Elite Dangerous | Ascendancy Update 1 - Thursday 21st November

Considering the Weekly Assignments are still occasionally asking for people to bring rare commodities to such and such an area.. I presumed they are still eventually going to bring back rares.. just aren't sure what to assign them for merits yet. (or escape pods for that matter).

From what I've seen if you deliver rares as assigned the assignment will still complete and award merits for completing it, but no merits from the actual trade itself.

I assume (but don't know) the same is true for escape pods assignments.
I just traded some precious metals, at great profit, to easily fit into the 40% above bracket, this brings loads more merits than it used too; Fantastic stuff. This makes a nice change from combat from time to time and the merits awarded are well worth the effort of looking for great trade opportunities for.
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From what I've seen if you deliver rares as assigned the assignment will still complete and award merits for completing it, but no merits from the actual trade itself.

I assume (but don't know) the same is true for escape pods assignments.
Yep no merits for escape pods but i did get some for wreckage

I just traded some precious metals, at great profit, to easily fit into the 40% above bracket, this brings loads more merits than it used too; Fantastic stuff. This makes a nice change from combat from time to time and the merits awarded are well worth the effort of looking for great trade opportunities for.
Just made a trade loop in Utopian space, making about 2k Merits per run and some decent credits.
Feels like my old days in PP1 hauling Dissidents but this actually makes me credits instead of costing me.

This will do me (y)

I just finished my play session for today (I played about four hours or so), and I had some good, clean fun. Some dirty too.

I was mainly busy doing my weeklies. I wasn't exactly rushing it, and I had some bad luck too - I got two pod collection (from two different systems) and one salvage task, and I had a bit of bad luck with spawning the power signal sources, and I also went to a few HGEs that popped up on the way to fill up some materials, and some black box and salvage part hand ins didn't count for some reason. Maybe the game gets confused when you have pods, salvage parts and black boxes from different systems in your hold. I also got distracted and killed the occasional enemy I came across, and scanned a lot of ships.

All this to say, I didn't grind it, I played it relaxed. Took a trip to the material trader too to be able to fully collect the care packages. After finishing the weeklies I jumped in my murder Python II as an encore, flew to a HazRes and went to town until I ran out of ammo.

All in all I made 28k merits tonight. Probably not on par with the grindin' folks, but I'm content. I have to admit, doing the different tasks is a bit more fun when the progression is a bit more tangible. I'm now at 57k merits, and the way towards the first module rank doesn't feel as long anymore.

Of those 28k merits, 16k were the reward for the weeklies. That felt appropriate. At the HazRes I made touch over 5k I think, and I was there between 15 and 20 minutes I'd say, plus I spent some flight time. This would mean I made 7k merits on the side - scanning ships, killing enemies, handing in salvage. Pods still give no merits.

In total I am at 57k merits now and rank 10, I started out today at rank 6 with 29k merits, so I made four ranks this evening. I'm 6k away from rank 12. This is with me being pledged to Kaine.

I still consider myself a "filthy casual", even though my earning rate probably still way above I the average player, let alone a new CMDR - I guess I have experience on my side, even if my approach is pretty chill (I'd say). The leaderboard can be deceptive, with today's play session I jumped right to the top of the top 10%, just a smidge away from top 10. I assume it won't stay that way, as this was the first night of the current cycle and the weekend is coming.

The TL;DR is: I had some good fun, and even though I really don't care about modules or rank progression (I promise!), it felt good to get some immediate reward feedback. I am no strategic expert and can't comment on if that 4:1 ratio is good or bad, but this power play newbie CMDR had some good fun tonight. I liked it the way it was tonight.
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Started the evening at Level 60, was hoping for 100 but only ended up as ...


oh and:


(this won't last ;) )

Game is totally balanced, all it needed was that patch today (y)

Edit: Ah, actually I had a mission still to hand in, so actually finished at
Greetings Commanders,

Powerplay 2.0 has been out for a few weeks now and we are really grateful for all the feedback and reported issues you have shared.

