
  1. Cosmo

    General Add Lore Missions to Guide Players

    A lot of players have no clue about the in-game lore. They don't know how to access it. So there should be a new type of "Lore Missions" that guides players to important locations so that they discover the lore by seeing the places, reading and listening to the logs. For example: Generation...
  2. Michael Ryan

    The Ryan Family and Their Legacy

    The Ryan Family has carved a lasting legacy of exploration within the galaxy, tracing its roots back to the legendary Arthur Ryan, the family patriarch. Born in 3153, Arthur was driven by an unrelenting desire to uncover the mysteries of the cosmos. In 3218, he embarked on his most famous and...
  3. J

    The Full Knowledge Base Audio Now Available

    I couldn't find an outside source including the Frontier Website to just sit down and absorb all the Incredible Lore in the Knowledge Base so I recorded it and as videos and Uploaded it to my Youtube Channel for everyone to sit back and listen to anytime. Enjoy! Complete Knowledge Base Audio
  4. C

    The truth about Raxxla

    Well, this is probably redundant, but it’s now 2024 and it feels like we are no closer to finding “Raxxla” or even knowing if it’s real, i’ve spent so much time reading other cmndrs theories and there’s definitely some intriguing theories. It’s all so amazing to watch the community come...
  5. TheTerrorDragon

    Guardians Comeback

    Even if the lore says that the Guardians have retreated or even died out. It would be kind of cool if a new structure emerged in the fight against the Thargoids. As if a small group of Guardians had found a way to escape death. And now they come back with a super weapon that they hid back then...
  6. C

    How large do you think independent system navies and armies are? (lore)

    I know that in-game during wars ships are essentially infinite for both sides, but for the purpose of writing a fanfic, I'm interested in how large independent system fleets and armies could be. Lets take an independent system with an Earth-like world and about a billion residents and another...
  7. ThArGos

    Community Event / Creation Embark on a Galactic Odyssey: Explore Interactive Fan-Made Adventures in Elite Dangerous Universe!

    Greetings, fellow Commanders! Mods, I hope this is at the right place. Happy to be corrected if not. 🚀 Are you ready to take your Elite Dangerous experience to the next level? 🌌 I'm thrilled to introduce you to a groundbreaking platform that will immerse you in the vast universe of Elite...
  8. Tiron Elite

    [Why Mining CG's Fail] - Kokoller Limited Mineral Acquisition

    :cool: O7fellow commanders, I wanted to take a moment to discuss the recent Community Goal (CG) launched by Kokoller Limited in Elite Dangerous, called "Kokoller Limited Mineral Acquisition." While the intention behind the CG seemed promising, I believe it missed the mark and failed to resonate...
  9. G-Dubya

    Elite Lore

    Cmdr's. Where can I go to read about elite lore? I am looking to brush up my game knowledge and require input; specifically the thargoids, the guardians and the guardian AI. More information the better. o7
  10. CMDRCorrMorningstarFelian

    Elite Universe TTRPGs (possibly more) - Community Interest Thread

    Elite's Universe has an insanely complex backstory. As such, I like to propose CMDRs getting together (virtually) to have a fun gathering of Elite Encounters RPG and Elite Dangerous RPG. The main goals would a fun gathering where we can all better learn the lore (past and present) of varying...
  11. K

    General Investment in lore

    Just as Drew believed, I too believe that the universe of Elite and Elite Dangerous is bigger than David Braben or the FDEV, and that needs to be explored. I believe that Elite not only post war thargoid could give continuity in lore of the game, while fixing the almost infinite bugs and bring...
  12. Anand Paul

    The Nemesis Project Lore - D2 and Aden Tanner Audio Logs

  13. HalseySpartan2

    PSA: O7 CMDRs! I noticed the timeline on the wiki was over a year out of date, so I updated it all

    Hello CMDRs! With the recent revival of narrative updates in a regular format, I figured that CMDRs returning from long voyages out in the black might appreciate a primer on what's been happening since they were gone. I noticed the wiki timeline information hadn't been updated with any of the...
  14. Aria Darabi

