Elite Dangerous: Odyssey | Update 12 Update Notes

Anyone else noticing little to no performance improvement? I'm no longer getting CTD's on planetary surfaces but am still getting micro stutters consistently. Aside from my SRV now making tracks again, it plays just like Update 11.

I'm afraid the death of console development also ceased the dire need of further optimization. 🤔
I saw noticeable performance improvement in night time Conflict Zones/Settlement Missions. The subsequent patch allowed me to run the latest Nvidia driver minus noticeable stutters that was plaguing the latest Nvidia drivers since March/Update 11 on my rig.
To be fair, I couldn't play Odyssey VR when I had a 1050 Ti even though I could in Horizons/Beyond. However, now that I've updated to a 1650 Ti, I've been able to play in VR Odyssey with a Vive without a major issue, flying or driving. They've also put a whole load of fixes in for VR in Update 12 so judging by the above criteria , support hasn't been dropped!

I use a 2070 and a Reverb G2. It run's really smooth after starting the game so the hardware should be fast enough. Once I leave the ship and get back into it, the frame rate drops to unplayable - under 10 fps. And if I write tickes addressing this issue and they expire unanswered, from my point of view, the support has dropped. Even with a lot of good will I could not claim the opposite.
I am also grateful for any help from the community, but "it works for me" does not help.
I'm not really going to bother to get out of the Ship/SRV in VR because there's no point. Would I like a simple 2D/3D switch - Yes. Would I like on-foot VR - Yes. However, I understand that I don't want non-vr players to subsidise development and have resources taken away from developing content that this game really needs right now (i.e. game mechanics to join up the on-foot and in-cockpit parts more, more exploration mechanics, more mission types). If they did an Odyssey VR update as a piece of Paid for DLC, I'd quite happily pay for it but I think there are higher priorities at the moment.
I don't need any on foot VR. I know the impact to the game mechanics and also potentially motion sickness. My only suggestion was to turn VR off while taking off the headset (like removing the pilot helmet) and then display the game in 2D fullscreen on my monitor - and turn it back on when using the Headset again. This can be done with some automatic configuration switches triggered by the sensor in the headsets. That's really not much effort and could help a lot of VR players. Even this easy fixes are ignored. So again. Even with a lot of imagination, I can't see any VR support here.
About focussing - how many new ship paints, cockpit lights, etc. were created in the last year? The focus is on earning money, not on holding the players who bought the game in the beginning because of the stunning VR immersion - like me.
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Anyone else noticing little to no performance improvement? I'm no longer getting CTD's on planetary surfaces but am still getting micro stutters consistently. Aside from my SRV now making tracks again, it plays just like Update 11.

I'm afraid the death of console development also ceased the dire need of further optimization. 🤔
Still the random occasional CTD here and I barely had any before U12. Otherwise a mixed bag, with "smoother" performance (not necessarily higher FPS) in settlements and a marginal improvement in larger stations, but a rougher ride during planetary descent.
I saw noticeable performance improvement in night time Conflict Zones/Settlement Missions. The subsequent patch allowed me to run the latest Nvidia driver minus noticeable stutters that was plaguing the latest Nvidia drivers since March/Update 11 on my rig.
I may try going back to most recent drivers. Wonder if that is causing some issue.
Why so many bugs and fixes to corect them in the first place, if it was a car, would have been taken off the market by now, have you given up on this game Frontier, because you seem to break things everytime you bring something out. This game used to be exciting, but now its just questionable. Bring content out, Bring the panther clipper out, bring out other ships, weps, things to do, you have an entire galaxy to play with to add content so just do it and make it exciting again for players. We cant all just mine or trade and have occasional pew pew'sm or explore planets that mostly look the same. Content, Content, Content.
Not really a big deal, but when coming back from on-foot CZ using the Frontline Vulture, the Disembark button doesn't show when you reach the station. You can still hit the spacebar and disembark, so it's just a matter of not showing up on the screen.

There seems to be no problem in the Apex shuttle.

Elite - Dangerous (CLIENT) 2022_06_16 8_10_49.png
ohhh its the first time i think i write in the Forum BUT.... i have with this Patch Constant Random Crashes when i just enter a Building OR when i want to sit in my SRV. I dont use any Graphical mods. (CTDs) at Odyssey Settlemets whis is bad because the Settlement gets Reseted and the Lockers are afterwards Empty. My PCScepcs are: Nvidia 1060 6 GB, 24 GBRAM, I7-7700 Installed on HDD (Dont see many Difference on SSD installed, have very limited space on SSD) on Previous Updates there was not a single problem for me with crashes.... Tried Steam repair and it sayd all files are ok. sooo idk... so it seems i take a Elite Break for now. Crash reports i have filled out all of these so i hope for luck XD.
Fixed player torsos sometimes disappearing when looking down on uneven surfaces.

Torso is still always missing when I look down (using a headtracker) on any planet surface. I see this consistently while out doing exobiology stuff. While looking at this, notice the weird position of the hand NOT holding the genetic sampler. This is not what you see in external cam or in third person.

Fixed seating locators for NPCs/Players on chairs and sofas for better alignment.

This has gotten worse. (Players and NPCs alike are sitting in even less aligned positions than before.)
I only noticed this recently but I think it started after update 12. In concourse (and only there), the sound is crackling horribly for me. Anyone else have this problem?
Is the FC upkeep price thing, is that between last week and this week, or is it pre-Update12 and post-Update12?
Also, is that the cost that is in the upkeep message, or is it actual difference in Credits before and after the maintenance?
Is the FC upkeep price thing, is that between last week and this week, or is it pre-Update12 and post-Update12?
Also, is that the cost that is in the upkeep message, or is it actual difference in Credits before and after the maintenance?
My fiends and I discovered this today. The last time that I've seen was before update 12, and was much less.
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