Greetings Commanders!
Today is the start of a huge week here at Frontier with the release of Elite Dangerous: Odyssey right around the corner on Wednesday 19 May! We hope you're as excited as we are for the launch, and we're looking forward to seeing where your newfound legs will take you! There's a lot to look forward to this week, so here's the community schedule:
Please be aware that whilst we are aiming for the times listed above, they are subject to change. Please keep an eye on our social accounts for any potential changes.
Odyssey Competition: We'll have more information on this tomorrow, but this is not a competition any Commander will want to miss!
Server Downtime: As mentioned in our
previous post, we expect all Elite Dangerous servers to be offline from 07:00 - 18:00 UTC on Wednesday as we prepare for the launch of Odyssey.
Odyssey Launch: We're currently aiming for a launch time of 18:00 UTC for Elite Dangerous: Odyssey! Please stay tuned to our social accounts for any updates.
Stellar Screenshots: Whilst there's a lot going on this week, there's still room for your fantastic photography! We'll be gathering this week's best shots on Wednesday.
Transmissão de lançamento Odyssey: Junte
- se a nós às 14:00 UTC para nossa transmissão de lançamento Odyssey! Alguns desenvolvedores convidados se juntarão a nós para celebrarmos o lançamento! Você também terá a chance de adquirir qualquer um dos Twitch Drops que pode ter perdido até agora!
Commander Creations: Depois de uma ótima primeira semana de entradas, #CommanderCreations continuará na sexta-feira! Por favor, envie suas criações no Twitter usando a hashtag, ou no
tópico da semana passada !
A espera está quase no fim, comandantes - é hora de colocar os pés no chão!