Elite Dangerous: Update 7.01 and Horizons Update (PC Only)

I never do upgrades.
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Greetings Commanders.

Thanks so much for the continued responses from so very many of you, following this week's deployment of Update 7 for Elite Dangerous: Odyssey, along with the 'Quality of Life' update for Horizons.

We have a couple of issues we'd like to tackle sooner than later, so these will be going out this early afternoon.

Servers will flick offline at approximately 13:30 UTC / 14:30 BST (give or take several minutes) and will be expected to be down for no longer than 10 minutes for the updates to deploy.

PLEASE NOTE: Updates of this nature are in the pipeline for Console players. We're targetting next week for deployment of those (Certification time required).​

Updates of note for Elite Dangerous: Odyssey
  • A fix has been implemented for where engineered weapons were....dealing extreme amounts of damage (I have no 'wit' left in me to give you anything more on this one...other than that really was a lot of damage).
  • A fix has been implemented for the tutorial not starting when selecting 'Start' from the main menu.
  • Tritium collected in a legitimate way should no longer be marked as stolen (slander is bad. Zero tolerance).
  • Folk flying around in their ships (NPCs) can now be expected to spawn around settlements and planetary ports or in space locations that are close to planets.
    • Such as Conflict Zones & Resource Extraction Sites.
  • A fix has been implemented for Commanders receiving too many credits when selling commodities at a profit (between this and 100000000000 x damage multipliers, you'd think every day was your birthday).
  • An issue has been fixed whereby some players were receiving a "Commander Data" error when logging into the game after logging out, when embarked on an Apex Interstellar ship.
  • An issue has been fixed with insurance discounts being calculated incorrectly when remotely rebuying & transferring a destroyed ship (honestly beginning to think that the Elite Dangerous Galactical Finance Corp are on annual leave...).
  • Investigating Commanders who were unable to modify their suits or weapons.
    • Commanders should no longer have issues with engineering suits or weapons!

You'll like this one (I hope...)
  • Reverted change to Data Ports that made downloading all forms of Data an illegal act.
    • Now, only data that is alarmed is illegal to download.
    • We've also reduced Data Transfer times by up to 75% following your thoughts and feedback.

Forgive the first point of repetition here, but I just want to make "what's in where" as crystal as possible.

Updates of note for Elite Dangerous: Horizons (PC ONLY)
  • THAT fix has been implemented for engineered weapons dealing extreme amounts of damage.
  • A fix has been implemented for an issue where extremely large value combat bonds would be displayed incorrectly preventing hand-in.
  • Top bounties now display correctly in each system.
  • Improvements to material fragments, when mined from deposits, have been made - reducing the likelihood of them getting stuck inside asteroids.
  • A general stability fix has been implemented to prevent one of those illusive server crashes.

Known Issues (working on 'em. Standby)

Heads up:
COMPLETELY aware there are more issues you would like to be listed here, but I'm only listing out the primary ones that fell out heavily since the last update. We're obviously continuing to look at the legacy known issues collected from the past weeks/months/year.
  • Interdiction UI is offset from the centre of the cockpit view.
    • Guess what! We all thought it was missing too! Turns out it's gone on holiday to the far side of the cockpit glass.
  • Fleet Carrier UI can softlock.
  • Fleet Carrier UI sometimes fails to format incorrectly.
    • Instances where you see icon overlaps, button sizes changing or appearing strange, buttons randomly becoming un-clickable. Oddities like that.
  • Commanders shall move their lips again! Lip sync issues are getting some special attention following continued reports.
  • The Session Log within the Codex is greyed out and inaccessible. We've bagged this one.
  • Some weapon damage values are still potentially not entirely what you were previously used to. We'll carry on looking into instances of these.
  • Investigating a report of Interstellar Factors not working as expected.

Hope this helps as many of your as possible ahead of your weekend, Commanders!
We'll be on standby to go through the deployment dance with you all, so until then...o7!

It is not possible that in space it has 140 fps and on the surface of a planet 2 fps (not even within a station), my hardware requirements are more than recommended ... how long should we wait?
Wait until a planetary surface is as void as space?
Best answer ever! I honestly don't understand why people expect to have the same FPS in space and in settlements. I mean, that's not how rendering works... More things to render = less FPS, that's a basic and a given, there is nothing you can do about it. Of course you have more FPS when the only thing the game engine renders is your ship and some distant stars than when it has to render your ship, high fidelity ground textures, 3D environments and buildings (interiors included), plus FPS AI, pathfinding and navmesh, atmospheric effects and more, all that updated continuously according to orbit plans! Sure, some technics (like culling) can help improve FPS, but you'll ALWAYS have less FPS than in space.
Best answer ever! I honestly don't understand why people expect to have the same FPS in space and in settlements. I mean, that's not how rendering works... More things to render = less FPS, that's a basic and a given, there is nothing you can do about it. Of course you have more FPS when the only thing the game engine renders is your ship and some distant stars than when it has to render your ship, high fidelity ground textures, 3D environments and buildings (interiors included), plus FPS AI, pathfinding and navmesh, atmospheric effects and more, all that updated continuously according to orbit plans! Sure, some technics (like culling) can help improve FPS, but you'll ALWAYS have less FPS than in space.

