This is a repost from Independent Raxxla Hunters discord where someone had mentioned the lore stream and the fact there might be Raxxla references elsewhere. This is my response because it is has become increasingly evident Michael Brookes while instrumental in building the Elite Dangerous universe is not the central writer of the lore. I have been reading the books and while not done it never made sense why Lave was so damn central to the story unless it connects the past to 3300. Then I found the links below which just served to solidify that this is indeed the case.
If Raxxla is found in other games it is because of the games core lore person .. and no that isn't Michael Brookes (Brookes was just Braben's guy making sure his vision of the project was there and helped edit things to match the lore guides by Stroud for what they were willing to make public). Since R. Holdstock died in 2009 they got the next best author to write everything -- Allen Stroud. He is the spiritual successor of Robert Holdstock. Also, should be noted Lave is what ultimately connects the past to the present. Your CMDRs aren't merely human .. they were genetic super soldiers built to serve the Club. That cloning tech and genetic engineering came first from Judas Syndicate and was imported to the region by a family of Far God cultists known as the Ryders that learned the arts of piracy via Judas Syndicate. Seeking safety they board the generation ships bound for Teorge. Well the rest is history and that explains Riedquat becoming a criminal haven, the Ryders new home being near Isinor (which itself is near Teorge - see chapter 1 and chapter 4 of the Dark Wheel novel), and Dr. Walden of Lave. I know where their home system is probably located (there is also a connection to Jameson's sidewinder nearby too). Stroud wrote the majority of the lore that happens between The Dark Wheel and 3300 that the books and Elite Encounters RPG are based upon.
If Raxxla is found in other games it is because of the games core lore person .. and no that isn't Michael Brookes (Brookes was just Braben's guy making sure his vision of the project was there and helped edit things to match the lore guides by Stroud for what they were willing to make public). Since R. Holdstock died in 2009 they got the next best author to write everything -- Allen Stroud. He is the spiritual successor of Robert Holdstock. Also, should be noted Lave is what ultimately connects the past to the present. Your CMDRs aren't merely human .. they were genetic super soldiers built to serve the Club. That cloning tech and genetic engineering came first from Judas Syndicate and was imported to the region by a family of Far God cultists known as the Ryders that learned the arts of piracy via Judas Syndicate. Seeking safety they board the generation ships bound for Teorge. Well the rest is history and that explains Riedquat becoming a criminal haven, the Ryders new home being near Isinor (which itself is near Teorge - see chapter 1 and chapter 4 of the Dark Wheel novel), and Dr. Walden of Lave. I know where their home system is probably located (there is also a connection to Jameson's sidewinder nearby too). Stroud wrote the majority of the lore that happens between The Dark Wheel and 3300 that the books and Elite Encounters RPG are based upon.