Elite Dangerous | Update 18.06 | Thargoid War overhaul |Tuesday 28 May 2024

T. Taranis did not begin on Thursday though; it became available to attack immediately following update 18, which was on a Monday, so actually that was closer to four days of active assault.
Two and a half, technically, if memory serves - though allowing for it to be inaccurate (because it is*) I don't remember the Titan getting rushed until Wednesday when the progress went from making less than a percent of a dent into its first heart to skyrocketing out of bounds completely. Comparatively, at least.

(Also still not sure if the resistance levels for the Titans were as "resistant" as they are currently, for that first one.)

*And I can't figure out how to get a progress history for the entire duration of the Titan's presence in the system, rather than just the current week.
Todays update broke my game.

After Login I am at a ressource extraction area and shortly after it get a:

Could not connect to the adjucation server.
Error Code: Blue Cobra.

Press OK to return to main menu.

@PhilWeeks Are the developers already informed of the bug?
thank you thank you thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu for fixing the menu context bug!!! I and many others can get back to playing now and actually enjoying the game. Please pass on my regards to whatever benighted soul decided that was worth their time (y)
Finally! I've been waiting to use the SCO drives because I have b + hat up is my galmap, and b + hat right is my system map. B of course is boost, so I was previously having Overdrive turn on whenever I opened my maps, which was a big no no lol! Now I can slap that drive back in my ship without fear of burning up and running out of fuel when I open my map!
The reality :

1 hydra mission +/- 32M 2 hydra 62M
Same before update.

Where is the significant boost ?

Those you are showing are the faction mission rewards which can be stacked as before, what has been changed are the combat bonds awards from the Pilots Federation
Those you are showing are the faction mission rewards which can be stacked as before, what has been changed are the combat bonds awards from the Pilots Federation
War contribution values have been rebalanced for all actions and the following actions have received significant boosts:

All combat actions (e.g. destroying interceptors and Anti Xeno Combat Zones)
Hunting Orthrus in alert systems
Spire sabotage actions
All mission types
All rescue operations

All mission types
I mean it's a fair point that at times they have done things and not been honest with us about the reasons for it or worse, insulted our intelligence with obvious excuses and deflections.

They gaslighted us for not doing Alerts without even acknowledging that we were doing them - until they quadrupled their difficulty at a time when we were getting dozens of them a week so that difficulty increase really wasn't necessary, and made them so hard that it would take all week to do a few of them which was an unproductive use of our time. That was why we stopped and not, as they seem to think, because we were stupid. Way to appeal to your player base by publicly calling them idiots and even more galling when the idiocy was on their side, not ours. Slow clap.

Then there was the knee jerk reaction to sampling by nerfing it, instead of doing what they are finally doing now and making other activities worth doing instead. The fact they are doing it now proves they could have done it any time. Instead they spent months treating us as if we wanted to do sampling, which amongst fun things to do is up there with having your teeth pulled by a blind chimpanzee with dyspraxia, a pair of pliers and no anaesthetic.

Then the spamming of Alerts at Oya to cover up that they needed an extra week to fix Titan bugs. Like a child too scared to come clean and admit they made a mistake they covered it up with bluster and a non story about Orthruses that went nowhere.

So I get where the poster is coming from that they have been less than honest with us and condescended to us as if we were fools who didn't know what we're doing, not because we didn't but because they only skim read the situation and couldn't be bothered to look properly at what we were doing. Snarky remarks on their livestreams about us doing things the hard way with zero self awareness or recognition of their own ignorance as part of the problem.

I think they sometimes forget what a large middle aged to late middle aged demographic they have, people who have been round the block a few times and can see that painfully obvious excuse making a mile off. And it doesn't fool us for a second.

But yes, this is them finally doing what they should have done a year ago. Paying attention and not just coming out with gaslighting nonsense because they didn't read the room.

If I wanted to be presented with a series of spectacles I would have gone to an optician. What I wanted was some depth and intelligence applied to the process and we didn't get it. Instead of realising its potential as a high concept science fantasy war and embracing the chance to do something truly different we got a lame re-enactment of WW2 in space with tired old tropes about supply lines and beachheads. Which makes absolutely no sense against a species with far superior hyperspace abilities than we have, whose hyperspace abilities we cannibalised and produced an inferior version of just to get anywhere at all. They could have run rings around us, which is why at one point I wondered if this was an experiment on the part of the Thargoids, trying war our way as a test.

We'll do it because there's nothing else to do and some of it is fun and we're committed to finishing what we started but still - what an absolute, imagination deficit, dull, processional, by the numbers and clichéd waste of a good idea.
@SergMx (for lack of being able to use the reply function directly) - “War contribution values” does not refer to the amount of credits offered by the missions, but the amount of progress which they offer for a Thargoid alert/invasion system. A value which, alas, is not directly shown anywhere, so it might only be noticeable if system completion speeds up noticeably, as a result of the rebalance.
@SergMx (for lack of being able to use the reply function directly) - “War contribution values” does not refer to the amount of credits offered by the missions, but the amount of progress which they offer for a Thargoid alert/invasion system. A value which, alas, is not directly shown anywhere, so it might only be noticeable if system completion speeds up noticeably, as a result of the rebalance.
I understand.
If it is not reflected anywhere how to determine the acceleration ?

I always thought that it ALL just depends on credits analogous to ratings, the more we earn on transportation the faster we get a trade rank.
We may not even take trade missions the main thing is to sell cargo for that large amount.
If it is not reflected anywhere how to determine the acceleration ?
It would be difficult to. Journal entries would be the only way and even then, the interference from other players in alerts and invasions would make it difficult.

The war UI certainly doesn’t have any direct pointers as to how much which action actually does.
It would be difficult to. Journal entries would be the only way and even then, the interference from other players in alerts and invasions would make it difficult.

The war UI certainly doesn’t have any direct pointers as to how much which action actually does.
I know what you mean. But I don't quite agree with you, it's not because of you, it's because of me.
I still think it's a progression of credits. For example, it's not the number of Orfs shot down that matters, it's the rewards for them.
Adjustment of these prices in the patch confirms my guess.

And the answer was given - wait for Thursday. I think he gave us a clue :)

UPD: Whoa, whoa, whoa. I read the forum and saw the answer about Thursday.
Now I don't see it, I didn't get it, so it was not a hint but an omission ;)
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fdev likes to measure things in credits, but this war seems to be a bit more complex for just a cr meter...
though i too was kinda thinking for a bit if we arent sold one adjustment as two
interceptors give more credits
interceptors make more impact
Though it may take some effort, the intent is that it is entirely possible to get the required credits in time, even if you only join during the weekend assault.
Out of curiosity ... why aren't the Titan assaults simply started on weekends instead of midweek ? Am I missing something here. I too missed out on Hadad purely because it was dead before I could get to play on the weekend. Though I freely admit, I find ALOT of this Titan engagment stuff REALLY confusing even after 10 yrs of playing.
I still think the credit rewards are not the subject matter, because the patch notes explicitly mention that Orthrus hunting in Alerts has been buffed as a war action, but their credit payout is getting hit pretty significantly.
That's why they made them equal 15 million and not 1.
Anyway I'll just wait until Thursday and draw conclusions based on what I see in the game.

I always try to analyze indirect reasons, for example, that this time the servers were crashing hard after the patch and the previous time not. Should talk about some kind of change, not just a change in prices.
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