Elite Dangerous: Odyssey | Fixes to Mission types failing to progress


Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous
Greetings to @sallymorganmoore, if you remember, I have already raised the question about the incorrect calculation of influence, for completed missions. We expected this to be fixed in Update 8, or at least announced. But there is no information about this.
I honestly thought it was part of the Influence fixes for Missions we released as part of Update 7, not Update 8 to be fair - so for sure - need to revisit this.

Please pay attention to this problem.
Yeah, totally did, I genuinely thought it was fixed as part of Update 7 with the other fixes to influence called out there, but let me hone in with the extra info because maybe something was missed.



Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous
Surface pickup missions, (the ones where you retrieve a specified item from a container), still not fixed. OP does not even mention this mission type.
Ok thanks for saying - these actually were behaving on this side, hence why the ones in this post were the only ones called out.
#Gamedev. Will look into it.

@sallymorganmoore I am absolutely pinging you over this. Is FD even aware that these missions are broken?
Yeh yeh totally, just like I say, just the ones in the OP were causing a mad cuffuffle at the time, weirdly. Will take a look.


Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous
Hey Sally,

Just for a bit more info, the NPC's refuse to go capture some points, like they can't even see them. Sometimes I will be sitting there alone without an enemy shooting at me or an ally coming to help me capture the points.
These are all good info nuggets, thanks. Got lots on these now so majorly handy.
These are all good info nuggets, thanks. Got lots on these now so majorly handy.

I've got this behavior in certain settlements while doing missions.

I got an instance where i had to clear scavs in an abandoned settlement - they were frozen.
I just used an Audio Masked Executioner to quickly go through them. Not a single one moved a meter (cant remember the settlement)

I got another instance where i had a mission in a populated settlement (IIRC it was System: Nang Ta-khian, Settlement: Hay Point) where all the natives were frozen in place.
However, when i approached one of them they turned 180 to face me and gave me the speech (you are too close or something). Eventually, after some 3-4 minutes, they started to move along their paths.


Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous
I've got this behavior in certain settlements while doing missions.

I got an instance where i had to clear scavs in an abandoned settlement - they were frozen.
I just used an Audio Masked Executioner to quickly go through them. Not a single one moved a meter (cant remember the settlement)

I got another instance where i had a mission in a populated settlement (IIRC it was System: Nang Ta-khian, Settlement: Hay Point) where all the natives were frozen in place.
However, when i approached one of them they turned 180 to face me and gave me the speech (you are too close or something). Eventually, after some 3-4 minutes, they started to move along their paths.
Rgr, thanks o7
I too have had NPCs fail to move at all a couple of times in CZs at different settlements (I think only once after the latest major patch). This also greatly improved my FPS for some reason. I think it completely failed to load/generate/initialize the navmesh or something like that. The AI would still shoot at me normally if they noticed me.

I'm not sure on NPCs failing to capture certain points otherwise, it's often the case they're too busy fighting somewhere else to join you in capturing a point. That said there might be certain settlements/spots where that's true.
Pffft, beautifully reported, thanks for taking the time!! o7
Grabbed and poking! If any more Commanders experience this and you hear of them doing so, would you link your issue tracker thingy please? Tackle from both sides :) I see some contributions already.
Will do and thank you!
Didn't have any problems since the hotfix, but I just attempted a legal "Secure A Package From X" mission and had some issues. When I first arrived at the settlement, the HUD objective wouldn't display and the NPC gave me the dialogue, but didn't provide me with the item when I selected the option. I then went to supercruise, landed at the settlement and did get the HUD objective, but unfortunately the NPC still wouldn't hand over the item despite giving the appropriate audio lines.

Edit: Just checked my Inara logs and I think I've done about 8 of those without any problems since the hotfix, until this one that is.
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As i said, i noticed that type of stuttering since Update5 (not talking about the deep fps drops that occurred in certain settlements, but purely about that type of stuttering)

It happened to me on 2 different gaming laptops (older i7-9750h / GTX1660Ti and current laptop Ryzen 9 5900hx / RTX 3080) usually after prolonged gaming sessions and/or with several days (week+) between happenings.
A computer restart helped in each case

Notice the emphasis on restart - which is different than a computer shutdown in default Windows 10 installs.
So saying: but i do shutdown my computer every evening doesnt count.
I kindly request you ask me for details about what I did first before making assumptions. Thanks. :) Not flaming.
I kindly request you ask me for details about what I did first before making assumptions. Thanks. :) Not flaming.