    Log Entry 1 - CMDR Aria Darabi - The loneliness of a space pilot

    "Archie, please initiate speech-to-text." [inaudible background noise] "Thank you." Log Entry 1 Well, I've been flying long enough to know my life may meet a swift end at some point. It's been 8 years since I graduated from the pilot's federation and left the clutches of Kamadhenu. 8 years...
  15. Dylan D

    Open Letter to the Pilot's Federation - YKE Technologies | 11-18-3308

    Recipient: Pilot's Federation Permit Operations team Date: November 18th, 3308 Body: CMDR Dylan D, Owner of the YKE Albatross Xenological Research Carrier [V4W-L9N], wishes to join the brave crew of the Kingfisher to greet the first rogue signal source, Taranis. On behalf of the Thargoid...
  16. Fosdyke

    The proteus wave (Salvation)

    Hello Commanders! o7 Hope all is fine on your side. Here is my take on Salvation, Azimuth Biotech (Character design/concept) Artwork : Salvation in details :
  17. CMDR Timber McWolf

    Locations to visit to experience lore

    Hello fellow commanders, being new to the game (and the franchise), I would like to know where I should go to experience the narrative of Elite: Dangerous from the beginning. Preferrably in the chronological order the game presented it. If there should be an existing thread to this topic, feel...
  18. hurikhan77

    scan logs are not saved to codex

    Also reported here: https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/51938 While investigating HIP 22460 recently, I discovered that scan logs are no longer saved to the codex. This is very sad to lore player who'd like to recap on the logs and events to seek out for more hints. Similar...
  19. C

    What mode of planetary transport do people on Earth-likes use?

    Is this mentioned in any official lore? if not what do you believe would be the most logical mode of transport the average joe would use to travel in the cities of earth like words? would cars still exist?
  20. Cmdr John Lyn

    Lore of Thargoid Meta-Alloys addenda

    What are Thargoid Meta Alloys? I often feel like the description above of meta alloys is incomplete, based only on what contemporary Humanity has tested and understands about these meta alloy materials. Recently I had ideas about their true potential. The human uses of these alloys which are...
  21. J

    Question about ALD.

    So multiple groups in-universe dislike Arissa Lavigny-Duval because she's non- traditional and they want a return to good old traditional values. The Emperor's Dawn and pre-Hadrian Nova Imperium were big on this. That's all well and good. ... but what about Arissa is so destructive to Imperial...
  22. C

    Is ship fuel in Elite Dangerous liquid or gas

    Is the hydrogen used by ships in ED stored in a liquid or gas state in the fuel tank?
  23. C

    How much do you think the average salary of the average citizen is?

    how much do you think the ordinary middle-class citizen earns per year (in credits)? i think the lore somewhere mentions that 1cr = $50, and also that the average middle-class family can afford a sidewinder. but if we take the current us average of $56,310 and convert it to credits we get...
  24. CMDRCorrMorningstarFelian

    Elite Dangerous's core lore person isn't Michael Brookes .. examining the breadcrumb trail of Allen Stroud

    This is a repost from Independent Raxxla Hunters discord where someone had mentioned the lore stream and the fact there might be Raxxla references elsewhere. This is my response because it is has become increasingly evident Michael Brookes while instrumental in building the Elite Dangerous...
  25. M

    Newcomer / Intro The Dark Wheel *SPOILER* (kinda)

    The ingame lore describes TDW as some mystical/unknown association noone knows where to find and gives a hint regarding a certain system which I haven't figured out yet. But I did find TDW as a faction So my question is, how does that fit into the picture? Should I get friendly with those guys...
  26. drorangutan

    Odyssey, Game Design, and the BGS: A Little Opinion Piece on the Potential of Odyssey and Where it Went Wrong

    Heyo everyone. Hope you’re doing well. I know Odyssey criticism has been done to death at this point and most of what needs to be said has already been said, but I still think that there’s a lot that hasn’t been fully addressed on the forums and I’ve wanted to talk about my opinions on Odyssey...
  27. VYPR

    Archon Delaine... campaign... to build... starports?

