Elite Dangerous Update 14 Release Schedule

Good Morning Sally, thank you for all your good work!
Will update 14 bring some improvements for CQC also?
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I understand the rationale behind the orange colour. EDHM is an amazing tool, unfortunately out of reach of many a console Commander’s understanding of Mods. ( Remember, for us, it has been years of “Insert Disc, start playing 😁) Having the opportunity to choose an easy to use official Frontier tool still makes good business sense. Imagine,for exemple, a specific combat or exploration oriented HUD or theme like in EDHM, or being able to buy individual HUD colours ( at the same price as weapons colours or even higher ) or even selling full hud customization ( We could even have a new engineer to unlock but NO grinding, you go to his shop buy the HUD software for like 10 000 ARX).
A PC Commander has just offered to help me install EDHM via screen share. I offered to pay him of course. He said no, just donate the amount to a charity of his choosing. I love this game, and its Community. O7 Commander, thank you.

Finally after nearly a year. Thank you @Mathilda
Hello @sallymorganmoore ,

thank you so much for your continued engagement! Is there any update on the Anti-Aliasing issue that's been plaguing players since the first release of Odyssey? There seems to be no reference to the issue in the release notes - it's neither a "fixed issue" nor a "known issue".

It's been the most voted-for issue in the issue tracker for some time now - https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/32228 , and anti-aliasing not working makes the game look bad in comparison to other titles.

Are there any updates on this issue you could share?
Do you have a link to the issue? Just curious what it's about :)

The most obvious way: have a cutter auto-dock at a carrier or megaship (manual docking may lead to a lot of struggles too)
For full effect, try to come from behind the carrier/megaship or from the sides

Alternatively, you can test by boosting, then zeroing thrusters at a predetermined point in horizons, then do the same in odyssey.
Notice the braking distance between the game versions.
Best done above a carrier since you have certain carrier features as cues for triggering the brakes.

The issue is mostly visible with ships that are drifty by nature, but i've had even my dbx having a pendulum approach when landing at a carrier
Also noticeable when comming down above planetary surface, nose down - the front revers thrusters cannot really brake/held the ship, not even in low-G planets.
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