I just pointed out that in my case restarting the pc had beneficial effects when EDO client started to behave (stuttering, low fps in scenarios where i had good fps etc.)
And that happened basically since EDO launch on 2 different gaming laptops (intel/nvidia and amd/nvidia)
Which also points out to the fact that EDO client behaves very different between different computers, which makes fixing it a harder task for FD.

The only assumption i made was regarding to the fact that vast majority of PC users have Windows Fast Startup activated (without even knowing what it is and what it does to the computer) and that makes an important difference between a shutdown and a restart, while also inducing certain issues in certain scenarios.
If that sounded condescending, sorry - it wasnt my intention 🤷‍♂️

Edit: also due to the amount of memes out there, when someone is being told to restart the computer they may feel someone is pulling their leg - not the case here.
Another glitch ( I think) in Update 8 around missions.
This morning (Friday around 10:30 GMT) I picked up a mission from Armstrong's Legacy in Adityan - a faction massacre mission to kill 13 members of the Alya Silver Council.

The Alya Silver Council control a single Settlement - 'Skov Manufacturing Site' on Alya CD 10 f.
Normally you would go to the settlement, find it occupied and proceed with the mission (or at least try to).

The problem is that Alya Silver Council are listed as Bust and in a state of Civil Unrest, and the settlement is powered off and unoccupied (not even scavengers) - so even at the time the mission was given it was impossible to complete as the only settlement owned by the target faction is infact not occuppied.

Is this expected behaviour - that we can be issued missions that are impossible to complete, does the system just pick a faction at random, or does it perform any checks to ensure that they are a viable target (ie. there is at least one settlement owned by the faction that is currently powered on and occupied).

PS - as I left the station a drop ship did leave 4 soliders at the site - they weren't associated with the faction though as far as I can tell.
Is this expected behaviour - that we can be issued missions that are impossible to complete, does the system just pick a faction at random, or does it perform any checks to ensure that they are a viable target (ie. there is at least one settlement owned by the faction that is currently powered on and occupied).

I would say yes.
This was happening in previous updates too.

However, a case could be made to point out the game should check for certain conditions before generating missions.
As in: check for settlement state before generating a clean natives mission there, or checking the planetary conditions *(surface temperature or gravitational pull) before generating an on-foot pickup mission (distress beacon, impact site, crash site etc) or other similar checks

Anyway, at least for the settlement missions one can check the faction state before picking up the mission, but still...

*(in one of the former updates i had several missions generated on the daylight side of the 1st planet in the system and in daylight the planet was too hot to disembark)
You mean now we can disembark even in 1000K surface temps? And then what? get cooked in seconds?
Yeah, you get cooked pretty fast, and you're suit has no hope of keeping up.
Another glitch ( I think) in Update 8 around missions.
This morning (Friday around 10:30 GMT) I picked up a mission from Armstrong's Legacy in Adityan - a faction massacre mission to kill 13 members of the Alya Silver Council.

The Alya Silver Council control a single Settlement - 'Skov Manufacturing Site' on Alya CD 10 f.
Normally you would go to the settlement, find it occupied and proceed with the mission (or at least try to).

The problem is that Alya Silver Council are listed as Bust and in a state of Civil Unrest, and the settlement is powered off and unoccupied (not even scavengers) - so even at the time the mission was given it was impossible to complete as the only settlement owned by the target faction is infact not occuppied.

Is this expected behaviour - that we can be issued missions that are impossible to complete, does the system just pick a faction at random, or does it perform any checks to ensure that they are a viable target (ie. there is at least one settlement owned by the faction that is currently powered on and occupied).

PS - as I left the station a drop ship did leave 4 soliders at the site - they weren't associated with the faction though as far as I can tell.
Sadly this is not a unique occurrence. I have had this happen another 3 times today. Missions issued today which are uncompletable due to the target faction being in an economic state that shuts down their settlements meaning it becomes impossible to find faction members.
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