Well X3: Farnham's Legacy just finished installing. Peace out!Hi folks! We're aware of the connection issues, the team are investigating this as we speak.
Hope to have more for you soon!
Well X3: Farnham's Legacy just finished installing. Peace out!Hi folks! We're aware of the connection issues, the team are investigating this as we speak.
Hope to have more for you soon!
UNFAIR! You cannot just compare ED to a MMO ... it is a SpaceSim ... wait ... nvm ...WoW patch days were fun...
time for animal pictures again?Hi folks! We're aware of the connection issues, the team are investigating this as we speak.
Hope to have more for you soon!
What I like about Egosoft's approach is they use public betas, listen and act upon feedback, and while they advise you to make copies of your save files, you can basically play them like the live version and once the live update drops, you switch to that with your progress intact. It's beautifully seamless and so far never had any issues. Because many bugs (not all) will have been fixed at some point during the beta.I'm replying to this:
None of those game developers have "release(d) perfect problems and updates every time..."
Like every other game development company, they update, patch, patch again, and patch again.
Now, all three of those companies do a much better job at that that cycle than Frontier. Especially Mojang, which has a robust player-based testing environment. But they're not perfect. No company can hope to replicate every single combination of software, hardware, and drivers that exist out in the wild. But a robust player-based testing environment can catch the worst ones before they get into the wild.
Frontier treats such an environment as a marketing opportunity or something to be monetized.
- Archon Delain Powerplay systems now correctly open Black Markets if they are not already present. OK...here crime might pay.
this Archie Delon dude looks familiar....
Well, as the saying goes. "There's no 'e' in homicidal maniac."
It would be nice if Frontier posted a summary of the balance changes, if simply for the player to gauge whether PP2.0 progression is worthwhile persisting with now (that's where I'm at currently - was about to unpledge but maybe not now).That's for Frontier to know and for the players to find out. Watch the usual channels - this forum, reddit, the streamers - to see the reports how merit earning changed.
I would also add that standing up additional infrastructure (and/or patterns) to cope with peaks after an outage specifically is a massive attention thief, in addition to resource and platform engineer effort cost. So much so that some companies who make real-world money by the minute from people using their platform STILL don't bother because it's just not worth it. So you can see why game studios who make a very small amount of money from second-order things like ARX are not going to get too excited about it.I mean if you're talking about their infrastructure creaking and breaking under the stampede of logins on a game update, "unreasonable" maybe not, "unrealistic" definitely given the number of times you've seen this.
(My guess would be the underlying issue is a variety of Thundering Herd and probably indicates a bottleneck in their dataflow rather than a lack of AWS instances.)
But there is in burger.Well, as the saying goes. "There's no 'e' in homicidal maniac."
It's a good job there's no Duquesne, isn't it?It's Delaine not Delain.
You should be able to play now.Is there a way to get an alert or notification when i can play again?
Sure can thanks!You should be able to play now.