Elite Dangerous Crime: Fines, Bounties and Notoriety

Going forward, will C&P still use the notoriety and hot ship model (this seems to be diseased with bugs, and at the ship level work-arounds) or will there be a design level change in how crime and punishment is handled in EDO in future updates?
Going forward, will C&P still use the notoriety and hot ship model (this seems to be diseased with bugs, and at the ship level work-arounds) or will there be a design level change in how crime and punishment is handled in EDO in future updates?

One thing is for sure: ED in general will always be diseased with bugs. That has become an integral part of the experience.
Going forward, will C&P still use the notoriety and hot ship model (this seems to be diseased with bugs, and at the ship level work-arounds) or will there be a design level change in how crime and punishment is handled in EDO in future updates?
When they implemented bounties having to be cleaned with interstellar factors or by getting claimed instead of having them time out, they neglected to have the IF method update the faction's top 5 bounty board. Most likely just forgetting to tag that proc call onto the "clean bounties with IF" process.
As a result, if you're on a faction's bounty board and wipe your bounties with an IF, you'll stay on that faction's bounty board until someone commits a crime and forces a board refresh.
If you wipe your bounties by getting blown up by the station on purpose, on the other hand, the board is updated correctly.

It's like they bolted the new system on top of the old one without fully understanding how the old one even works, instead of integrating it properly or ripping it out and updating the whole thing.

In other words, even if there is an overhaul, I fully expect little pieces of the old system to be lying in wait to ambush people.
ok just joined this post ,havnt read all. i played horizons and ed for a loooong time/and getting notorouis was quite a rare occurance. but in ground missions exterminate x crims in base,ok so i kill all grab the power reg on the way out.now have a nototriy, hello whats on. i can kill 15 pirates on a massacre mission get nothing,base mission isnt illegal i get done well well seems wierd to me . please answer with better spelling then me lol. ,
ok just joined this post ,havnt read all. i played horizons and ed for a loooong time/and getting notorouis was quite a rare occurance. but in ground missions exterminate x crims in base,ok so i kill all grab the power reg on the way out.now have a nototriy, hello whats on. i can kill 15 pirates on a massacre mission get nothing,base mission isnt illegal i get done well well seems wierd to me . please answer with better spelling then me lol. ,
yeah, "massacre" missions that are like "kill x guards" mark guards as mission targets and don't give notoriety for killing them (though you do still get it for killing, say, technicians and administrators as they're not your targets), but "settlement massacre" missions that tell you to kill everyone will not flagg the people you're supposed to kill as mission targets, therefore you get notoriety for every kill even though you were literally told to leave nobody alive as part of your mission.

You certainly shouldn't be getting notoriety for raid missions though. If your mission was to kill criminals it would have sent you to an anarchy base. The only time I've ever got a bounty for a mission that asked me to go after criminals was a takedown where the target fled, and I just bombed them from the air without warrant-scanning them while they were in a lawful jurisdiction. I was in a rush.
When they implemented bounties having to be cleaned with interstellar factors or by getting claimed instead of having them time out, they neglected to have the IF method update the faction's top 5 bounty board. Most likely just forgetting to tag that proc call onto the "clean bounties with IF" process.
As a result, if you're on a faction's bounty board and wipe your bounties with an IF, you'll stay on that faction's bounty board until someone commits a crime and forces a board refresh.
If you wipe your bounties by getting blown up by the station on purpose, on the other hand, the board is updated correctly.

It's like they bolted the new system on top of the old one without fully understanding how the old one even works, instead of integrating it properly or ripping it out and updating the whole thing.

In other words, even if there is an overhaul, I fully expect little pieces of the old system to be lying in wait to ambush people.
I really appreciate your analysis of the likely cause of the issues, but I do believe the CMs at one point had mentioned a revisit of C&P might be considered.
I'm not sure if this is still accurate, but I do recall that it seemed rather convoluted to me when it just applied to EDH.
Screen Shot 2023-04-28 at 1.18.05 PM.png

Maybe there is a new version floating around that includes EDO C&P, it really should be available to Commanders within their CODEX resources.