Our intent with our balancing is to ensure a diversity of gameplay activities are viable within Powerplay 2.0, and that no activity feels significantly weaker than any other. We are continually closely monitoring for any activities which could be disproportionally more advantageous to undertake than any other, potentially creating a meta that players feel forced to play in order to rank up or participate in the conflict.

Following prevention of several exploits we will now be in a position to improve balance on the overall experience of Powerplay 2.0. We will be closely looking into:
  • Significantly reducing the amount of time/effort required to earn early modules
  • Significantly reducing the amount of time/effort required to increase ranks
In the meantime we are releasing Ascendancy Update 1 (19.01) on Thursday 21 November.

Release Schedule (All times in UTC)​

  • 07:00 - Servers offline for maintenance
  • 11:00 Servers back online and Update available
Please note these are approximate times and are subject to change.

Update Notes​

Powerplay 2.0
  • Fixed an exploit where Powerplay Data could be downloaded multiple times from the same Data Port (Issue ID: 67329)
  • Aisling Duval's Powerplay systems now correctly flag Imperial Slaves & Narcotics as illegal. Crime does not pay.
  • Archon Delain Powerplay systems now correctly open Black Markets if they are not already present. OK...here crime might pay.
  • Pranav Antal now closes Black Markets in Fortified/Stronghold systems.
  • Merit awards for destroying Ship Launched Fighters have been reduced.
  • Adjustments made to Flight Tutorial combat drones reducing their damage output.
  • Type-8's collision has been adjusted so that the "arms" now have correct collision.
Galaxy Map
  • Resolved a crash when using VR Power Play strategic view on Galaxy map
  • Filters on the Galaxy Map are no longer auto selected when you hover your mouse over them
Thank you for all your continued feedback and reports!
drums fingers on desk ... https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/67130

I mean, it's not like a major bug ... oh wait, yes it is!
Started the evening at Level 60, was hoping for 100 but only ended up as ...

oh and:

(this won't last ;) )

Game is totally balanced, all it needed was that patch today (y)

Edit: Ah, actually I had a mission still to hand in, so actually finished at
Where are you finding these donate cargo missions? I keep looking for systems in Boom/Expansion, with Industry/Refinery economies, etc. but the only Support missions there are to donate credits =/
Where are you finding these donate cargo missions? I keep looking for systems in Boom/Expansion, with Industry/Refinery economies, etc. but the only Support missions there are to donate credits =/​
I think you need to rank up with some factions to get to deliver larger amounts of stock. I'm also on the search for systems that take Gold/Silver/Tritium/Palladium donation missions. Only found one that has two stations spawning Palladium missions, but they are rare.

Does anyone know what the conditions for the system have to be to spawn Gold/Silver/Tritium donation missions?

Only tried Industry/Refinery and one Industry/Extraction system. The Palladium missions (from 48 to 96 tons) were found in Industry/Refinery.

Everything in the table above 10-20 K buy or sell is worth it donating, when you find the mission for it. Don't know if the avg. buy or sell price are driving the merit calculation, if there is a fixed price in the background for every mineral/metal or if the stations buy/sell price dictate it - will need to take note if the merits i get are consistend across different systems. Also don't know if all will spawn for donation missons, but most of the Minerals on the right i have already seen. Things like Rutile, Bauxite etc. are not worth the hassle (except the amount is really high, don't know what the limits here are for donation missions).

Not sure about Osmium, Platinum, Samarium and Bromellite - if those spawn too. But i guess Platinum would be too high anyway.

MetalsAvg. BuyAvg. SellMineralsAvg. BuyAvg. Sell
Tritium (under Chemicals)

And for the min-max-Traders - these are the average prices from: https://inara.cz/elite/commodities-list/
They are meant to compare the donation missions worth, not selling them for those prices.
Started the evening at Level 60, was hoping for 100 but only ended up as ...

