Elite Dangerous Legacy (3.8) Is Now Available | IMPORTANT RELEASE INFORMATION

Hi Sally. I’m an ageing Quester for Raxxla and trying to understand the implications of Live versus Legacy etc. Nor have I been following the various threads about update 14, so apologies if you've already been asked this...

Can you confirm that
1) Raxxla (David Braben said it’s been in-game from before version 1.0) is in both Live and Legacy versions?
2) that its accessibility has been tested and confirmed for both versions?
If it wasn’t reported why would it be looked into and fixed?

How do you know it isn’t Live that is paying too much?

Note I don’t do enough missions to know what they pay.

Consider doing more missions and comparing monetary values of different reward mixes offered.

For consistency, use galactic average commodity prices.


Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous
Glad to see that First disvovered by / First mapped reappeared. Thanks alot.
Apologies, with the situation around the BGS I diverted to that this morning and neglected to update you that yes, 1st discovery and 1st mapping tags on the system map will now be fixed for you.

Once the waters steady with progress on the BGS front, I'll prioritise an update on issues being tracked o7
legacy seems fine
as Jack Winter said, I did the same thing this morning, works fine

EDO, that's a different story
in system to system , no place is a carrier target...nice. so system target only
but its moody.
it works, then it just won't.
Can you let me know when the last time you tried was please? Thanks!
I haven't accessed my Legacy carrier since seeing your warning not to play on it - the morning of 30Nov3308. I was waiting for the go-ahead. Others seem to be reporting that Legacy carriers are working so I may venture into that mode.
Hi Sally. I’m an ageing Quester for Raxxla and trying to understand the implications of Live versus Legacy etc. Nor have I been following the various threads about update 14, so apologies if you've already been asked this...

Can you confirm that
1) Raxxla (David Braben said it’s been in-game from before version 1.0) is in both Live and Legacy versions?
2) that its accessibility has been tested and confirmed for both versions?
😁 You didn't seriously think this was going to work did you?
Is there an Issue with Powerplay points not being counted on PS? We've redeemed several thousand Merits yesterday but they did no longer became counted in the leaderboard. Also - except of two squadrons - all other points / ranks in the leaderboard remained the same as well, so we've thought these two might be Legacy PC Players? No idea if PC squadrons will beecome displayed in PS leaderboard at all.
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@sallymorganmoore - Will ALL content currently communicated in the codex, and confirmed as being currently in game by CEO David Braben since launch but not identified as narrative, but is narratively tied; still be accessible in 3.8; or is certain codex content now assigned to be 4.0 access only?

I understand narrative content falls into this category which is fine, so can we please request that FD please update the 3.8 codex, so that this is made abundantly clear, for instance the Dark Wheel story is not active so it won’t be in 3.8.

It is likely that some will undoubtedly still play this version predominantly and purchase it over 4.0, but will be unaware certain content advertised in 3.8 isn’t in the 3.8 content due to it being narratively tied, but is not communicated as such; not everyone has such experience nor knowledge as current players and it’s apparent some spend a good deal of time, chasing these particular rainbows, such discrepancies may be misconstrued. Can FD utilise this opportunity to make sure the 3.8 codex makes this clear.
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