Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Update 6

I must say I was waiting to try FSR on my GTX 1080 and I didn't think Elite would be the first game to allow me to do so and...

Well, 1440p, ultra quality, free frames for no discernable difference when playing as far as I can see.

If the tests on other games made by many people are accurate, in 4K it's good, in 1080p the loss in quality is more noticeable.

Did others try it yet ?
OK, When at Impact Site L2, a relog and re-enter game activity now shows the beacon with a cut-open hatch, no power cell and an empty data port. - as if its in the state I left it before logging off.
Found the Rage of the Week Topic!

Stealing from settlements is now painful. Its terrible to hold the button over and over and over. This needs to be hotfixed out, thank God I have all the items I need but poor sods who can now start the process with the improved performance. Its pure torture. :D
OK, When at Impact Site L2, a relog and re-enter game activity now shows the beacon with a cut-open hatch, no power cell and an empty data port. - as if its in the state I left it before logging off.
Oh nice, glad they fixed that too. They should've added it to the patch notes.
Yes so a better version of CAS is integrated into FSR. It was recommended by AMD that we remove the separate setting.
Well, add it back in anyway. I can add sharpening with nvidia overlay but much preferred the way it was. Also, what on earth are the new attributes supposed to represent? WHat attribute corresponds to what numerical value for supersampling rate? This is an extremely bad change. Also, can not select the balanced setting, at all. Well, I can select it but it won't get selected.
Found the Rage of the Week Topic!

Stealing from settlements is now painful. Its terrible to hold the button over and over and over. This needs to be hotfixed out, thank God I have all the items I need but poor sods who can now start the process with the improved performance. Its pure torture. :D
Well, it was an oft requested feature. You're a bright lad, Ian, help me out here. The F is this?

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