Looking fwd to the update, but most interested to understand specifically what it is?! Of course, release notes will help pinpoint detailed technical specifics; however how it translates to evolution of gameplay, well.... It seems like the note of no NPC multicrew is quite odd. I am sure vast majority of players do not play directly with other people... they simply want to do Elite stuff on their own time, format, etc.. Of course, with the introduction of hired crew in the current release and further evolution of that game mechanic makes sense, but.... it seems that is not the case with early references in this thread?
Oh well, I am sure as with any update, there will be evolutionary benefit. I am only hopeful it makes sense for general game play and advancing the baseline for which ED currently is.
On a similar topic, here is a story/experience: I was out looking for unexplored systems about 800ly from bubble and found one with a few landable bodies. Choose one to land on, and while in the SRV, I noticed something off in the far distance.... Looked like a long string of scattered debris. As I approached, it was a crash site. Now, likely this was simply luck and aspect of procedural generation to have that show up there. What I found interesting though is that there were 3 life pods and some narcotics cargo. I scooped up the pods, and though "illegal salvage," from perspective of game play, would it not have been cool if there would have been something to obtaining them, relative to the crash site, that would have piqued an interest? For example, perhaps a random set of sub-flows associated with lifepods and narcotics that would have provided some detail or info regarding the finding. Something to direct me in something to do, perhaps tied to the combination of the finding/reference?
This seems to be a shortfall with the game now. There are many baseline elements such as USS, escape pods, material, data, other findings, etc... which one interacts with; however, these potential source of quest lines provide no value of interest other than black market resale. Not even a notification message of some sort that perhaps hooks to something greater.
Hopefully, FD takes stock of what the game is now, and has a group of designers/planners/thinkers looking at current mechanics and creatively and critically exploring new ideas to build out this content (hell, open a direct dialog with the community via online focus group meetings/dialog... the real/best source of ideas is simply found here). The recent SC RTV focused on AI got me thinking on this line as the one guy spoke exactly about this concept of joining elements to build flow. Interestingly, FD has the core mechanic already in place, in a simplified format given the text based messaging/static image nature of gameplay. It simply fits and fairly easily.
Its just a question of how to creatively implement to build out playable/interesting content lines within current scope, and evolve in ways that make sense for what the game is. Rather than focusing on aspects that would be rarely used in real game play by most of the user base such as other CMDRs in my pit.