ANNOUNCEMENT Elite Dangerous: Horizons for PS4


you're blind man... look at 2:08 on the lower right.
next time check again before spilling bull ...

Yeah, it's not at 0:46, but at 2:08 I see it now, on the lower left.

I love how missing that 1 second glimpse made me 'blind man'!

Sorry for spreading the bull around everyone... I'll not post again. :rolleyes:
We obviously really love VR, and Elite was one of the first and best (in my opinion!) VR games, so we're looking into it, but we've got nothing to announce today...

Elite Dangerous VR being one of the last PC program keeping me on the PC (The PS4(pro) is good enough for 99% of my gaming requirements) I think this is a wonderful news.

Now, add to this a HOTAS capability and I'm all set.

On the PC platform, we can push out updates as required after it gets a pass from QA. As for the Xbox One platform, it will have to go thru our QA and Microsoft's QA team, which does take a little longer.

I am aware of it, that's why I wrote what I wrote. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depends how you look at it), the QA approval makes it so that there might be a small window where the games are not in sync.

But credit where credit is due, major updates have been released at the same time, and that's a very good thing.
Beautifull, most astonishing Elite Dangerous trailer ever!!!!!

Huuuuuuge congrats to Frontier's CG team responsible for it. Amazing work!!! :)


It's great times to be alive, Commanders... ;)
Probably being said already as I haven`t read thru the posts, but that your release date for season 3, Q2 2107.

Good news though, broadens the player/support base for the game.
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Anyone else care to chip in?

As a long time Playstation owner (1 through to 4), on the PS3 there were a couple of games that supported PC/Playstation cross play. The one that comes immediately to mind is DUST514 by CCCP. This connected to the Eve world so that PC gamers in the ships could influence events for PS3 players (playing a FPS).

So, certainly Sony support it. MS used to be a walled garden but I believe they have relaxed that. Hopefully Frontier can add cross play.

Final point: it's great to see Frontier supporting the PS4 and making really good use of the dualshock. They've just hit 50million sold so there's potential there for quite a bump in player numbers. :)
As a long time Playstation owner (1 through to 4), on the PS3 there were a couple of games that supported PC/Playstation cross play. The one that comes immediately to mind is DUST514 by CCCP. This connected to the Eve world so that PC gamers in the ships could influence events for PS3 players (playing a FPS).

So, certainly Sony support it. MS used to be a walled garden but I believe they have relaxed that. Hopefully Frontier can add cross play.

If crossplay ever gets implemented into Elite then I’d say it’s far more likely to exist between the PC and PS4 than anywhere else. It certainly isn’t likely to ever happen between the PS4 and Xbox, but even between the PC and Xbox is very unlikely due to Live’s policies and architecture, especially since Steam is involved here too. Sony is much more loose and allowing when it comes to their online policies.

I’m certainly all for crossplay though. The bigger the playerbase which can play together the better. One thing is for sure though, Mobius is going to need another group or two added within the next year…
Greetings Commanders, we've got some very exciting news today! We're bringing Elite Dangerous: Horizons to PS4 in Q2 of 2017!

We think CEO David Braben said it best in today's Playstation EU blog:


"I’m thrilled to announce today that Elite Dangerous is coming to PlayStation 4.

... Over thirty years later, Elite Dangerous is a huge step forwards from those games, but the principles are the same – do what you like and live life in an immense galaxy – and today you can play with (or against!) friends and our amazing community as you travel the galaxy alone, together in a ‘wing’ or even fly aboard the same ship.

… We’re excited to let PlayStation 4 players jump aboard at this critical moment for our galaxy!

We’re looking forward to telling you more about how we’re supporting PlayStation 4 in the coming months, before we launch in Q2 2017. We have had a great time with Elite Dangerous already. I hope you’ll come and join our fantastic community, and I’m looking forward to meeting all the PlayStation 4 players exploring our galaxy!"


We're very excited to welcome PS4 Commanders to the Elite Dangerous galaxy as we continue to develop the game for Xbox One, PC and soon for PS4!

Are you going to merge the Xbox One player base with the PS4 player base?

If not, this whole announcement will be pointless since not many people play CQC on Xbox (or open play anymore with all the trolls). And it will probably be the same on PS4, low player base in open play and not that many people in CQC at all. More or less, spending money on servers that can't be populated.

You should talk to Sony about this. Rocket League is having a hard time convincing Sony to have PS4 players to play with Xbox One players.
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Are you going to merge the Xbox One player base with the PS4 player base?

If not, this whole announcement will be pointless since not many people play CQC (or open play anymore with all the trolls).

You should talk to Sony about this. Rocket League is having a hard time convincing Sony to have PS4 players to play with Xbox One players.

I don't think there will be any kind of merge. Sony and Microsoft are competitors.

Its not really pointless if there is another way to play our game. The average ratio of troll to player has gotta be 1000 to 1. Open is the shizzle.

So much negative speculation already geez.
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