@sallymorganmoore - Will ALL content currently communicated in the codex, and confirmed as being currently in game by CEO David Braben since launch but not identified as narrative, but is narratively tied; still be accessible in 3.8; or is certain codex content now assigned to be 4.0 access only?
I understand narrative content falls into this category which is fine, so can we please request that FD please update the 3.8 codex, so that this is made abundantly clear, for instance the Dark Wheel story is not active so it won’t be in 3.8.
It is likely that some will undoubtedly still play this version predominantly and purchase it over 4.0, but will be unaware certain content advertised in 3.8 isn’t in the 3.8 content due to it being narratively tied, but is not communicated as such; not everyone has such experience nor knowledge as current players and it’s apparent some spend a good deal of time, chasing these particular rainbows, such discrepancies may be misconstrued. Can FD utilise this opportunity to make sure the 3.8 codex makes this clear.