Fiction Elite : Reclamation


On the edge of civilisation, on the border of the Frontier, lies the Prism system. Its ownership hangs in the balance between the Federation and the Empire.

Trying to reclaim her home, Lady Kahina Tijani Loren holds the fate of an entire star-system in her hands…

Elite : Reclamation, by Drew Wagar.

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Reclamation now has a sequel - Elite Dangerous Premonition. :)

Right on, Commanders.
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No spoilers?

Hi Drew,

I'm really looking forward to reading your story. It'll also be great to see your updates on here as well (not least to reduce the number of websites that need to be visited!)

I have one request though. Other than the high level story pitch on your KS, I would prefer to not have any spoilers. Is it practical for you to keep those only on your website (and clearly identified) so that there's no danger of accidentally seeing them here?


I have a tag for spoilers (or at least, potential spoilers) on my website, so you'll be able to avoid them. I'll also indicate **spoilers** in the post title. I'm not planning on revealing much detail to be honest.

I plan to use this thread as an alternative to KS, Facebook and Twitter for progress updates, % completeness against plan and so on.

Later, I'll expect to use it to co-ordinate proofreading and other prep.

I may ask for considered opinions on how I treat aspects of the Elite universe in a narrative context.

Hope that helps!


That's great, thanks Drew. For me one of the great thinsg about fiction in the Elite universe is how it makes every thing feel more real and substantial, by providing extra depth and detail. So discussion about aspects of that universe and how to treat it should be quite fun!
Came up with a few ideas today, so actually have an outline plot. Worked on a few questions for Michael too. :)


Mobius has a created a rather natty backers image for your signature if you're so inclined. Feel free to link to this if you wish (plenty of bandwidth my end).



Thanks Drew, saved me a job!

For any new to Elite:Reclamation it might be worth mentioning that Drew is still taking pledges via PayPal (details on

I mention it particularly as Drew is close to achieving the stretch goal of having enough funds to do an initial paperback print run (rather than just print on demand). (Yes I have a vested interest, to get a physical copy a bit cheaper if more of us club together :D)
Hi Drew,
Regarding your latest update:

I haven’t seen the mail from KS yet. Only pledged for the eBook so not a high tier level.

Is KS slow?
I haven’t seen the mail from KS yet. Only pledged for the eBook so not a high tier level.

Is KS slow?
Its not slow, its just that for the lower tiers don't need a survey until nearer the time when the book is ready. I queried this myself as I had only pledged at the £8 tier level.
Yes, my apologies. It's the £10 and above pledge tiers I need the info from at this moment.


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