ANNOUNCEMENT Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Announcement

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Right now almost nothing more is known. There is no info about whether there is an alpha/beta we can be part of, and if so, who gets to take part. A LEP is basically the highest tier of backing you can get, so almost surely if a beta is going to happen it will be open to you.

Thanks for the reply ..
Just one more Question, then im done ...
I can see you can walk on planets, can you walk in space stations too ..??
btw, i dont see it as a fps, i just always wanted to get out of my cockpit .. wether to walk on planets or trade or eat or drink in a bar,
it just makes the universe more real and alive .... i dont want to shoot anyone either ...
Thanks for the reply ..
Just one more Question, then im done ...
I can see you can walk on planets, can you walk in space stations too ..??
btw, i dont see it as a fps, i just always wanted to get out of my cockpit .. wether to walk on planets or trade or eat or drink in a bar,
it just makes the universe more real and alive .... i dont want to shoot anyone either ...

Honestly, nobody knows. Right now everyone is guessing a lot, but the info in the first post is all the info any of us have. We all have lots of questions, so lets hope that in the coming months we can get a lot of information from FD. :)
Even my 11 year old paid attention to the video! I'm excited, but by the time it comes out, I will be chilled again, and await the gnashing of teeth and wailing of mountains of salt.
:LOL: .. Cant believe i wrote this is 2012 ..
Shut up and take my money!!!!!

Seriously, this is the one thing I really missed from X4, and keep poking around in Star Citizen looking for, just being able to feel like a person walking into a spaceship and hoping into my chair. I'm pumped and hope it brings some fresh life to this game.

Well, we dont know for sure if you can walk in your ship. We know almost nothing. It could be that you 'press F to go outside', and then you suddenly stand outside near the door. I hope not, but lets not let our imagination run wild...
What can I say?
This is great news! Been waiting, like many of you, on "space legs" for an age and a day! Go for it Frontier! Show the gaming industry why Elite will always be the best! o7
Also, you need to get David on camera for this one methinks. ;)
Hopefully that "breathtaking planets powered by stunning new tech" include fauna, flora, river, lake, blue sky, clouds ... otherwise it will be a big disappointment for me and many others, without a doubt.

🦠 🦠 🦠 🦠 🦠 🦠 🦠 🦠 🦠 😷
Honestly, nobody knows. Right now everyone is guessing a lot, but the info in the first post is all the info any of us have. We all have lots of questions, so lets hope that in the coming months we can get a lot of information from FD. :)
Thank you ..
Ill try and be patient now ... (y)
I'm sorry, do you work at FD? Do you have an inside understanding on what the heck was happening in their offices?

I don't, so I can't really say what happened.

Also, if it turns out they weren't doing anything for the game... I am pretty sure that is not a problem. FD is under no obligation to actually do anything more for the game. Read the ToS. No, an LEP is not a guarantee.
Hm you must be new in the game, the point is that they delayed contents so much with almost no information for a LOOONG time.
I understand they can have problems, it's normal, but the lack of information is irrating as i considere it as the best space game. If you want to wait a little more or have expectations it's ok, but i keep my excitement for live release of Odyssey. Then we will see if 2 years and a half worthed the wait ;)

PS: i'm just a disappointed player that has no hope of contents until i can see them by myself, if you trust an alpha version, well ask for SC players what they think about it :ROFLMAO:
To quote:

"...from diplomacy and commerce to lethal stealth and all-out combat :"

I think the worries are what was NOT said. No mention of exploration content for legs, for example. Remember, Frontier spent over a year designing the Fleet Carrier feature and never thought to include any usefulness for exploration. Not until the community uproared.
I'll wait and see. I'm sure there'll be stuff for explorers. Hopefully some nice cave systems.
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pheww .. Thank you ..
Obviously ive only returned to these forums today after the announcement, .. are we part of the alpha/beta too ..??
and to save all tese questions, is there a better thread where things have been confirmed ..??
Thanks ...

I've only just come across the info after getting the FD email so I've seen the trailer, then come here. Only thing that is 100% confirmed from the trailer is space legs. Blue sky would make us all assume atmospheric planets are in as well, but I'm taking it with a pinch of salt until confirmed, and to what extent implemented (which bodies included etc).

I would have been more upbeat seeing a ship fly thru gas giant clouds, or near sky cities with clouds around, than CMDRs running on a desert rock with guns in their hands, but am leaving everything open until confirmed or denied.
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