Epic Games Accounts - Rules & Considerations

So to answer you and everyone else; "Free For This Week" is the purchase discount. Anyone claiming it during this week has it free FOREVER. You can uninstall, reinstall it at any time, it'll remain on your account. Anyone looking at it after this week will have to pay the then current purchase price.

Thank you Titler for clearing that up.
Amusing name BTW..
Took another route... I have no steam version though, but an original FD game linked to oculus and the Epic version.
If you install the Epic version, use the main EDLauncher.exe to launch the game through the epic launcher.
If you copy the launcher however (include the commander name you want to use in the name, or w/e), you can use that launcher to bypass the Epic login and to log in manually with an account you already had. Keep it logged in, and create a shortcut for it. Rinse and repeat for the other account(s) you (may) have.

So now I got one game version installed, and 4 launchers. One for Epic login, 3 for the accounts I already had. One if those is added to the list of unknown sources in the Oculus launcher so I can launch my main account in VR as well.

Works like a charm.

Were you able to get this method to work with the epic accounts? Also, does this work with the other regular launcher or steam launcher?
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made you able to get this method to work with the epic accounts? Also, does this work with the other regular launcher or steam launcher?
Yes. If you go to the folder where Epic installs the game, you'll find a situation you would normally find when installing it directly from frontier. There is some extra Epic faff for single sign on and for the launcher, but you need that in order to keep the epic account working. But what you find is a perfectly normal EDLaunch.exe. The original launcher I have copied 3 times because I have 3 accounts and don't want to relog all the time. So now I have EDLaunch.exe, + EDLaunch_Vandaahl.exe + 2 others in the epic ED folder. The Epic account works through the Epic launcher + EDLaunch.exe, the others I can launch manually (directly or through shortcuts) because they dont require the Epic login.

Oculus launcher can launch games from other platforms as well, as long as you add them to the 'unkown' source list. Not sure if Steam allows that. But basically I got the Epic launcher working, 3 original ones (I copied), and one of those I can launch with Oculus to play in VR, all with only the Epic version installed.

Not sure how it would turn out if you have more than one Epic account, together with more than one Steam account though.
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I know that's why I was asking. Everywhere I read about this Epic deal has this weird wording, like Arsen who I quoted.
"This means that once the copy of Elite on Epic is no longer free,"

Aye, what he is saying there is that if you buy a copy on Epic then link it to an account that is already in use, you are, effectively urinating into the proverbial wind. To give you your moneys worth you must use a brand new account with a brand new CMDR.

He's not saying that you would have to pay for the account after the fact.
Remember, there is a known issue currently with linking Epic accounts to Frontier accounts. Not sure if it effects everyone but it does me currently. I set up a NEW Epic account (my only one) and a NEW Frontier Account (my second one, different email though) and went through the process. Despite my new Frontier account being full and valid - I can log into it on the website and check my details - the part that was supposed to link it to my Epic Account has failed. So, the Launcher won't let me run the game.

Like I said, FDev are aware of this so hopefully it'll be fixed soon.

Same. Still waiting.
5-10ºC, that's A LOT of difference. that can't be attributed to the launcher unless something really fishy is going on. are you sure this is not about performance/video settings being different? (don't forget potential external factors like e.g. nvidia experience). also, you have a margin of error of 100% ... which is a bit much. can you run some more accurate tests?

It is a lot of difference which is probably why I noticed it. The setting are exactly the same for both installs so I can't chalk it up to that. I also made sure that my nvidia setting were the same for both as well. vOv

TBH I haven't messed around with both installs enough to give a comprehensive result but I generally run at mid to late 70's on the steam install and the EGS install is running high 60-low 70's so far.... Dunno why. But tbh I'm not too fussed but thought it was worth a mention. If I see a more consistent difference etc I'll report back with it and some measurements.
It is a lot of difference which is probably why I noticed it. The setting are exactly the same for both installs so I can't chalk it up to that. I also made sure that my nvidia setting were the same for both as well. vOv

TBH I haven't messed around with both installs enough to give a comprehensive result but I generally run at mid to late 70's on the steam install and the EGS install is running high 60-low 70's so far.... Dunno why. But tbh I'm not too fussed but thought it was worth a mention. If I see a more consistent difference etc I'll report back with it and some measurements.

EliteDangerous64.exe and the stuff inside the Products folder is the same. What could be a difference is an overlay from the store while you are playing. I know Steam has one (it can be turned off), maybe Epic has one too?
  • The Epic install uses the same bindings, settings and control maps as the Standard and Steam installations of the Elite client as they are stored in your windows profile and not the installation folders. No configuration will be required for your alt accounts.

There are other (cache, logs, visited stars, trade data) things where the options are stored, I'm not so sure it is a good idea to use these with different commanders?

Anyway, I have created different Windows users for my installations and use runas to start them - however I was unable to make it work with Epic Store. :(
My Epic version of Elite has all my graphic and control setting from my Steam version. No need to change anything :D
There are people (some are on this very forum) who will insist that any claim that the Epic launcher looks at your Steam folders, that claim is false and has been debunked.
I have it working fine ... perhaps because I didn't link my new account (different email created for the purpose)

1. Go to Epic launcher, start new game.
2. Close Epic launcher, game running.
3. Go to Frontier launcher, start game.
4. Both games running ok :)
So the link is not mandatory ?

We can have 2 launchers (Frontier and Epic) and run the game without interaction between the two games ? If I understand correctly in English.

🦠 🦠 🦠 🦠 🦠 🦠 🦠 😷
I have yet to get a clear answer to this. So does this mean once this free offer/special/sale/whatever is over in a few days, the account is not free to play anymore?
As in you have to pay for it to continue using it? This is getting too confusing. Frontier account, Steam account now Epic account. All conflicting with one another.
Why not just stick to one platform? I got the Epic one but I don't want it messing with my Steam version.
I believe it is definitely free if you took it during the free period. Otherwise I don't see the point.

🦠 🦠 🦠 🦠 🦠 🦠 😷
There are people (some are on this very forum) who will insist that any claim that the Epic launcher looks at your Steam folders, that claim is false and has been debunked.
I think it’s safe to remove your tinfoil Remlok for this one - it’ll be Elite looking at the settings files contained within your local AppData folder, something like:
C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Local\Frontier_Developments\Elite Dangerous\Options\
Falls off chair laughing..... Enjoy the wait, just don't hold your breath! 😆

It was fixed for me that very evening :)

No action on my part needed, it just went from "You evil person, you've not purchased the game!!!" to just working as it should. Game runs really well on my old 2500k + GTX 680. My brain simply cannot handle using anything other than my HOTAS though. I've tried KB + Mouse, basic Joystick and Gamepad and I just can't do it lol. I've been too spoilt by the HOTAS since day 1.

Just logged into ED via the EGS launcher to my main account. Went to chance ship skins and none of my skins were available to fit. My ARX balance was also wrong (it was the same as the new epic account balance)

Got worried and logged into the account pages on the web to find all is ok with my balance and stuff I have already bought, gave me a fright there.

So I guess the launcher has way more input to how the game runs than simply booting it up and connecting to your account for accesses and permissions.

At this rate I'll be uninstalling the EGS one and going back to Steam and ignoring the new account if they don't sort these bugs out...
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