ANNOUNCEMENT Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Announcement

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Look to be FDev are sacrificing eye candy for game play, I think that can only be a good thing.
All those getting upset and saying they couldn't abide buying a game without VR should perhaps consider that, while the game may not be the same visual experience, the core activities of Elite that make it enjoyable will not only be still there but expanded as well.
We didn't have VR at the start IIRC so it could come along later.
That VR is not available from the start, really does not affect me. But for those that it does affect I would just point out that this is not new terretory for Elite with Frontier. The innitial game released with it still being worked on. Give them time at least and you will be happy.

Those of us that were actually interested in base building on the other hand. Frontier proved with that response to tell us that they are not listening to their players at all. They could of stepped in and said that at any time in the months preceding this. Frontier isn't invested in their customers just their stockholders.

Currently, Odyssey is not shaping up to offer content I'll be interested in. Just like the fleet carriers. I do not have interest in renting someone else's base. I want to own and operate my own.

Frontier has never made a first person shooter before. They have thus far also remained using a peer to peer networking system. Which means 98% of the entire game runs on the client side and only a portion is server side for the purpose of logged data. This is why pvp in open play experiences so much rubber banding among other errors. Like npc ships becoming immune to damage when in a wing. Now imagine playing a first person shooter where twitch reactions will be the difference between living and dying. Frontier has never had to deal with aimbots, they will be rampant.

Has Frontier even looked into anti-cheat technology? Has Frontier considered looking into aimbot technology? Knowing what your enemy uses is the first step to defeating it. Frontier has a ton of competitors in the first person shooter market and they could easily make the attempt to talk to them to discuss problems and solutions for the purpose of communication for insight against cheaters. Game company to Game company they will be more interested to converse that subject than if you were not identifying your end goal. Spread that question across multiple developers and you will broaden a sense of the conclusion.

Odyssey I anticipate will be a "Take our game design as is, and make a first person shooter addon that mirrors that. Grind reputation again. Grind Engineers again. Grind permits again. Grind for more engineering mats." Anything to keep the number of active players up.
3. With all informations we have: Odyssey will be a FPS glued to the Elite skeleton.

That's the thing. We have no information. We have named headline features with no detail. Par for the course with this game. They always do this. The best suggestion is to wait before being completely disappointed. Your number 2 - 'Spacelegs are alien to every existing mechanic' is probably the biggest hurdle to this feature they have. They know they need to make it worthwhile and we know that they iterate at basic levels and expand based on interest. Given that this is a full blown paid expansion, my hope is that during the 'Odyssey Season' we'll end up seeing something that was worth it, including VR support, including ship/builidng interiors, things of that nature. They really need to nail that initial gameplay though, because without it, it will be another multicrew or another CQC.
Just trying to help those who are confused. Some people seem to think that software engineering is free, and this VR choice is intended as some sort of personal insult. 🤣

My wife really loved the raspberry cheesecake from the Cheescake factory, but it got discontinued - seems it wasn’t very popular. She was gutted and, even though she’s not a big cake eater, she really loved it!
...I thought she was crazy until Frontier confirmed no VR support!
I was excited and very much looking forward to Odessy VR at lauch!
I hope the amazing devs at frontier can work this one out.

I play a few fps style games in VR and I have absolutely no issues using traditional mouse and keyboard control setups while in VR.
DO NOT USE TELEPORTING, keep it a traditional fps movement via gamepad or mouse and keyboard and all will be fine.

And don't worry about comfort levels as us ED VR players are used to driving SRVs like nut jobs, well I am at least.

Elite and VR is the only way I fly so no VR would regrettably mean I would pass this update up and focus on the BGS and my squadron in Horizons.

o7 Cmdrs

I'm a VR user myself, but god you guys jump to conclusions so fast it makes my head spin.

What part of NO VR AT LAUNCH do you guys not get?

Hell, I'm more concerned with the possible reality that we can't walk around our ships and interact with them in more ways than flying them. As much as I've tended to pitch a intergalactic fit and throw FDEV under the bus for the constant delays and content droughts - I'd be willing to wait until early or late Q2 2021 just so we get that and some planetary variety. All mars-alikes and no water/weather systems makes Nodoka a dull girl. Hell, I'm a bit dissapointed that base building isn't even in the damn roadmap.

Oh, and upgrade the character editor, FDEV. I want more variety in my character's looks. Custom colors for outfits, customizable body shape, stuff like that.
yeah - much so! I am rather disappointed I still cannot reprsent my 1,82 m 110 Kg female Body properly in Hollow-Me ;)
I see a whole lot of antagonistic posts from non-VR users in here for some reason. People aren't "whining" they're incredibly disappointed that their hardware and method of playing for the past 4+ years has been left behind in this new expansion. You wouldn't be happy either if you were in the same position. 100% valid complaints to be aired here for FDEV to see.
Look to be FDev are sacrificing eye candy for game play, I think that can only be a good thing.
All those getting upset and saying they couldn't abide buying a game without VR should perhaps consider that, while the game may not be the same visual experience, the core activities of Elite that make it enjoyable will not only be still there but expanded as well.
We didn't have VR at the start IIRC so it could come along later.
There was VR at the start I believe - for Oculus at least.
The rest, great comment - let's revel in something new and decidedly different - and still be able to fly our spaceships - and until VR support, should it arrive in Odyssey, appears, we can all drop back to Horizons for our VR fix :)
Just trying to help those who are confused. Some people seem to think that software engineering is free, and this VR choice is intended as some sort of personal insult. 🤣
Well if the CEO nailed his colours to the VR banner...


would it not be reasonable to presume that the most senior executive in the company would be aware of the cost implications of the associated software development?
I see a whole lot of antagonistic posts from non-VR users in here for some reason. People aren't "whining" they're incredibly disappointed that their hardware and method of playing for the past 4+ years has been left behind in this new expansion. You wouldn't be happy either if you were in the same position. 100% valid complaints to be aired here for FDEV to see.

Great summary. I wonder how those wonderful folks would feel if the expansion suddenly became VR-only!
Y'all need to stop crying about VR. They'll probably implement it at some point in the future and even if they don't just take your damn VR headset off when you get out of your ship and put it back on when you're back on your ship. They probably didn't wanna waste ressources on VR because 1. VR players are a minority and 2. They probably wanted to add as much content as possible to the expansion 'cuz they know this one is going to bring in a lot of new players. Anyways. if they wanna make even more money, they should start selling diapers and pacifiers 'cuz this community is full of babies.
That's the thing. We have no information. We have named headline features with no detail. Par for the course with this game. They always do this. The best suggestion is to wait before being completely disappointed.
I gracefully disagree.
"The Sphere of Combat

Experience intense first-person combat, kit out your character with an array of weapons and gear, and coordinate with teammates to master a multi-layered, deep, tactical environment where Commanders, SRVs and Starships converge. "

Thats quite like the definition of "FPS glued to the Elite sceleton"...
would it not be reasonable to presume that the most senior executive in the company would be aware of the cost implications of the associated software development?

Also reasonable to assume game loops are the priority development. Do we think DBOBE would be happy with a dev team more interested in polishing the camera view (cart) before having a functional game (horse)? Nope, didn't think so.
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