Elite Dangerous Community Schedule W/C 28 June 2021

I'd be doing my job very wrong if I hadn't seen these videos, OA :) As I say, the guys will elaborate more on the plan later this evening in Supercruise News. I'm afraid I can't say anything more at this point. Thanks!

The things players expect to be announced on the Forum in writing, are being discussed in detail on the Stream.
The things players expect to be announced on the Stream, you're announcing in writing on the Forum.

Is this a deliberate strategy or just a consequence of firefighting? :) 🔥🧑‍🚒
Sally is doing really good work here, hatts off. I personally like some of ODS content (possibility leave ship/SRV is really good one), some not (it feels too much isolated from ships play). I think there is needed much bigger crossplay with "in ship" content to make foot more natural part of gameplay (after will be taken care about most critical performance problems). Looking forward for next patch and devs info (text form I like more).
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Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous
Thanks for this Sal, you are doing a great job in difficult circumstances.

I'm not able to watch the stream so will there be information/summary released on this forum or Twitter?

I'll see what I can do for you, Badmiker. I can always link to the VOD at the time things start being chatted over if that helps too.
Thank you.
You don't understand the point of the DEV stream.

Let me explain my situation, there are many others that see it this way:
I don't care about the Update 5 or bugs or fixes, low FPS etc.
I don't like the DLC in general, I don't care about the FPS gameplay, this is a game about space ships that's why I play it.
I bought Odyssey because of this: ship interiors not at launch. Ok, so I bought it I will play and wait till they come. I also play in VR: no VR at launch, ok maybe later. I'm a patient guy.

Now there are no plans for interiors or VR.

What I wanted to see in the DEV stream was something that I can look forward to and be excited about. Future plans, not the latest development info.

So yes, I can decide to stop playing because there's no Dev stream.
Why not just stop playing regardless of a stream? If it's not fun now for you, stop. If it's fun later, continue. Why base such obvious decisions on streams and posts? If you want to play garbage because of future promises, try star citizen.
don't blame the CM'S for the communication, they do speak what they are allowed to, they do they work as they should and can do, and they are doing a good job on what they have on hands right now.

i am a community manager on another non related game, and it really SUCKS when in your heart you really want to help a player or an aspect of the game, but it is not up to you to decide, but your superiors. Depends on them if i can share the info or not, if they will be able to help or just go radio silent and ignore that player/issue(gladly the superiors there are nice people, who share info in a timely manner).

So the one's to blame are the ones who made the plans, and changed them in the last minute (as they did with required specs). Don't attack the messagers.

having said that, FDev's once again failing to deliver, if they couldn't deliver an expansion years in the making in a satisfactory state, why did we thought they would deliver a stream speaking about development plans, or even the "improved communication" from them(NOT CM's, the ones who "hold the information")?

hell i even saw @Rat Catcher getting a bit "disappointed", i thought i'd never, NEVER see that. Look what are you doing FDEV ='(
Why not just stop playing regardless of a stream? If it's not fun now for you, stop. If it's fun later, continue. Why base such obvious decisions on streams and posts? If you want to play garbage because of future promises, try star citizen.
Don't worry about me, you obviously don't understand how I see it:) I play Star Citizen as well.
Ah, that explains a lot. In that case: EDO will be the greatest thing ever. VR will run at 40000FPS real soon, and there is amazing content coming that will make you never want to play another game! It's going to be the best thing you have ever seen, and then even better!
You forgot "also please buy this ship jpeg file cause it's not in the game yet but it will be, for sure, one day !"

@Astrotol They said way before the alpha released there would be no VR support, and no ship interiors plans for Odyssey. Don't blame them cause they didn't put in the update something they didn't say they would put in it, maybe ?
You forgot "also please buy this ship jpeg file cause it's not in the game yet but it will be, for sure, one day !"

@Astrotol They said way before the alpha released there would be no VR support, and no ship interiors plans for Odyssey. Don't blame them cause they didn't put in the update something they didn't say they would put in it, maybe ?
They said in 2013(!) they planned to have interiors be a different dlc from station legs, if both ever would come.
To be fair, I don't want to hear from the basic devs.

I want to hear from the game director or Braben, explaining why things are this bad, and what they're gonna do about it.

If Odyssey ran smooth as butter and bug-free (mostly) with the content it offers right now, I'd still be a little disgruntled, but might be more patient till after console release. As is, well, Elite is the game I've played most. Ever. And I'm just not feeling it so much. Sticking with it in the hopes of it getting stable, but [REDACTED] is looking rather snacky, my mates play it, and the ship I paid for in 2013 (lol) is about to drop into the live alpha.

If Odyssey was working well, I could possibly have talked my gun-happy friends into playing it as well. But the way it is, I just can't recommend it.

@Arthur Tolmie asked us on that stream the other day (one I actually watched) to bear with them to the end of the month. Well, it's time to deliver on that*.

