Hey, first post in... well... years! Happy to be back and happy to see Observatory is still alive and kicking.
I've been working on my custom criteria and I have some questions:
1. Is there a place where people share their custom criteria? It would be interesting to see other ideas.
2. I'm not sure how global blocks work. Are they run once per Observatory's execution? Once per system? Once per scan?
3. The reason why I'm trying to figure out global blocks is because I want to get notified if a system has not been discovered. Any ideas how I can achieve this?
4. I want to get a notification for icy rings (because Tritium!) but it doesn't trigger. If someone could check my criteria and give feedback, that would be great. Here it is:
local icy_rings = 0
for ring in rings(scan.Rings) do
if ring.ringclass == 'eRingClass_Icy' then icy_rings = icy_rings + 1 end
if icy_rings > 0 then return true, 'Planet with icy rings', '' end
Thank you all!