Elite Dangerous Odyssey: Update 6.01

u can't have 1000 items. Sell something and have 999 items. They said it is fixed, but not.
Another problem that could be addressed by updating the on-foot inventory to match the ship one, like they did for Horizons hint hint.

(I don't know why it bugs me so much that they abandoned that approach in Horizons after trying it for a while, then did brought the same thing back again for Odyssey, but it does.)
Coming back from some well deserved vacations and a well needed internet cleansing but inside withdrawing from the black and eager to play the latest updates...

Don't know if it was placebo effect but the game seems to be running smoother and the planets facelift was a well needed boost. Still getting abrupt fps drops near an outpost which makes the experience jarring, also some missions are not updating and one time the NPC's suddenly become unresponsive for some odd reason.

Clear signs of improvement but with a lot of work ahead. Keep it up FD and thanks Sally and CM's for all the interaction and updates during these stressful times!
Another problem that could be addressed by updating the on-foot inventory to match the ship one, like they did for Horizons hint hint.

(I don't know why it bugs me so much that they abandoned that approach in Horizons after trying it for a while, then did brought the same thing back again for Odyssey, but it does.)
sorry, ddin't get u... excpt u had some similar problem ...
I can not rememnber that option. I only rememner the brightness option for the head up display!
I am more than happy from fixes and very thankx for that, but i am still would like to kindly ask for VR version of 'on foot' experience.
Just out of curiosity... is "dashboard brightness" supposed to do anything? No matter what I do (the slider is all the way to the left now), it looks like that in some stations, regardless of the actual setting.

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That looks like an Odyssey lighting bug that I get if I start the game up with my Cobra in a Station - disembarking and immediately getting back in my ship puts everything back to normal.
Interesting, I'll check this out. Does it only happen in a Cobra?
Not sure - I haven’t flown anything else in quite a while 😁

I haven’t nailed down whether it is a unique issue or linked to one of several other lighting bugs - or even if it’s to do with shadow settings. I’ll have to mess around with it later 👍
I just tried, but this trick doesn't work for me.
Bleedin’ typical - “have you tried jumping out then back in again?” isn’t working for me any more either 😅

I’ve had a play around and I think this is due to the weird hangar shadows bug - light is coming through the Station and into the hangar; you can see strange shadows moving with the Station rotation. So possibly it’s the new PBR for the dash material being lit up by the local star.

I’ve only found 2 issue reports for it, one sadly Expired:
https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/30132 (Expired)

I’ll try out some other ships to see if it’s just the Cobra.

Edit: I’ve only a handful of other ships in storage, but similar issues are present in them, eg. the Krait sponsons either side of the cockpit are glowing, and the Anaconda is similarly bright as per the Cobra. It looks like shadows aren’t working in the cockpit and everything is just flatly lit - once you fly through the slot then “proper” lighting kicks back in, the shadows work and the dash isn’t such an eye-burner.

I think this may be worth a new issue report, but including reference to the ones above. I’ll get some screenies tomorrow and rustle up a report - then the fun part: try and drum up some Confirmations 😁
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Is the Barkeep broken? I tried in many different stations to get chem. superbases by trading with the barkeep but the only Answer is a black window "transaction error" when i try to make the dealand I have more than enough free Space in my Ship and backpack...
Did you try to trade for just one or two of the items? I had that problem too, but I was able to trade for one or two of the items I needed.
@sallymorganmoore sorry if this has been addressed before, I wouldnt know what to search for.

I still have to relog for fines to show up to be payable : Scenario - I was handed two fines (200k) yesterday for CTD and not having time to continue play. As I logged back in later, obv I had acquired these fines for not turning in my missions.

I lost all of my acquired loot during that CTD btw. As I returned to Station, I was anonymous, I couldnt pay my fine in ship nor in concourse - I could see my fine in ship but not in concourse. Anyway, I logged last night after doing my business. Today I logged back in, I could not see my fine in Station Services, so I disembarked, went to Terminal and was able to pay my fine. Went back to ship directly afterwards, my ship was still Anonymous. Logged to Menu and back, and I was free to access Shipyard again.

#tldr - My fines and anonymous do not ahoe and/or clear without a relog
Many things do not work properly, and can currently only be fixed by relogging. This is an old disease already known in Horizons, but is now even more apparent in Odyssey. To me it looks like an underlying structural problem, a common cause that needs to be found and fixed. I don't think selectively tinkering with specific cases is going to get us anywhere..
I realize that, however, I thought I had read a while back that this was solved. Also, it cant not help to report these things once in a while
5 months ago I got tired of playing Fortnite so I bought a HOTUS and started playing ED. I wanted to play a spaceship game. After quite a bit of gameplay and even more research I've come to a realization about ED. New space content doesn't seem to have been a priority for about 3 years now. At a certain point even people go from missing to presumed dead, so are we at that point for ED space development?
5 months ago I got tired of playing Fortnite so I bought a HOTUS and started playing ED. I wanted to play a spaceship game. After quite a bit of gameplay and even more research I've come to a realization about ED. New space content doesn't seem to have been a priority for about 3 years now. At a certain point even people go from missing to presumed dead, so are we at that point for ED space development?

Have a peek in the Exploration sub-forum.

Read Galnet for activities currently affecting human space.

Read Azimuth saga post in this sub-forum for other story-arcs.

Then of course there is the new spaceship feature called "oh look at how naff these planets are"... ;)
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