Community Event / Creation Elite / Frontier FAN ART

GTR2, with maybe 2gb of downloaded mods. Also got some Capris in there (drool), but the RS2000 MK1 Escorts are me current fave.. :cool:
Okay new pic time!

The Planet Was Ravaged By Frequent Civil Wars:

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Sorry to revive a really old thread. But news of Elite: Dangerous has inspired me to start sketching up some more fan art.
Here's something I knocked up this afternoon.


Given that my artistic skills are rather "limited", it's composed entirely of a screenshot from FFE D3D with some text and the Elite : Dangerous logo added using Paint

EDIT : I've noticed that the resolution seems to have gone down a bit when I uploaded it to Photobucket. Could be my connection or Photobucket messing things up for me.
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Nicely put together Gunbladelad :cool:

Here's my Cobra Mk111 modified version done in Blender a few years ago and never finished.


Come on let see you Elite ships.
Frontier's concept art has inspired me to work on an idea I had a while ago.

Thought I'd post a work-in-progress (in the hope it'll motivate me to finish) (God knows how the chaps & chapesses at Frontier get their artwork done so quickly)

Lol, great drawing but it looks to me like the ships computer (down to the left of the pilot) is a BBC Model B.

Its the red function keys that do it.....
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