    I apologize that I may be interrupting any conspiracy theorycraft or discussions on in-game realpolitik, however upon logging into Elite Dangerous this morning I happened upon this queer notification on the main menu and could not help myself but to read the full article. I nearly spat out my...
  28. Faktury

    A Outpost request with new Function/Lore

    I think it's a nice idea to build a outpost near colonia, where all kind of slaves can be get their freedom, because so we can colonize more in the galaxy. I have 100.000.000 Cr on my bank it is not much but a good start for colonize and freedom. What do you all think about it, it is kinda...
  29. C

    Elite Dangerous in game Social Media and Influencers

    So I was just brainstorming a small idea and while doing that I came across an idea regarding the social media in Elite universe and how it works. We the CMDRs of pilots federation get our news and all the latest happenings through Galnet which is easily accessible all across the galaxy, but...
  30. V

    The GalNet Archive - 10th Sep 3306 - ?

    Welcome to The GalNet Archive. This is as much for my own use as anybody else's, I know they're elsewhere but they don't seem to be on one easy accessible page so I'm putting them on here for future reference. This Archive only covers from the return of GalNet on 10th September 3306 (2020). I...
  31. Erlaed

    PHS Recruiting: Join us Fighting The Club in The Pleiades

    Active, multi-featured Discord server looking to foster a purpose-driven new PC Squadron: The Pleiades Historical Society. The goal? Drive the shadowy organization known as “The Club” out of the Pleiades region, and solve the mystery of Megaship Overlook. The method? Using all the tools...
  32. Neulen

    Unhumorous Calamity is the Job

    “You really screwed it, didn’t you, skip?” Chucho the mechanic said. Commander Neulen replied with a dirty look. “Well,” Chucho continued, “I thought it was pretty funny. Bad timing, and the delivery could have been better, but overall a solid joke. Very you. Shows your trademark deficiency in...
  33. Erlaed

    Release Club Raiders: Fighting the Club in the BGS

    What is The Club An organization that controls Elite: Dangerous behind the scenes Conceived by David Braben Featured in GalNet and the novels Clearly and repeatedly fingered as "The Bad Guys" in Elite: Dangerous The enemy of The Dark Wheel Only two known ways to interact with them: BGS and...
  34. CMDR Kai Zen

    Community Event / Creation Turning the Wheel

    (IN UNIVERSE) My fellow commanders. It is with a heavy heart that I must come before you today to put an end to the lies and corruption within the Pilots’ Federation. This once-venerable institution has been infiltrated and subjugated by a nefarious group of elites known only as ‘The Club’. For...
  35. S


    I see the option but none available on PS4. If anyone is willing to join up and give some advice or drop some lore it would be appreciated. Psn: obsidian_wlf
  36. CMDR Kai Zen

    An open letter to Frontier Development

    I am a huge fan of your company and devoted player of your game, as well as purchaser of many, many paint jobs. I am the co-host of a podcast every week that is dedicated to the amazing thing that you have created. I love so many aspects of it that were I to fully unpack that statement it would...
  37. Cosmo

    Why do so many ED Characters not have an Image?

    Why do so many important characters of the ED lore not have a profile image yet? Is Frontier too lazy to permit an artist to draw 2D artwork? Or will they add 3D models with the next expansion? There are so many things of the lore that lack any visual reference.
  38. Cosmo

    Why doesn't Frontier publish Elite Dangerous Comics?

    ED has dozens of interesting characters in the galaxy. The most popular ones are the movers and shakers in Powerplay. Yet we only have 1 portrait per Powerplay leader. Most are faceless individuals in GalNet news. There are thousands of people who would love to know more about their favorite ED...
  39. don carnage1

    A simple fix to (maybe) save Galnet

    It’s easy. Galnet just needs to draw a clear distinction between in game events and pure flavor material. This is how you do it: FDev makes two categories of articles. TOP STORIES OTHER NEWS TOP STORIES would be reserved only for events with in-game ramifications. Top stories would always...
  40. B

    Thargoids, Raxxla, Dark Wheel, and how they are connected...maybe.

    (The following suggestion is a fictitious use of fictitious places and characters to create a fictitious story that could fictitiously connect fictitious events in a fictitiously believable way. Although fictitious places and people are mentioned in this fictitious suggestion, they are used in a...
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