Discussion Elite Dangerous Companion Emulator (EDCE)

Not a python expert for Windows, but have you tried

py -m pip install requests

Got this tip from: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24285508/how-to-use-pip-with-python-3-4-on-windows

man, you ARE a genius! :)

the windows command "pip install requests" did install requests, but obviously not where i needed it.

your command "py -m pip install requests" did also install requests, but after that

"py client_setup.py" and "py edce_client.py" worked like a charm


With the changes in 2.4 and new cAPI format, a new release has been... released :)

Some of the changes are breaking, there's no way around that. Github URL if too lazy to read the first post: https://github.com/Andargor/edce-client

As previously mentioned, this is a very simple app to help out those that wish to start using the cAPI. There are many more useful tools out there for your commander profile, the market, using the journal and so on. But in case you don't feel like going through thousands of lines of code, EDCE can get you started with developing your tool.

Here's the changelog:
- Added --version command line argument

- cAPI 2.4 changes
- BREAKING CHANGE: Cleaned up schema versions (2 no longer supported)
- Fixed EDDN urls, will be overridden for legacy installs (otherwise just delete edce.ini and re-run client-setup.py)
- Implemented common function for cAPI queries (submitQuery)
- BREAKING CHANGE: performQuery assembles the /profile, /market and /shipyard queries in one object, with these as top-level keys. The returned object, if converted to edict, will have the top-level endpoints prepended to the path, e.g. before data.commander, after data.profile.commander
- BREAKING CHANGE: postMarketData for EDDN requires the last system name (/market just contains station, normally last system is under /profile)
- Added timezone to EDDN message timestamp, because it no longer likes it if you don't

EDIT: And thanks Ben Page for the pull request that woke me up :p
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