Elite Dangerous | Powerplay 2.0 Questions and Answers

Is it possible to have fewer points and a higher rank?
Point 7 and 8.
Before joining the Power, there was a choice of forces and you could read about the main directions of the different Powers. Now I have joined one of the Powers, now I want to read about other Powers, maybe I made a mistake with my choice and will join another one.
Where can I read about other Powers in the game without leaving the current Power?
Before joining the Power, there was a choice of forces and you could read about the main directions of the different Powers. Now I have joined one of the Powers, now I want to read about other Powers, maybe I made a mistake with my choice and will join another one.
Where can I read about other Powers in the game without leaving the current Power?
that would Codex -> Knowledge Base -> Individuals
that would Codex -> Knowledge Base -> Individuals
I got to the game, I don't have any of that in my codex. It tells a story, and I need the data from the screen when you select the Force.
What are the rewards for ranks, the direction of the activity (Combat, Interaction, etc).
I'm probably a bad designer, but I would have done it differently. After joining a Power, in the mission selection section there would be a button - Power Filter.
Clicking on it would show only missions that need the activity of your Power.
I'm probably a bad designer, but I would have done it differently. After joining a Power, in the mission selection section there would be a button - Power Filter.
Clicking on it would show only missions that need the activity of your Power.
Yes - and stay with me here, because this is mind-blowing - you could perhaps use one consistent set of wording for missions between the missions screen, the wording for assignments, and the wording for merits.
Why can't I select my power on the political events filter?
I found out that only ALD can't be selected, entered another force, now my force can be selected, the others except ALD can also be selected.
But ALD is still not available.
This looks to be a mix of Q&A, so for that I will post mine here.

My assignment is to sell exploration data in a designated system. Easy-peasy enough, but I come to find out that my data is not applied to the assignment.
Is selling exploration data still broken and also for this assignment?. Anybody else running into this?
This looks to be a mix of Q&A, so for that I will post mine here.

My assignment is to sell exploration data in a designated system. Easy-peasy enough, but I come to find out that my data is not applied to the assignment.
Is selling exploration data still broken and also for this assignment?. Anybody else running into this?
Exploration data seems to have a per-system minimum value. Planetary mapping a terraformable or earth-like world should be enough
Exploration data seems to have a per-system minimum value. Planetary mapping a terraformable or earth-like world should be enough

Explo-data also seems to be quite borked.

I'd personally just save any exploration data until FDev makes a comment to clarify if it's working as intended; or what the minimum limits actually are, outside of player guesswork, so people can test it works as FDev thinks it does without needing to wonder if it's bugged or if the sale amount just was below some hidden limit.
Lots of valuable insights there Thank you Ian. It's still as clear as mud to me, but it at least assuages some of the doubts I have. Still don't like the powers, the anarchy is still strong in me.

Down with Omni, and the Clans. Power to the Neuts...wonder how many will get that. Still Alive.
I take it peace negotiations in Old Athens didn't pan out, nor in Newland? AnarchyOnline is rarely referenced to these days. I played that, 20 years ago.
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