*: Realistically, with what's still currently wrong as of update 4 I don't see how it's possible.
I was hoping to hear from the Queen
they way i see it, in relation to the content of the said dev post not on whether its a stream or post as well as update 5
and to be clear, i'm just stating the feeling i get from these forums not what i personally feel
i dont believe anyone has stated it's in relation to whether its a stream or post??

edit, i assume your post was not directed entirely at me given that i have not made 1 demand..
Nope not directly at you mate. Not intentionally anway. More of the community at large these days.
Ah, that explains a lot. In that case: EDO will be the greatest thing ever. VR will run at 40000FPS real soon, and there is amazing content coming that will make you never want to play another game! It's going to be the best thing you have ever seen, and then even better!
You forgot to tell him about life like ice cubes
We're not talking about threats. Player numbers have dropped off a cliff since EDO launch and are lower now than they were in the build upt to release. Trust in Frontier and the desire to play the game has already been eroded for a lot of people. If you want to ignore it and call it scaremongering then go ahead. But the reality is that this trend will continue if Frontier can't:
I'm not ignoring it, I'm just not that invested in people's statements that a dev stream happening or not is make or break for them. Or the suggestion that it might be. I find that completely ludicrous.
1. Demonstrate that they're engaging with player's issues in a meaningful way, more than lip service from CMs (without this being a critique of the CMs themselves who, we recognise, are not themselves individually responsible for the information they're given, nor what the devs actually implement).
Again, who is anyone on here to make such a demand?
2. Demonstrate that they are capable of getting the game to a playable state in a timely fashion, rather than suggesting that things are implemented that we find out, simply, aren't (inadequate culling that was flagged in the alpha which remained in full release, for example).
Define 'timely' and 'playable state'. That will be different for so many people. For some it's not playable without full VR and that's not even on the cards at the moment.
I get that people want to know more of what's going on and yes that would be a good thing.
But these constant demands from people with such entitlement is just getting ridiculous. Not everyone is going to get the game tailored to their specific wants and needs and Frontier know they will never ever make everyone happy. That's an impossible task that should be recognised as such from both sides.

Even if a dev appears on a stream it's not guaranteed they'll answer the question you want answered (the general 'you'). It's not guaranteed they'll have knowledge in the field you're concerned about either. As I said earlier. CM's should collate answers to the most asked questions from the devs and relate those dev answers to the community.
And sometimes it's just going to be "we can't say too much about that at the moment" or "we are looking into it".
3. Demonstrate that they're able to meet with the claims they're making about what they have or can do with the game can be met in reality.

Again, they're not obliged to do any of this. What claims are you referring to exactly?

The dev stream and patch timed to come out with it takes us to the end of their first roadmap of fixes. That's why a lot of people are viewing it as make or break a break point for EDO launch and whether or not they want to remain engaged with the game and Frontier as a company. Pulling away dev engagement as part of that stream is an issue because it puts us back in a situation where the CMs are the only go-between, relaying information as best they're provided when they're not the ones working on the specific systems. It is not a healthy indicator that Frontier are confident that their updates will be getting to the root of problems that the game is facing.
I think if the CM's were the only go-between, that would be fine. Assuming of course that they info we get from them comes from the Devs. One of the reason I like hearing from the devs is to listen to a more in depth line on how things work in ED.
I don't personally feel the need to have an actual Dev answering my questions. If the CM's can do that based on what the devs have relayed to them, that's fine.
A lot of people have just arbitrarily decided that this is the make or break point. It's them making a point and it's now trendy. That's my view anyway.
The amount of doom and gloom posts I've read over the last 5 years... I've seen this repeat itself time and time again.

It looks like a reversion back to a previous situation where the management at Frontier are bunkering down and hoping community loyalty pulls them through without delivering adequately.
I guess there is some truth to that but lets not forget that Odyssey was released in the state it was due to the need to get it out before the end of their financial year and to please the shareholders. Then to patch it up later. This is what's happening but some people just aren't as patient or tolerant as others.
Discount it as threats and scaremongering all you want, but the player numbers and audience engagement for content creators is what's really speaking here.
They are threats when people say they're going to leave if blah or blah. I'd say 3 out of 10 of those do and 7 don't it's just hot air.
As for audience engagement, as a content creator, since Odyssey, my viewership has risen and stayed to more than it's ever been.
But then I'm not one of those who's channel is just a feast or whinging, moaning and negativity in order to pull in views.
That doesn't mean I don't criticise but I at least try to be constructive about it rather than destructive.
You don't understand the point of the DEV stream.
Don't purport to tell me what I do and don't understand!

Let me explain my situation, there are many others that see it this way:
I don't care about the Update 5 or bugs or fixes, low FPS etc.
Well you should. It's kinda the point. Plus all this isn't about what you or any other single individual cares about.
I don't like the DLC in general, I don't care about the FPS gameplay, this is a game about space ships that's why I play it.
I bought Odyssey because of this: ship interiors not at launch. Ok, so I bought it I will play and wait till they come. I also play in VR: no VR at launch, ok maybe later. I'm a patient guy.

Now there are no plans for interiors or VR.
Well sorry, but buying a DLC in the hope you'll get something that isn't in that DLC yet isn't the wisest decision now is it?
You're hanging on promises and if they don't come through, don't you put any of the blame on yourself for jumping the gun? If you don't care for FPS or DLC then why did you buy Odyssey? Especially at this stage when ship interiors and full VR isn't a thing. Sorry, I can offer you no sympathy. You took that gamble.
What I wanted to see in the DEV stream was something that I can look forward to and be excited about. Future plans, not the latest development info.

So yes, I can decide to stop playing because there's no Dev stream.
Yes it would be nice to hear from the Devs, I'm not saying it won't be. But if they choose to post or do it another way, I'm ok with that even if it's not as nice as the stream option (which I'm sure will materialise at some point).

Of course you can decide to stop playing. But you'll be the only one losing out in that scenario. And, I think, for a silly reason.
Hows three years of waiting with nothing said other than "if we get time"? While this is going on, rampant exploits kill the feature, winding people up further- so 'self-entitled' is a little rich really.
3 years of waiting for what exactly? And why are you waiting 3 years on something that was never promised?
Yeah well I'm no fan of exploits either. But instancing is a killer too and that's been an issue since day 1. Which exploits are you referring to (and I'll understand if you don't want to mention any) ?
Self entitled is how a lot of people are coming across. I'm not referring directly to you. This air of entitlement from players is palpable.
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