Elite Dangerous: Odyssey BGS and crime details


Senior Community Manager
Greetings Commanders,

Elite Dangerous: Odyssey has landed on PC this week and with it a whole new and exciting way to explore the galaxy! With these new additions the living universe of Elite Dangerous has become even more alive and we wanted to share some more information on how that will effect some key aspects of the game.

Background Simulation and Galaxy
  • Odyssey Settlements will appear in different states, that reflect one of the BGS states afflicting their controlling Faction
  • When two factions engage each other in a War, their Odyssey settlements will become battle sites and in turn host Conflict Zones.
  • When a war is resolved, all battle sites will return to being standard settlements under the control of the faction that won the most Conflict Zones at that particular battle site during the War.
  • Odyssey adds new actions which the player can carryout that have a knock on effect to the Security and Economy of a given Faction as well has increasing and decreasing the chance of certain states from occurring.
  • New Triggers include:
    • Killing AI
    • Interacting with Settlements in different ways
    • Selling different Goods to Bartenders
    • Selling different Data Bartenders
    • Logging Organics with Vista Genomics
    • Completing Odyssey Missions

Crime Storage:
  • Crimes in Odyssey will be logged and stored on the player at a Commander Level.
  • If a player commits a crime whilst in a ship, that ship (and all its modules) become Hot.
  • When a commander leaves their ship and disembarks on foot, they remain wanted
  • We have fixed an issue where crimes didn't clear when a player hands themselves in
Criminal Visibility and Scans

Ship Scans:
  • Ships cannot scan on-foot humans for criminal activity
  • A Basic Ship Scan will reveal if a commander (in a ship) is wanted in that jurisdiction (Local Bounty Only) but only if their ship is Hot.
  • A Kill Warrant Scan will reveal if a commander (in a ship) is wanted in that jurisdiction ( Local or Interstellar Bounty), even if they are in a clean ship.
  • If an on foot crime is detected whilst in a clean ship, this will make that ship hot, associating it with all the player characters current jurisdiction crimes
  • It will only register the ships hot status in the current jurisdiction, but will still allow the scanning ship to claim all bounties
On Foot Scans:
  • An on-foot human cannot crime-scan a ship
  • If a human performs an active scan on another human with the Profile Analyser it will reveal if they are wanted in that jurisdiction ( Local or Interstellar Bounty).
Criminal Death:
  • When a player is killed and their bounty is claimed they will spawn in a Detention Centre
  • If the player's ship was destroyed before or during the player's death and they paid for their ship rebuy, their ship will be at the Detention Centre, clean and waiting for them
  • If the player does not pay for their rebuy they can take a free sidewinder at the detention centre or a free Apex Shuttle from the detention Centre concourse
  • If the player's ship was not destroyed before the player's death it will be waiting for them at the Detention Centre
  • If the player's ship was Clean, the player will be able to board and fly it
  • If the player's ship was Hot the ship will be impounded at the Detention Centre
Ship Impounding:
  • When a player spawns in a Detention Centre all Hot Ships the player owns will be 'Impounded' at their current locations.
  • The player will not be able to transfer these ships or take them out until they pay a 'release fee' (This is a portion of the rebuy cost for that ship)
  • If the player was in a hot ship that was destroyed, it is not impounded, the player simply pays their rebuy and their ship will be clean when they respawn.
  • If a player was killed on foot and their active ship was hot, they will not have to pay for its rebuy, however the ship will be impounded at the Detention Centre.
We hope this gives a little more insight into how your Odyssey activities will affect your galaxy.

Each update murder gets nerfed INF wise, now that you have changed C+P to make murder more punishing will we get an equal negative INF push when we kill ships? Its only fair PvE wise, surely?

I can detail many loopholes with C+P (as well as many issues) that keep on getting overlooked that bypass this change that remain in, or that BGS wise its easy to cheese negative INF totally legally.
That's all well and good, but how about discussing all the DLC bugs that people are experiencing, and the poor graphics, the low light levels and the fact that I still can't play the game on PS4 since I downloaded that bloody update.
Each update murder gets nerfed INF wise, now that you have changed C+P to make murder more punishing will we get an equal negative INF push when we kill ships? Its only fair PvE wise, surely?

I can detail many loopholes with C+P (as well as many issues) that keep on getting overlooked that bypass this change that remain in, or that BGS wise its easy to cheese negative INF totally legally.
Real crime is dead. Alll that's left is cheese and grind.
Ship Impounding:
  • When a player spawns in a Detention Centre all Hot Ships the player owns will be 'Impounded' at their current locations.
So all hot ships, regardless where they are, get impounded to their nearest detention center when you get killed while wanted anywhere in the galaxy? Did I get that right? Sounds a little overkill to me, but I guess I'll have to see what the release fee is first...
So all hot ships, regardless where they are, get impounded to their nearest detention center when you get killed while wanted anywhere in the galaxy? Did I get that right? Sounds a little overkill to me, but I guess I'll have to see what the release fee is first...
Not that it makes much of a difference, but I think they are impounded in place. So if you parked it at with some Raiders of whatever they will impound your ship for piracy. Feds will impound ships for killing imps... go figure.

And seeing how crimes were handled for expansions... This is just asking for crime cheesing.

Deleted member 192138

If a ship is:
1. On my own carrier.
2. In an anarchy system.
It will still be impounded if I once set foot in it with a 100 credit fine?
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