking space stations, or terraforming inhabited ELWs to turn them into ammonia worlds, or something, then I might understand the need for a dedicated campaign of human aggression against them. But all they've done is waste a few Federal fascists who attacked them for no reason, and good for them.

So 2.4 basically just represents a strange new type of thing to shoot at for no reason other than to shoot at strange things, in a woefully incomplete and badly flawed game that has plainly completely lost its way, and which probably needs to be reworked from scratch except by the right people this time.

Perhaps if all the fanbois can pester the Thargoids enough to provoke them to it, players will be rewarded with Thargoid devastation of human installations on a massive scale, and thereby with an actual concrete pretext for an interstellar war that players might actually be able to get excited about and feel compelled to engage with, perhaps by signing up to special enlistment CGs at Sol and Achenar. But what with the complete inadequacy, lack of imagination, and cynical financial exploitation of players' faith in the future of the game exhibited in every single major update so far, it would be ridiculous to hope for as much. If the Devs aren't actively sabotaging the original vision for Elite for their own reasons, jealousy perhaps, they're obviously more interested in sitting up late in their pyjamas in front of their webcams, than in actual serious development of compelling game content.

That's *after* the Expo, coming up. :)
If you'd bothered to seek them out for yourself, or even just watched the livestream, you'd see that shooting them is not the only option.

Who said I hadn't? And what else can you do with them apart from shoot limpets and missiles at them? Feed them human flesh? What sort of a daylight-hating psychopath invents such a mechanic for a game that started out as a Galactic sandbox?

So you are the kind of person who reads the last chapter of a book in order to find out if the book is worth reading?

No...? So you're the sort of person who tries to offset their own feelings of inadequacy by attacking their intellectual superiors with obvious logical fallacies? If you're going to attack people with logical fallacies, at least make them funny enough to distract from their fallaciousness.

Historically (earlier Elite games), the Thargoids were hyper aggressive and only beaten back courtesy of a human engineered biological weapon (a WMD as I understand it). They have now come back but are doing so slowly, why? We do not know yet but some are assuming the worst and preparing for it. In the first Thargoid war we were completely outmatched (disregarding the WMD option), now our technology has evolved somewhat hence the newer anti-Thargoid weapons that are not WMDs.

I know. I was there. I'm an '84er and I've played every version of Elite since.

We are led to believe that there are currently at least 2 factions of Thargoids and it is possible that only one of these factions have aggressive intentions towards humankind. Then again, the destruction of human vessels by the Thargoids may be comparable to a human killing an insect just because they do not like where that insect is and/or what it happens to be doing.

Who cares?! That's not game content! It's all make-believe! Like the Formidine Rifters and the Children of Raxxla! It's fanboi fiction! None of it is actually in the game! The actual game sucks!

Apparently, FD has a bible/encyclopaedia on the Thargoids and that level of detail almost certainly means that another Human-Thargoid war is not the only potential outcome. Not everyone wants that kind of kitsch (an open and unconstrained Human-Thargoid war) nor considers it "compelling content".

Have they really? How exciting. But even assuming that was true, since when have FD actually responded to what players want? Yeah, an open-ended player-driven potentially pacific outcome to human-Thargoid interaction, with respect to the game lore, yeah that would be really great, sort of, whatever... I feel sleepy... >YAWN<.... But that isn't what's happening here. It's just what fanbois like you tell yourselves is happening. What's actually happening is that FD have introduced hostile Thargoid warships into the game, and two days later following a highly-publicized CG, FD have introduced a new weapon module with which to destroy hostile Thargoid warships, all amidst much hype about an impending renewed human-Thargoid conflict. That is all. It's just the next all-too-brief triannual episode in a tediously linear gameplay script that is leading nowhere, and is absolutely typical of everything FD have produced with respect to game lore and fan fiction. Following it is exactly like lying comatose in a hospital bed, where the only excitement is being fed a drip of sugar water through a tube two or three times a year. Which is where some of the developers need to be for the money they've taken for this game.

So of course I have to agree that a scripted war is an entirely crude and facile handling of human-alien interaction, totally inadequate for a game like Elite, and more suited to a game like Space Invaders. You can already shoot Sidewinders, Cobras, Anacondas, whatever, for increasing numbers of points, and now... after nearly three years and with the game still missing multiple key features... look! The mystery Thargoid mothership is finally flying across the top of the screen for bonus mystery points, and the fanbois in their jim-jams are all besides themselves with excitement! Shoot the mystery ship! Shoot the mystery ship! How many bonus points will we get?! But my point was that if FD can't be bothered to do anything more imaginative with the Thargoids than start another war with them, they could at least have made it a compelling war, with recruitment and units and a front line and missions and battles and devastation and results. But instead we've merely got another type of RNG Signal Source where you roll a 6 or whatever and bingo you've got a Thargoid encounter, where you have a choice of shooting either limpets or missiles at them for no real reward. It's pathetic.

