Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Q&A- First Footfall

Mercury is allready landable, and a few of the other moons in the system as well
Not sure about pluto though 🤔

And as stated before, depending on temperature and gravity you either will or won't be able to disembark on foot.

You will be able to disembark your ship on any landable planet in your SRV however. Just not all on foot.

Thanks! I'm an Srv person
Still waiting to hear if I can ditch my ship and just hitchhike across the galaxy.

They stated you won't need a ship in Odyssey, and yes you can hitchhike across the galaxy, I'll be using my Beluga and fleet carrier to do this with real cmdrs and you'll never be stranded with me. I go where people want to go.
Q: Will I be able to disembark on every planet I can land on?
Odyssey will allow players for the first time to disembark their ships and SRVs and explore the galaxy on foot. The ability to disembark however is subject to the survivability of the environment, with temperature and gravity both playing a part in the length of time you can survive. In extreme conditions the ability to disembark will be blocked completely.

Red: The Elite Community (hereafter EC) knows this.
Green: Not bad. Sounds applicable to suit engineering.
Yellow: Plausible, and logical, but by 3307 some level of hazard environment suits would theoretically be capable of handling certain extreme conditions. So much for CMDR Leeroy Jenkins.

Q: Is First Footfall available to be claimed for every planet?
The galaxy of Elite Dangerous isn’t new, the year is 3307 and humans have been exploring space for more than 1,300 years. Planets and moons in human occupied systems, along with particular bodies of historical significance will have First Footfall already claimed.

Red: The EC knows.
Yellow: Lore-wise, logical. For gameplay, it is for all to ponder.

Q: How does Odyssey affect the number of landable planets in game?
The number of planets that will be landable for the first time in Odyssey will be in the billions but to give you a more tangible reference point, based on regions we’ve tested so far Odyssey will have around 20% more landable planets than the base game.

Red: The EC knows this.
Green: More planets to do things with is a plus so long as there is more to do, combat and otherwise.

Q: If I join after launch will I still be able to experience First Footfall?
Elite Dangerous is a huge and expansive galaxy containing more than 400 billion star systems. To date our players have traversed just 2.3 million of these systems which equates to around 0.05%. In the same way that new Commanders continue to join the world of Elite and make their own, personal discoveries, we have no doubt that commanders will have the opportunity to make their own discoveries for many years to come.

Red: The EC knows this.
Yellow: The EC knows this, too. Will not ask why this question selected; surely there's something else to address with weekly sessions posted on forums filled with people already aware of these things.

Q: How quickly will First Footfall accolades be claimed?
Your achievement will be displayed alongside the names of those who first discovered and landed on the planet, which you can find in the system map.

Red: The EC knows this. Secondly, this answer dodges the question.

Q: Is there a limit to the number of places I can get feet first on in a set amount of time?
We won’t be imposing any limits here but it will be naturally limited by the speed at which you can travel between planets.

Green: This answer works.

Q: Can First Footfall achievements be disputed?
In the same way we monitor ‘firsts’ in the live game today our anti-cheat team will be monitoring the system and will not hesitate to revoke First Footfall if obtained by illegitimate means.

Note: There's nothing to say here without more information.

Q: Are there new discoveries (Wrecks etc.) that I can get the First Footfall for?
First Footfall is recognised and recorded at a planetary level and not for individual points of interest.

Green: This answer works, but questionable that it should have taken a spot for weekly Q&A.

Q: If I change my name will the First Footfall change with it?
Similarly to records of other achievements First Footfall is treated as a historical record and will be recorded with the Commander’s name at the time of exploration – this will not change with any name changes.

Green: Useful.

Q: What happens if two people land first at the same time?
In the same way that Buzz Aldrin made way for Neil Armstrong to be the first man on the moon, the control to disembark is for an individual commander and there will always be someone first down the ladder, this accolade will not be shared between commanders.

