Elite Dangerous | Trailblazers Update 1 - Thursday 6th March

I agree we need a super-hauler, of around 3x the capacity of a t9/cutter, so around 2400t, with SCO stability. It should be a lot slower in SCO drive - maybe max 2500c and take a long time to get up to that speed and a similar time to slow back down again (inertia) and, like the t9, it should be slow to manouver (It's massive so it should behave like it's massive). It should take up pretty much all the lading pad space - be basically a big oblong-cube with a window at the front; I seem to think the Panther was sort of like that anyway (although, I never played that version)? If it takes 1 1/2 times as long to do a run as a fully loaded T9, but delivers 3x the cargo, it would be worth it, I think.
I think just seeing its chunky frame would be enough for @Bigmaec :D
"Please note that the pause for System Colonisation will be resolved separately to this update when we are confident the issues have been resolved."

I think it would be nice to hear how the process that caused many systems to be illegally claimed was done, to test within the community to see if it is fixed, and to find other ways that could lead to similar effects.
I on the other hand would prefer it if FD didn’t do this and provide some of us with ideas of how to do something similar subtly enough to not get caught.
Greetings Commanders,

We are releasing Trailblazers Update 1 on Thursday March 6th. This update will address a number of reported issues.

Release Schedule (All times in UTC)
  • 07:00 - Servers offline for maintenance
  • 11:00 - Servers back online and update available
These times are estimates and are subject to change.

Please note that the pause for System Colonisation will be resolved separately to this update when we are confident the issues have been resolved.

Update Notes​

Features of Note​

Journal Additions: The following Journal entries are now logged:
  • The powerplay data in the event "Location" and "FSDJump" supplied regardlesss of if the Commander is pledged to a power or not.
  • "PowerplayCollect"
  • "PowerplayDeliver"
  • "PowerplayMerits"
  • "PowerplayRank"
  • "CarrierLocation"
  • Added a new status flag for the npc crew to indicate if they're active or not.
  • Added a new status flag SupercruiseOvercharge for overcharge status.
  • Added a new status flag SupercruiseAssist for whether assist is active.
  • Ensured that the lightsOn status flag is active when the flashlight is active.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed claimed systems showing as unclaimed for players
  • Fixed instances of colonisation ships not arriving in claimed systems
  • Fixed a crash when viewing system maps with fleet carrier stacks
  • Fixed a crash related to Powerplay ranks
  • Fixed instances of crashes when completing another Commanders construction effort in a multiplayer instance
  • Fixed hardlock when navigating through the "Financial Support" screen during the death flow when having a large number of ships
  • Fixed softlock when navigating facility selection screens
  • Fixed instances Colonisation ships transfer UI becoming unresponsive with keyboard & mouse
  • Fixed instances of exposed text strings in purchase flows
  • Fixed Architect view persisting when switching between Powerplay mode & Architect mode on the Galaxy Map
  • Fixed Galaxy Map filters resetting
  • Fixed System Information from going blank when switching between map modes when viewing on the System Map
  • Fixed instance of Facility Details being blank when navigating the facility selection screens
  • Fixed issues with backing out of My Colonies screen on controller
  • Fixed lack of controller functionality on Colonisation tutorial screens
  • Improved autodock in asteroid bases
  • Fixed Powerplay helpscreen images being missing
  • Fixed various typos in Colonisation text
  • Adjusted flickering landing pad light on newly constructed outposts
  • Fixed Thargoid Titan debris being misplaced/clumped together
Server side fixes:
  • Improving colonisation information digest for client refresh rate and stability;
  • Allowing players to login if they can't be moved to finished markets by our code;
  • Ensuring systems can't be claimed by two commanders at once;
  • Improving failed claim cleanup flow to ensure faster unblocking of colonisable systems;
Hi thx for this update fixing bug. Please don't forget fixing issue FC can't jump. o7
What about fix Fleet Carrier "no slot time"? It's impossible to use the fc in the game right now.
The problem is, it's not a queue. So politely attempting, failing, waiting 10mins, trying again. It just doesn't work.

You need to spam the requests until you catch a free slot. Having wasted a weekend of not being able to move my FC someone pointed this out to me so I tried it and boom, got a slot with 2mins after repeating the request half a dozen times. Had to wait 75mins for the flight, but atleast it had a slot.

If FDev can't handle the load, they should introduce a queue so everyone gets a fair chance. The spam solution is horrid and not good for the system or the users, but it's all we have right now.
The problem is, it's not a queue. So politely attempting, failing, waiting 10mins, trying again. It just doesn't work.

You need to spam the requests until you catch a free slot. Having wasted a weekend of not being able to move my FC someone pointed this out to me so I tried it and boom, got a slot with 2mins after repeating the request half a dozen times. Had to wait 75mins for the flight, but atleast it had a slot.

If FDev can't handle the load, they should introduce a queue so everyone gets a fair chance. The spam solution is horrid and not good for the system or the users, but it's all we have right now.
Ever played Foxhole? You'll learn to abhorr the concept of a queue system if you do...
Wouldn't want to see a FC queue of 4hours + or something of the sort, even less the thought of for some reason if you lose connection or your game crashes you lose your queue position, only to come back and have an even longer wait time. It essentially need to consider your FC jump time to be set to avoid connection loss/crashes for that inconvenience, which considering how it works as of now it would already be similar except with even longer wait times
Ever played Foxhole? You'll learn to abhorr the concept of a queue system if you do...
Wouldn't want to see a FC queue of 4hours + or something of the sort, even less the thought of for some reason if you lose connection or your game crashes you lose your queue position, only to come back and have an even longer wait time. It essentially need to consider your FC jump time to be set to avoid connection loss/crashes for that inconvenience, which considering how it works as of now it would already be similar except with even longer wait times
I think FDev need to spend some money on increasing the capacity of the fleet jump server. The new normal will be above the old normal, and it's most notably not fair on ppl using fleet carriers for exploration, it essentially renders their activity unplayable.
I agree we need a super-hauler, of around 3x the capacity of a t9/cutter, so around 2400t, with SCO stability. It should be a lot slower in SCO drive - maybe max 2500c and take a long time to get up to that speed and a similar time to slow back down again (inertia) and, like the t9, it should be slow to manouver (It's massive so it should behave like it's massive). It should take up pretty much all the lading pad space - be basically a big oblong-cube with a window at the front; I seem to think the Panther was sort of like that anyway (although, I never played that version)? If it takes 1 1/2 times as long to do a run as a fully loaded T9, but delivers 3x the cargo, it would be worth it, I think.
Make it slow, difficult to fly or even without SCA or automated docking: Everywthing that supports active gameplay and few repetitions is better than having to do 30x (semi active) runs to load/unload a full FC.
Does anyone know if it is true that it is said that passive income through colonization is possible?

No problem, take your time and thank you for the info Paul o7
In Fdevs own words yes
Does anyone know if it is true that it is said that passive income through colonization is possible?
Yes, but not a large enough amount to care about.

For much lower effort than colonising a system and building it up to get a higher weekly income, you could complete a couple of easy Powerplay weekly tasks each week, get into "top 50%" in your power, and get 5 million credits that way.

The process of colonising and building a system - unless you somehow convince some other players to do all the hauling for you - will also earn you active income far faster than the passive income.
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