Hi guys,
I've been trying to upgrade to this new one... unfortunately my Launcher is synchronising ... and is not coming to an end although the blue bar is fully loaded and indicates <1m ??? I WANT TO PLAY!!!
Any suggestions?
Pretty much everything that tried to interdict me was Deadly or Elite (50/50) and I'm only ranked Dangerous. Are you just unlucky?
As for AI... I just had an encounter with one of those FDL equipped bounty hunters. Still damned hard to stay on with a Python, and that ship is still SPAMMING Chaff the entire time I am engaged with it, but I was able to finally destroy it, and for the first time, I got paid more for the kill than 400CR.
Has anyone filed a bug report about the Chaff Spamming issue? I see it a lot and just now tells me that it is still there after this update. I can't launch chaff that much myself. How are these AI putting out a steady stream of the stuff?
So if your faction suffered from this it will be fixed so that the negative influence that you gained the last few days will be corrected?Server
- Fix the background sim’s daily influence caps behaving incorrectly with large negative influence change
The only change I see with the AI is that the PP AI are no longer attacking at all, other than that, the AI is still manuvering greatly. Took on a wing of 3 AI 1 conda, 2 vultures, all 3 deadly, once I killed the conda the two vultures waked out. They should have stayed, I can't turn the vette on Vultures nor should I be able to. They still have their modded weapons, me likes...
Hi guys,
I've been trying to upgrade to this new one... unfortunately my Launcher is synchronising ... and is not coming to an end although the blue bar is fully loaded and indicates <1m ??? I WANT TO PLAY!!!
Any suggestions?
i'm getting a similar problem "Failed to read from response stream. Network connection closed"
Hi guys,
I've been trying to upgrade to this new one... unfortunately my Launcher is synchronising ... and is not coming to an end although the blue bar is fully loaded and indicates <1m ??? I WANT TO PLAY!!!
Any suggestions?
Brooks-kun, Brooks-kun!
...Is Jaques Station going to make it to BP?