There are two core issues with current C&P from my point of view.

1) Notoriety is not like reputation. It does not unlock system permits, missions, modules, ships etc. unavailable to non-criminals.

2) The current C&P does not effectively curtail criminal behavior in high security systems.

So bugs aside, I would like a more accessible system that achieves the 2 elements I have outlined.
I really appreciate your analysis of the likely cause of the issues, but I do believe the CMs at one point had mentioned a revisit of C&P might be considered.
I'm not sure if this is still accurate, but I do recall that it seemed rather convoluted to me when it just applied to EDH.
View attachment 354186
Maybe there is a new version floating around that includes EDO C&P, it really should be available to Commanders within their CODEX resources.

There are two core issues with current C&P from my point of view.

1) Notoriety is not like reputation. It does not unlock system permits, missions, modules, ships etc. unavailable to non-criminals.

2) The current C&P does not effectively curtail criminal behavior in high security systems.

So bugs aside, I would like a more accessible system that achieves the 2 elements I have outlined.
I'd agree with both those points, but my main bugbears are:

1 - through bugs or otherwise, the system is inconsistent in several places (why does killing a faction's ship in an anarchy/uninhabited system incur a lower rep hit than killing their ships in a third party jurisdiction, why does clearing your bounty one way remove you from the bounty board but not the other way, etc)

2 - criminal missions are both more inconvenient and usually pay less than their legal equivalents, certainly in a way that makes them not worth doing since bounties don't go away by themselves any more (at least with an assassination before the C&P update, you could go lie low until the heat was off!)

3 - there's no way to get away with crime due to the all-seeing eye, which means that if you take a settlement massacre mission you might as well just go in guns-blazing since you'll cop a bounty for every kill either way. Why bother with stealth if stealth is impossible?
When they implemented bounties having to be cleaned with interstellar factors or by getting claimed instead of having them time out, they neglected to have the IF method update the faction's top 5 bounty board. Most likely just forgetting to tag that proc call onto the "clean bounties with IF" process.
As a result, if you're on a faction's bounty board and wipe your bounties with an IF, you'll stay on that faction's bounty board until someone commits a crime and forces a board refresh.
If you wipe your bounties by getting blown up by the station on purpose, on the other hand, the board is updated correctly.

It's like they bolted the new system on top of the old one without fully understanding how the old one even works, instead of integrating it properly or ripping it out and updating the whole thing.

In other words, even if there is an overhaul, I fully expect little pieces of the old system to be lying in wait to ambush people.
Thank you for the insight. I've always wondered why the bounty stays on the board anyway even after you clear it, since it makes no sense. Just one of many very specific bugs that never get fixed...
Thank you for the insight. I've always wondered why the bounty stays on the board anyway even after you clear it, since it makes no sense. Just one of many very specific bugs that never get fixed...
yeah, I wondered what the deal was a couple of years back when I was out in the sticks and tested it.

clear bounty with IF: it stays on the board, seemingly indefinitely (nobody else was out there committing crimes)
commit a crime: my entry gets replaced with my new entry, usually lower than what the previous entry was before I cleared it
clear bounty then someone else commits a crime: it updates with their crime, removes me
shoot the station and let it blow me up: my entry is removed from the table

The thing is, it's a waste of time reporting these things on the tracker and I'm not being paid to do QA work anyway.
Unless we get some Frontier interaction on the bug issues I'd consider the issue tracker dead in the water...

Maybe best to discuss bugs here on the forum, and hope that some dev reads and thinks that's broken and easy to fix.

Though there are myriads of bug fixes in each release which never makes the patch notes, while on the other hand there are really big bugs that seem to linger forever.. 🤷‍♂️
It´s the end of 2023 and having to kill myself whenever I scratch someone in the mail slot is still terrible gameplay.
i just shot my way into a command building cut the alarm downloaded the settlement defence plan, then into the power house got the regulater got out the settlement and away, who said crime dont pay oh i got 1 notty on me np just move on and yeah i abandoned mission to keep the plans, have a nice day lol.
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