View attachment 409240

oh and:

View attachment 409241

(this won't last ;) )

Game is totally balanced, all it needed was that patch today (y)

Edit: Ah, actually I had a mission still to hand in, so actually finished at
View attachment 409242
I would like to know too... 280.000 merits in the evening is better than anything I can think of, only possibility I would find is if you had stored lot of those data from the exploit, but I don't see you as an exploit user :unsure:

Or you did find a way to get those donation mission for gold tritium etc reliabily
I would like to know too... 280.000 merits in the evening is better than anything I can think of, only possibility I would find is if you had stored lot of those data from the exploit, but I don't see you as an exploit user :unsure:

Or you did find a way to get those donation mission for gold tritium etc reliabily

Of course there has to be a set of conditions for the system spawning the Gold/Silver/Tritium/Palladium missions. But he won't tell :(

I guess a high population, 7 faction, Industrial + Extraction or Refinery in Boom, Expansion (+ Public Holiday?) with a lof of Industrial stations (M) to efficiently rotate the missions.

There are systems with 4-5 large stations and 4-5 medium ones (faster landing for mission rotation). If the mission board gets refreshed every 10min. you can spam these missions indefinetely. Of course you need the money, but money is not hard to come by. Sourcing a market that has the requested minerals or tritium is also not that hard. And if you have a FC you only have to fill it up with a few cargo runs, then jump to the target system.

I've only found Gold + Tritium missions by now in:
Industrial / Extraction
State: Normal (could have sworn it was Boom when i was there - i selected it as a filter on inara)
Population: 12 M
Stations with missions:
  • Industrial
  • Extraction/Industrial

Industrial / Extraction
State: Normal (i also think it was Boom then and is now over)
Population: 27 M
Stations with missions:
  • Industrial/Extraction
  • Extraction/Industrial

The missions only requested small amounts (54 Tritium, 27 Gold) and 2-3 missions at a time from 2 stations. Maybe i should have ranked up the factions with credit donation missions - will try that first. Need something more efficient with more stations.
Of course there has to be a set of conditions for the system spawning the Gold/Silver/Tritium/Palladium missions. But he won't tell :(

I guess a high population, 7 faction, Industrial + Extraction or Refinery in Boom, Expansion (+ Public Holiday?) with a lof of Industrial stations (M) to efficiently rotate the missions.

There are systems with 4-5 large stations and 4-5 medium ones (faster landing for mission rotation). If the mission board gets refreshed every 10min. you can spam these missions indefinetely. Of course you need the money, but money is not hard to come by. Sourcing a market that has the requested minerals or tritium is also not that hard. And if you have a FC you only have to fill it up with a few cargo runs, then jump to the target system.

I've only found Gold + Tritium missions by now in:
Industrial / Extraction
State: Normal (could have sworn it was Boom when i was there - i selected it as a filter on inara)
Population: 12 M
Stations with missions:
  • Industrial
  • Extraction/Industrial

Industrial / Extraction
State: Normal (i also think it was Boom then and is now over)
Population: 27 M
Stations with missions:
  • Industrial/Extraction
  • Extraction/Industrial

The missions only requested small amounts (54 Tritium, 27 Gold) and 2-3 missions at a time from 2 stations. Maybe i should have ranked up the factions with credit donation missions - will try that first. Need something more efficient with more stations.
Nice research, but if this is how Factabulous did, I'm less interested, as we won't be able to use it reliabily for powerplay goals. Still good to know and I will look into that.
Nice research, but if this is how Factabulous did, I'm less interested, as we won't be able to use it reliabily for powerplay goals. Still good to know and I will look into that.
Either i'm having really bad luck at the mission boards or the mining materials donation missions are switched off everywhere. I can't get Palladium/Gold/Tritium to spawn at stations where i already did some missions. Could be it's a one time thing where if you deliver enough of one material the stations don't need it anymore. But at a lot of stations i only see the credit donations now - not even other item categories other than mining stuff.

Will check a few new systems but i won't be surprised if the donation route is also closed now.
Since the update on Thursday, I'm getting bounties on myself and incurring a notoriety when doing settlement raids. There seems to be some clean individuals amongst the wanted targets. If you don't kill these clean targets you can't complete the mission. But I haven't seen anything saying these have changed. Any ideas if it's a bug or change?
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