Elite Dangerous: Odyssey | Fixes to Mission types failing to progress

so playing settlement conflict zones at 5fps is enjoyable? on a £2k pc ?? nah mate youre chattin fanboy shyte - games a mess and they know it
Usually 15-30 FPS in a conflict zone, on a 5 year old PC (mind you, it was about $5000 when I got it).
Try reading my other posts mentioning 8-15 fps being horrible :p
Dear Sally good job informing the community of the team's progress. I would just like to tell you so you can let the team know that with patch 8 the game was going incredibly well for me. In fact before the patch I had, with my modest computer, to play with all the graphic options to a minimum. With patch number 8, to my surprise I was able to play in the "medium" setting and at 60 fps !!!!. I could'nt believe it !!!! With the next two patches that incredible performance has gone down again. I can continue playing with the graphic settings in "medium" but the drops in fps (an average of 30) and the freezing of the image have returned. They have done something wrong because if with the first patch everything went too well with the next two a much lower performance has been noticed. This comment may not have to be said to you and it may not be your job to communicate this to the developers. But I don't know where I should do it. Greetings and again a good job.
P.D .: Sorry about my English, I used a translator. I hope you understand what I am explaining to you.

Corso. Former smuggler. Butcher of Kum-Sutum
The CM posted this thread. The CM is reading this thread. Pinging the CM at this point is completely unnecessary.

Edit: It even sounds like one of the users sold the Smear Campaigns before getting prompted to in-game. If you have done the same, there's the unfortunate explanation for your issue. The game doesn't retro-actively count the data you've sold before, it only counts after you get prompted to sell the data. Annoying, yes, broken, no.
Obviously, you didnt read it all. It is broken, because I'm unable to sell these after I have gathered them one more time. They are NOT on the list to sell. It's impossible to unlock Yarden Bond.


Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous
Dear Sally good job informing the community of the team's progress. I would just like to tell you so you can let the team know that with patch 8 the game was going incredibly well for me. In fact before the patch I had, with my modest computer, to play with all the graphic options to a minimum. With patch number 8, to my surprise I was able to play in the "medium" setting and at 60 fps !!!!. I could'nt believe it !!!! With the next two patches that incredible performance has gone down again. I can continue playing with the graphic settings in "medium" but the drops in fps (an average of 30) and the freezing of the image have returned. They have done something wrong because if with the first patch everything went too well with the next two a much lower performance has been noticed. This comment may not have to be said to you and it may not be your job to communicate this to the developers. But I don't know where I should do it. Greetings and again a good job.
P.D .: Sorry about my English, I used a translator. I hope you understand what I am explaining to you.

Corso. Former smuggler. Butcher of Kum-Sutum
This is suuuuuuuuuper interesting....
Hmmm...I'll definitely bring this up for discussion to see what people think. Is there any chance you could provide me with your system spec in a DM please?

(Your English is perfect! No worries! Thank you for taking the time!)
Obviously, you didnt read it all. It is broken, because I'm unable to sell these after I have gathered them one more time. They are NOT on the list to sell. It's impossible to unlock Yarden Bond.
I was just pointing out one of the often occurring confusions around unlocking engineers, but sure. I'll check the bartender listing next time around.
Obviously, you didnt read it all. It is broken, because I'm unable to sell these after I have gathered them one more time. They are NOT on the list to sell. It's impossible to unlock Yarden Bond.
... in an Anarchy so they they will show? Bet you aren't ...
I almost wanna say yes but :ROFLMAO:
I mean that's great news!
Yeah, it's pretty specific circumstances (about 7kLy from the bubble), but one big difference I notice is about 600MB reduction in GPU memory usage (could be more, actually, but I'm currently sitting on 7504/8192 MB (was around 8105 before this update)).
Getting quite a few issues with fps from the recebt update. On ground settlements screen constantly locking up below 10 fps like its trying to load too much in yet disk, cpu and gpu barely hitting 30% usage. Not sure if its an optimisation bug or some other error. Any info on this? Cheers
Yeah, it's pretty specific circumstances (about 7kLy from the bubble), but one big difference I notice is about 600MB reduction in GPU memory usage (could be more, actually, but I'm currently sitting on 7504/8192 MB (was around 8105 before this update)).
I have to admit I don't watch the resource monitor as often as I do with Odyssey, but I barely have any games which use that much video memory.
Where is that issue logged again please? It might be one I already wrote down but amidst all of the coordinating I need just a bit more help/linking to confirm things like that.
This is strictly for mission progression, I'm quite sure, but happy to ask.
This has been reported since Alpha that sometimes on raid or massacre mission not all kills get counted : https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/34750 - It guess it happens infrequently which is why it expired.
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