the versions are not made clear in the Fdev post
3.8 = console and pc users that own odyssey 4.0 (at least the version you would buy if you already had ED and Horizons on pc)
pc users that own Odyssey4.0 have Horizons 3.8, not Horizons 4.0
if you only bought ED or Horizons and you want the Odyssey visuals, etc... but not foot content, not full blown Odyssey, then you buy Horizons 4.0
means Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey are the same thing except Horizons will have zero foot content
so for pc users that play 3.8 horizons, we get it turned into Legacy, then I guess we get a download that gives us Horizons 4.0
I think fdev should make these notes for everyone and put it on the first page of the thread for U14 so everyone can stop trying to guess.
I don't like to type guesses into a response. there is no reason anyone should be guessing.
I am amazed that it is Thursday.
it feels like a Friday where fdev gives us bad news then walks away for the weekend.
if you are going to give out BAD NEWS, why not include ALL the details, what it will and what it won't affect.
ASSUME that NOT ONE person will Have any idea why or what you are going on about.
ASSUME that most of them have no idea what version of what on what device is being JAMMED UP! or even what version they have.
other than consoles know they got toasted. that was clear.
Pretty sure that half the player base getting jammed up is a surprise to almost all of them.