Here's a
beta test for the
Odyssey: In-flight Lighting Rebalance, and Skybox Tool
Alert: Based on early feedback, there is an issue with the new shaders and AMD gfx cards.
Download Beta 2 from:
EDHM GitHub (this is a second version that might improve the situation for AMD users)
(Note: These Odyssey shaders may not be compatible with AMD gfx cards. There is no need to post images of bugs if you have an AMD card as we already know about them. I'd much prefer to hear if you're an AMD user and it is working for you)
To install: Unzip into the elite-dangerous-odyssey-64 folder (not the elite-dangerous-64 folder, this mod does not work in Horizons)
To uninstall: Double-click the file EDHM-Uninstall.bat while Elite is not running
In-flight Lighting Rebalance:
There are three brightness shaders (I call them 'brightness' but technically they all do slightly different things), and you can configure the values in Custom.ini (in the EDHM-ini folder)
If you'd like the HUD brighter, I recommend going into the right-side panel / Ship tab / Pilot Preferences, and set Interface Brightness to maximum. That will really boost the HUD. Note: By default, this Interface Brightness setting is lower than in Horizons (well, for me it was).
Also modded are bloom, green levels, and I've included an option to restore the blue shield from Horizons
Another shader (not included) controls the maximum limits on the brightness shaders - it's the same shader that adjusts your 'dark vision' as you walk into darker areas. I didn't mod that shader as it can throw everything out of balance. But hopefully this brightness level is enough.
Please note: There is a separate set of lighting shaders for on-foot. I didn't mod any of these shaders as some people might complain about an unfair advantage if CMDRs running EDHM can spot their enemy slightly earlier than with vanilla Odyssey. If you can find a way to contact FDev and get approval to make on-foot 10% brighter then I'll gladly do it.
Also note, bloom and green levels are universal, so their effects will carry over to on-foot. Reduced bloom and green level will slightly reduce brightness, so keep that in mind.
So far the Odyssey shaders had to be extracted in Assembly instead of HLSL (shader language). I find it very difficult to mod in assembly, so if you see any bugs then please let me know.
Bugs to look for:
- The brighter lighting turning on or off unexpectedly
- Brighter lighting while on foot (please PM me, for the reason outlined above. I don’t want the mod to cause any controversy)
- Flickering
It's quite difficult to check the FPS impact of this mod as Odyssey FPS is generally all over the place. But if you notice any particular situation where the FPS is dropping more than normal, then please take a screenshot with the FPS showing (press CTRL F), and re-load the game without the mod and take another screenshot in the exact same position showing a higher FPS. Thank you
SkyBox Tool
The Skybox tool allows you to adjust:
i. The mode (three Odyssey modes, Horizons space fog mode)
ii. Brightness of the nebulae and core
iii. RGB levels of the nebulae and core (many people like to turn the red levels down a little)
The values I use are listed in each section in Custom.ini, and these are turned on by default. If you want to completely remove the Skybox Tool then delete afcd950ead4ecd33-ps.txt from ShaderFixes
General Mod Controls
F11 to reload the shaders in-game after you adjust a value in Custom.ini.
You can change this keybind in Dev.ini
F1 disables the mod (hold F1 to disable, so you can quickly check what the game looks like without the mod).
You can change this keybind in Custom.ini
Suggestions, bug reports, comments, please add them here
PS. In Startup-Profile.ini I’ve also included controls to turn off Supercruise speed lines, and space dust in both flight modes
EDHM front HUD colours coming this weekend (hopefully!)