Green: It answers the question and is a good question--it also must be questioned, the questioning, given current mechanics for discovery and mapping. There is little to no reason to believe it would operate any different.
Red: Very poor choice of words, that a number are salty over fade-to-black transitions. It may not seem a big deal, but this type of diction given the climate within the EC is, at least, a mild irritant to many and bamboo beneath fingernails to others.

Summary: It is understood protocol exists within companies. However, more and more, it becomes suspect: whoever is throttling the attempts for better communications, please sit down and loosen that tleash. Promos in previous publications claim trust in the EC. This does not show it, and previous AMAs/Q&As have poorly done so. All they ask for is some transparency. Silence makes people suspicious. Evading questions does the same. Saying too much creates expectations too high. Hitting medium, so far, has not been successful. Frontier has been lashed rather hard in the past, yes, but shouldn't stifle those who legitimately care about the people within the company as much as the game they've created and maintain.

As for my actual question, there isn't one. o7
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That doesn't seem to actually answer the question. I imagine the question was more along the lines of "Do I need to go and sell first footfall data in order for it to be visible to others, or is it instant the moment I step out?".

The instant it seems based on the very next response. Not what I thought at first for sure so good deal for the 1st-foot fallers.
Still waiting to hear if I can ditch my ship and just hitchhike across the galaxy.
I'm going to try that with one of my alts. I'll be resetting the Commander when Odyssey releases, and I'm going to try and see how far I can get without using a ship.
@Stephen Benedetti : So, if the first footfall tag will be instant, will you change the first discovery and first mapping tags to be instant too? Otherwise, we might end up with plenty of instances where first discovery might be awarded to someone else, if they arrived later than the first Commander, but then sold the data earlier. Let's not forget that Codex tags, rare as they are, are instant too.

I made some detailed suggestions on how to solve this earlier, without instantly paying out credits, see this thread.
Where are those 20% more planets coming from? What are the parameters that have changed for a planet to now be considered landable?

That's been discussed extensively, tenuous atmosphere below a certain level, gravity below a certain level, I can't be bothered to look up the exact numbers but they are out there somewhere. It's likely some new landable planets won't be walkable according to the info supplied in this session.
this answers the question about delaying it in time for console release
(which I'm fine with, but know a few others had brought it up)
Sadly it kinda doesn't. The main problem with the console delay and first footfall is that, although there are 400 billion random planets to claim (99.99% of which will still be unclaimed at console launch), there are only a few thousand notable worlds to claim (places like Pomeche or Mitterand Hollow or planets in systems important to BGS groups), ALL of which will be gone in the first month. Personally, and I'm a PC player, I really really think FD should put the first footfall feature on hold until console launch.

Edit: I'm retracting this statement in light of clearer information
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What will your disembarking from ship or SRV look like to somebody else nearby?

Also, will it be possible to "live" on a planet, replenishing your suit purely from harvestable materials, without ever returning to a vehicle or installation?

Stephen Benedetti

Community Manager
All sounds good. Particularly happy there's no bubble-rush like with mapping. However:

It's Friday afternoon, my brain is on weekend mode already - but pretty sure 0.05% of 400 billion is not 2.3 million?

Edit: 2.3 million systems would also mean I'd personally visited ~3.5% of the known systems. Seeing as EDSM has ~61 million, I'm guessing that should've been 230 million systems we've visited?
Good spot Commander, we have updated the number to reflect the correct amount!
Thanks for the clarifications on walkable planets limitations. Hope it'll only be limited by high Gs, not low ones.
Hello Fdev,
Question for the next Q & A: You stated that we will be able to land on planets with a tenuous/light atmosphere. How light will it be in comparison to Earth's atmosphere at maximum? 20-30% or 0.2-0.3 atmospheric pressure or even lower ?

Agree with previous posters that with the Codex and first footfall being instant Discovery and Mapping really should be too, perhaps introduce an exploration bond system so there is still a risk of losing money if destroyed.

I was also wondering if there will be ways of upgrading landing suits when on long exploration trips as I am currently holding off going on a long trip incase the base suits are useless.

On the topic of suits will everyone start off with the same suit or will current players be rewarded with better suits to start with perhaps based on elite ranks
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