The general feeling seems to be that the visual changes on the ground in Odyssey do not correspond well to the decrease in performance - ie although Odyssey arguably looks better it's not worth the cost in performance.

Performance is space has always been fine, as you imply there is very little to draw. The lighting changes have had an effect on space too in Odyssey and while it does look very nice, so does/did the older lighting in EDH.

That space runs better isn't an issue.
Performance is appalling and we don't even have things like grasses moving in the wind, animals walking by, running water or cloud effects.. It's true there's nothing WE can do about it but there is definitely something the developers of the game can do about it and we've been waiting well over a third of a year for them to do so. It's not acceptable in it's current state.
Performance is appalling and we don't even have things like grasses moving in the wind, animals walking by, running water or cloud effects.. It's true there's nothing WE can do about it but there is definitely something the developers of the game can do about it and we've been waiting well over a third of a year for them to do so. It's not acceptable in it's current state.

Not excusing the time it's taking (everything takes longer when you have to do it twice) but grass does sway already (perhaps only at higher graphics settings).
Not excusing the time it's taking (everything takes longer when you have to do it twice) but grass does sway already (perhaps only at higher graphics settings).
My apologies, your right it does, there's just not a lot of it so there isn't a lot for the GPU to be doing in comparison to many other games..If it's so difficult for them to get a very barren landscape to even render without massive stuttering and poor FPS my hope is gone for the earth like worlds with trees, grasses, shrubs, vegetation that looks somewhat normal that we've come to expect from other games.
My apologies, your right it does, there's just not a lot of it so there isn't a lot for the GPU to be doing in comparison to many other games..If it's so difficult for them to get a very barren landscape to even render without massive stuttering and poor FPS my hope is gone for the earth like worlds with trees, grasses, shrubs, vegetation that looks somewhat normal that we've come to expect from other games.
There is a predation! Let's collectively claim a refund for this awful add-on! They won't fix anything until the question becomes a question of money. They don't hear us. They do whatever they want. They don't care about the players. The main thing for them is money.
This post will most likely be deleted because they do not want it.
My apologies, your right it does, there's just not a lot of it so there isn't a lot for the GPU to be doing in comparison to many other games..If it's so difficult for them to get a very barren landscape to even render without massive stuttering and poor FPS my hope is gone for the earth like worlds with trees, grasses, shrubs, vegetation that looks somewhat normal that we've come to expect from other games.

Yes I agree the visual changes are nice, but don't seem so much nicer that they justify the performance downgrade (framerate, stuttering, pop in & poor LoD management/colouring).

I am still hopeful there is some significant bug or poorly optimised conde that once fixed with give a dramatic improvement.

However if it doesn't, having FDev provide a more realistic set of minimum/recommended' hardware requirements for 1080p@60Hz & 4k@60Hz would be handy.

Bugs don't usually bother me but the number of previously fixed issues that return with each patch is becoming a farce too.
Drawdowns at the station near the bar when it comes into sight - a problem with lighting? If so, I look forward to a fix as soon as possible. In general, it has become more stable at the stations, but it is the bar counter that outrages me.
Problems with falling to 2-1 fps also occurred twice. I don’t know how to repeat, but so far everything has returned to a stable track.
Would it be possible for you to send me your DxDiag in a DM please?
Been grabbing a few to try and sort this thing out...

But this here is the thing Sally. I've got a rig that doesn't meet minimum requirements, yet my performance matches or is better than other peoples rigs. FPS combat is not playable but general exploration on foot is ok. (playing on ultra FWIW)

Then when you look at what Odyssey actually offers. Barren planets and with the exception of a outpost/station/ship there is generally only a single light source. It really shouldn't be as taxing on systems as what it is.

Maybe instead of fixing a heap of little things. Get the engine to work properly. It's clearly borked. And maybe a lot of these "bugs" wouldn't even be an issue because people would rarely notice them or perhaps with the engine working properly they become non-existent?
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