Elite: Dangerous is seriously underrated

Well I'm with the OP, i really enjoy Elite since day 1 of playing it.
Is it perfect? No. No game ever is.
Could there be more content? Sure, but it's a BIG galaxy. I can't imagine what is involved in trying to integrate anything into it from a development perspective.

It all comes down to why you play Elite. I love space, astronomy, astrophysics and Sci-Fi novels. Being able to fly through a massive galaxy and see things I can't normally see is amazing. Some of the stations remind me of those i read about in novels as well as a few other aspects. Can I mix up a bit of mining, trading and combat when I'm not just happy exploring? Yes. That's enough for me.

If you don't like it. If you don't enjoy it. Log off, uninstall and be done with it. Stop trying to be sad little children sapping enjoyment from others who do appreciate it.
Who's with me commanders o7


How come the only actual ED asset in this pic is the badge? ;)

It is the best at what it does, however the bar is set very low by the competition. Some aspects are amazing, breathtaking. Others questionable to the point of wondering how it ever made it out of beta development. But it is my favourite current game, I will miss it when it's gone.
This is one of the things I like about Elite. I can pick some random "backwater" system to make my home, I can support and even change the political and economic state of that system, and over time I'll experience real, deterministic astronomical events, whether it simple things like planetary outposts coming out of the shadows into the light, or more pronounced things like cool planetary alignments, eclipses, etc. And on rare occasion, I might see a CMDR pass through "my" system, and that thrills me way more than seeing 20 CMDRs at ShinDez.

Yep, I love this game! I just hate the bugs and wish Frontier would finish cooking all the half-baked aspects.
im still searching for a nook and cranny that hasn't been seen yet.. every system I come across has been discovered first by someone or other.. once ive sorted my python out and I can start jumping further than 14ly ill be heading out further
Im sorry but I have to say, who are you? why are you here? you obviously don't like the game or play it.. an empty sandbox are you actually saying those words.. its not random at all, I can go to the same places over and over again, the map is real, its big and theres a billion things going on all at once like a real universe.. you just do not know what elite is..


Elite equals freedom. The galaxy is your oyster. You are not constrained by a plot, and the game does not end (which I REALLY like!).

There are bugs, there are shortcomings, admittedly, but given the advantages mentioned above, I'm more than happy with it -- and I've got at least 2,000 hours in this game (between two accounts. Could be more).
Despite all of its shortcomings and the ENDLESS saltiness. I keep coming back and falling in love with it all over again. The game is huge! Its going yo be buggy!

But id rather have this than forever waiting for Starcitizen (which will be just as bugged to )
Im sorry but I have to say, who are you? why are you here? you obviously don't like the game or play it.. an empty sandbox are you actually saying those words.. its not random at all, I can go to the same places over and over again, the map is real, its big and theres a billion things going on all at once like a real universe.. you just do not know what elite is..

I am me Obviously.
My Name is Written on the left Side of my Post in case you didnt know that.

And I think I just Explained that I am here because currently thanks to the lack of any alternatives. Elite Remains the most viable Candidate to maybe become a Decent Space Game at some Point in the far Future.

As for the Rest I will answer that on your other Post further down.

Is there a secret message hidden in the random capitalized words? It's the Formidine Rift all over again!

In a Sense there is.
Albeit its a Quiz so easy that last time on YouTube someone Solved it within 10 minutes after me Posting.
Its also not really related to the Topic or to Elite Dangerous.
So dont expect to much when you head to google to check why I might be doing this.

im still searching for a nook and cranny that hasn't been seen yet.. every system I come across has been discovered first by someone or other.. once ive sorted my python out and I can start jumping further than 14ly ill be heading out further

about 1000 LY Out you will start reliably finding Systems that are not Surveyed yet.
At least if you dont go for the Obvious Routes like towards Nebulae and such.

Just be Warned. Everything you will Find is basicly exactly the same as it is 100 LY out the Bubble.
There is little to no Difference between the stuff you find 100LY, 1000LY and 10000LY outside the Bubble.

Which is exactly what I said above.
You might not Realize it yet.
You just got a Python which is obviously not Stocked up for Exploration yet.
So you simply have not yet really seen enough to Realize that the underlying Systems is exactly the same everywhere.

But after 2 or 3 Expeditions into the Dark. You will start Understanding just what I am talking about and why I can say these Words.
Im sorry but I have to say, who are you? why are you here? you obviously don't like the game or play it.. an empty sandbox are you actually saying those words.. its not random at all, I can go to the same places over and over again, the map is real, its big and theres a billion things going on all at once like a real universe.. you just do not know what elite is..

Sunleader Joined Aug 11, 2014 / 4,050 Messages
PaxtonNewt Joined Mar 18, 2019 / 91 Messages
After seeing the way FD has handled this game, i will never buy another FD product.

It'll be tough, but we'll survive that.

If you don't like it. If you don't enjoy it. Log off, uninstall and be done with it. Stop trying to be sad little children sapping enjoyment from others who do appreciate it.

Haha. No. That would be what normal people do. :)
Oh are we doing comparisons now?

well, since PaxtonNewt asked this

Im sorry but I have to say, who are you? why are you here? you obviously don't like the game or play it.. an empty sandbox are you actually saying those words.. its not random at all, I can go to the same places over and over again, the map is real, its big and theres a billion things going on all at once like a real universe.. you just do not know what elite is..

The game is actually more random than anything since it's procedural generated.

i guess Sunleader is a bit more enlighten on the devs process or regular update or general information in Elite since participating in the forums tend to give you more info than just playing the game. Also pointing out that "you obviously don't like the game" is a redundant and tiresome argument.
And saying to someone that have posted more than 4000 messages don't know what elite is..well
It's very pretty.
Sounds great.
Flight model is ludicrous but quite pleasant.
Real scale planets are cool, even tough only the crappiest planets are accessible.
Milky way is cool.

The rest is mediocre at best. Shallow and bland. Mind-boggingly bizarre design decisions. Incoherent and sterile game world. Can barely interact with anything at all. Nothing one does matters, not even in the tinyest scale. Extremely basic gameplay loops. Awful overall balance.

And 5 years in, looking at how the past 4 years have been spent mostly adding worthless fluff or half-baked features that barely work (or work as intended) I doubt it is gonna change much or raise any eyebrows in the future...

It was a nice try though. I don't regret buying it, although I do regret all the money I spent on skins etc, to help fund further development when I still thought this game was going anywhere.
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