Personally 2.4 has really turned me off Elite, for the first time in over 30 years. I can't play it any more. 2.4 is even lamer than Powerplay, CQC, Engineers, Commanders, all the other pointless facile rubbish the devs have turned out, all the cynical attempts to milk players for cash for worthless extra game content, because the game is so sucks that players are supposed to become hysterical with excitement whenever FD announce that players can now paint their ship black for only £10 or something, and thereby really disappear into the crowd. Instead of just getting on with populating the Galactic sandbox with an adequate variety of authentic astronomical and game content, in conjunction with full planetary landings and space legs. Perhaps I'll go back to playing Oolite and FFED3D.

I really think DBOBE needs to sack his whole team and rework the entire game from scratch, recruiting the right people this time, developing the original vision of Elite without any respect to the pew-pew fanboi market, and only releasing a completely finished product. 1984 Elite was a success and a phenomenon precisely because it wasn't Space Invaders, because it didn't cater to the existing games market in any way. Braben & Bell simply had a vision of a 3D Galactic sandbox which they implemented without trying to make it saleable, without compromising it with games industry norms or player-driven market forces whatsoever. And that's what needed to happen with Elite: Dangerous. Instead, the incomplete base game has been loaded with worthless gimmick after worthless gimmick in an effort to expand its customer base to the lowest common denominator and thereby maximise sales. The result is an unfinished mess that doesn't know where it's going any more. 'Elite: Dangerous'. 'Elite: Incompetent' more like.
This is true and fine, except it took us 2 days to develop a weapon against them?
FD made an estimate about how much involvement there would be... 2 days to complete a CG implies either a well above average level of community support OR a smaller very focused group supporting it.

It does not really matter which way it was but what is done is done, no point B&Ming about it... there is plenty more to come based on what I have noted.

Plus Palin and others have been researching meta-alloys and artefacts for some time now... it is not too unbelievable that the research got weaponised in under a week.
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It just came to me.. what if the Thargoids are likewise splittet as we are when it comes to approaching 'the other race'. What if parts of the Thargoids are actually interested in understanding our race while the other part seeks to defeat us. From a higher gameplay mechanic this could please all sort of players. The big question is how to weave a good story out of that.
It does not really matter, the story in ED is at least in part emergent and documented/revealed in-game via Galnet. At this time, we do not know what the Thargoid agenda actually is but it seems evident that it is currently focused around the Pleiades nebula.

The Elite Wiki does give some information on the Thargoids but it is unclear how cannon/accurate that information is.
I was overjoyed when I Elite showed up on Steam as since I retired my Commodore 128 I had not found a game of this type that I kept coming back to. With the galaxy available to explore this version did seem to be even more of what I had missed. But with all this hype about the Thargoids, which was not much more than a minor irritant in 84 I wonder if the game is going to continue to interest me. I played the Wing Commander's, Far Gate, and Descent and others while they were a lot of fun for a time racking up kills forever does get old. Don't spend all the development on the combat. Improve the navigation and update the science of the game. Guess I should update the pilot info since its a year or so out of date.
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This is true and fine, except it took us 2 days to develop a weapon against them?
Maybe they started researching the day the CG started? So it would be 9 days then. Or maybe they already had started and were almost finished but just needed the last key of information? There was a CG earlier this year when we could scan them and wake scan and turn in. Maybe all this material collected was for the purpose of manufacturing rather than research, so the majority of research was already done, what was missing was a truck load of tantalum to start production.

We don't know what goes on behind those virtual and imaginary walls of some game characters, but there are plenty of explanations that would fit.
Maybe they started researching the day the CG started? So it would be 9 days then. Or maybe they already had started and were almost finished but just needed the last key of information? There was a CG earlier this year when we could scan them and wake scan and turn in. Maybe all this material collected was for the purpose of manufacturing rather than research, so the majority of research was already done, what was missing was a truck load of tantalum to start production.

We don't know what goes on behind those virtual and imaginary walls of some game characters, but there are plenty of explanations that would fit.

Thats another big issue - nearly everything is behind the scenes.
Thats another big issue - nearly everything is behind the scenes.
There is nothing wrong with that, and it is not unprecedented in Military and Para-Military circles for information to be compartmentalised on a need-to-know basis.

I know this does not make for a good "character based" story but we are all just relatively minor actors in the grand scheme of things, the big players are all NPCs and like real-life we do not know (nor have a right to know) every iota of information about what is going on "behind the scenes".

Taking the Thargoid weapon initiative as an example, lets draw parallels with real-world history... how many common folk or even off-project military know about various secret/top-secret/special clearance projects? You will probably find the list of people in the know is normally very small but the size of the militaries are very large by comparison (regardless of their rank/standing). Even those on-project may not know everything about the project itself - only what they need to know to do their job effectively.
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Well also to keep things in this game interesting. Development has to be at a faster pace than real life. If FD want to keep people playing this game for the foreseeable future.
Such a disappointment. Sure there are Thargoids however where is the narrative in Community goals? Thats a joke. Wings STILL DOES NOT WORK PROPERLY. I have to vpn to play with friends in the US. And the missions supposedly load faster. So not true. Take just as long as ever. A continuous fail by ED.
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