COMPLETED CG Enhanced AX Project: AX Multi-Cannon Fixed (Trade)

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Okay, I just tested it. Sadly, looks like I was wrong.

One C3 Enhanced AXMC fixed did 9% hull damage to a cyclops in 86 shots(would have gone for 100 but it moved). That takes 14.6 seconds, in which time it regenerated 46.8 HP. 9% of 800 is 72 HP, so I did 72+47=119 damage. 119/86=1.38 damage per shot. That gets multiplied by 3(because C3 AXMCs have 33 AP and Cyclopses have a hardness of 100, so you do 33/100ths your full damage, or 1/3rd), meaning it does about 4.2 damage.

So the weapon has been improved from about 3.9 damage per shot, to about 4.2 damage per shot, or about a 8% increase in DPS.

Where is it sold at that price? Jameson Memorial? That's a 10% discount from the price at Rescue Ship Cavell in Antai:

Its not a turret its FIXED... due to the Fixed fire angle they are lower cost... as their not a turret or gimble... Its only the single elite rank discount...
Elite Dangerous 2022.12.18 -
Where is it sold at that price? Jameson Memorial? That's a 10% discount from the price at Rescue Ship Cavell in Antai:

10%All in-stock weapon modulesAll stations in systems exploited by Zachary HudsonPowerplay-related discount

EnayexRescue Ship HutnerDenton PatreusExploited
KanawasRescue Ship SeacoleDenton PatreusExploited
ElliRescue Ship CornwallisFelicia WintersControlled
Tarach TorRescue Ship BertschingerLi Yong-RuiExploited
Upsilon AquariiRescue Ship YoshidaYuri GromPrepared
BlestRescue Ship KisseihZachary HudsonExploited
YenistaniRescue Ship FoersterZemina TorvalExploited
Its not a turret its FIXED... due to the Fixed fire angle they are lower cost... as their not a turret or gimble... Its only the single elite rank discount...

I know the price difference between variants. I was asking about the fixed version, not turreted. Also, the elite discount is 2.5%, not 10% which is the difference between @St0rmFury's post and mine.

Never mind, though. I got them at Jameson at the usual 10% discount.

Btw, for some reason the 2.5% elite discount doesn't apply there; at least for me it never has.

Ty all. o7
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