Elite Dangerous, the DK2 and SLI discussion thread.



My PC just arrived. Yey.

It has 2 nvidia 970s.

I'm trying to get ED to work with the DK2.

I've downgraded the nvidia drivers to 344.75. The DK2 is on v2.12. The main monitor is plugged into HDMI on one card and the rift is plugged into HDMI on the other.

The oculus demo scene works fine in extended mode. Direct mode doesn't seem to work tho.

In ED, I can set 3D to oculus, but I can't change the display to secondary, or the frame rate to 75Hz (the rift is set to 75Hz in the monitor settings in nvidia control panel). I get the oculus view on the main monitor (and the desktop background on the rift) but rotating the rift rotates the view. So it's obviously picking it up.

Then I tried enabling SLI.

This prevented the video signal going to the rift altogether. I unplugged the monitor and plugged the rift into the main card. I did manage (with great difficulty) to launch ED and change the mode to oculus. Finally, I had it working, but it would switch back to the desktop after a few seconds. I couldn't get it to stay in ED long enough to do anything.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Firstly try disabling the monitor in NVIdia control panel. That way when your rift is on, the monitor is off completely.
If that doesn't work also change the port you are plugging the rift and monitor into.


I think there a couple of apps flying around that could well do that but I just set up everything with the ED launcher in the middle of the screen, turn on the rift (which disables the monitor) and hit play.
There is a bug with ED when you have the Nvidia Control panel open, mainly if you are inside the 3d settings window.
This causes the game to go back to desktop shortly after launch for me.

I think you can not connect your monitor on the second card if you have SLI enabled, I might be wrong but I think only 1 card is useable in such a setup.
You have plenty of connectors on it, in worst case you need a small adapter to connect the monitor.
4k SLI Performance 30FPS near star

Does anyone else see a 50% FPS drop when dropping out next to the star for around
15 seconds. It then jumps back to 60 if you sit there. However when you turn in SC
to fly to a planet its back down at ~30 until you get out the atmosphere layers.

Ive fiddled with some of the graphics xml but havnt been able to improve this.

Anyone else in 4k seeing the same. I have 2 x GTX 780 Classified EVGA cards with
3GB each on latest drivers. Also tried older drivers but same issue.

I saw a GFX test online somewhere, reviewing newer cards (GTX970/980) for 4k resolution. They did well in SLI but drops were still noticeable switching between 4k and 1440.

Wonder if your older card(s) is in line with progress tbh
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I only have dual 780s SLI and SC is kinda unoptimized in my opinion. I am playing with oculus rift and game is smooth in asteroid fields, its smooth in stations, its smooth everywhere except when I am in supercruise and close to a sun or planets.
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I have a 970 and also the exact same problem you describe . I am using a 1440 resolution and ultra preset. That should be smooth all the way.


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Same here, I have a single 970 and running a 'small' 1080p montor, i get the same fps drops, some FX optimisation issue. But considering that I have done FX and particle programming and TA before it is alarming at how poor gfx cards handle multiple alpha overdraw - y'know like alpha particle over the top of each other :) - fastest way to kill gfx performance is alpha-polys.
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I have 2x970 in SLI, Running at 4k downsampled at ultra. Getting about 60 FPS in station, and waaaaay more in space. Never noticed any major drops nears starts though.
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So.. All of these complaints, but no metrics. Doesn't anyone here use NVIDIA Inspector? Run that program on your 2nd monitor [if you have one, else run it anyway] and have the performance graphs up. Monitor the performance over a few minutes. You'll be able to see where performance is dropping or increasing.

Are you running the game off of an SSD?

What CPU do you have? Is your CPU overclocked?

Are your GPUs overclocked?
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Same here, I have a single 970 and running a 'small' 1080p montor, i get the same fps drops, some FX optimisation issue. But considering that I have done FX and particle programming and TA before it is alarming at how poor gfx cards handle multiple alpha overdraw - y'know like alpha particle over the top of each other :) - fastest way to kill gfx performance is alpha-polys.

yes agree
i dont have your depth but can see that using this approach
is a fast way to load up all those vector cores real fast esp
in stations where both of my cards run @ 99.999% baking
me to death. Both my lecy and skin cream bills are through the
thanks for the points great to have some expertise
So.. All of these complaints, but no metrics. Doesn't anyone here use NVIDIA Inspector? Run that program on your 2nd monitor [if you have one, else run it anyway] and have the performance graphs up. Monitor the performance over a few minutes. You'll be able to see where performance is dropping or increasing.

Are you running the game off of an SSD?

What CPU do you have? Is your CPU overclocked?

Are your GPUs overclocked?

i was just trying to keep the question simple, yes to your points. I use a G15 keyboard and have
background stats showing the cards not maxed when i get the framerate drops. My system
is an i7 3930K 6 core no hyperthread overclocked to 4.5Ghz per core with 16GB of
very fast ram ... all tuned with full SSD's capable of 90k iops each (3 of them) running
the ahci windows 7 driver.

GPus as i mentioned are 780 Classifieds that auto-overclock to 1123 on the primary clock.
I have inspector only set to afr2 and high quality with prefer max performance so they
dont downclock when util drops below 50% etc.

I run @ 3840x2160 which is mostly butter / silk etc .... its just inside stations and in SC
near planets and stars it can stut-tut-tutter

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I have a single GTX980 running 4k and never see my FPS drop below 60 anywhere other than inside a station.

I bought my son one of these for xmas ..... I should have probably given him my 780's in usual
home tech-refresh mentality. I get the new, you get the nearly new. But I would also have to
have uprated his psu.

Can you do me a favour and just have the FPS meter up when you come out of hyperspace at the
star and see if you get a momentary drop. What I notice is that it goes down to ~30 and if I sit
for 10 secs it goes back up to 60 without me moving (like the engine's moving textures onto the cards)
it stays at 60 until I turn away from star and then its down to 30-40 until i get out of the
stars atmosphere.
I have a single GTX980 running 4k and never see my FPS drop below 60 anywhere other than inside a station.

i will try running without framelock tonight and perhaps fiddle with adaptive (that prob wont go well although
helped a lot with prepar3d in 4k).
Does anyone else see a 50% FPS drop when dropping out next to the star for around
15 seconds.
yes, me. it now seems much worse than it was, e.g. before it was hardly an issue. now it's officially a pain

and 30fps? i envy you. i'm getting more like 10fps on my single GTX 780 when it happens
Two 980s, on a Rog Swift (1440p 144hz Gsync). I rarely see below 100FPS, most times 144 locked. It dips when I exit supercruise as it loads the station etc. I'm happy with it as I have GSync anyway.

I wish DSR would work with SLI and GSync. :(
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