Essential aviary animals

Again, hard to choose just 30.
  1. Bearded vulture
  2. Andean Condor
  3. Golden eagle
  4. Harpy eagle
  5. Bald Eagle
  6. Crested caracara
  7. Snowy owl
  8. Western swamphen
  9. Glossy ibis
  10. Scarlet ibis
  11. Eurasian curlew
  12. Eurasian oystercatcher
  13. Common ringed plover
  14. Capercaillie
  15. Golden pheasant
  16. Masked lapwing
  17. Red-whiskered bulbul
  18. Northern cardinal
  19. Great hornbill
  20. Wreathed hornbill
  21. Crested fireback
  22. Bali myna
  23. Western crowned pigeon
  24. Violet turaco
  25. Scarlet macaw
  26. Hyacinth macaw
  27. African grey parrot
  28. White-throated toucan
  29. Palm cockatoo
  30. Kookaburra
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As the list has gotten bigger, I will soon update it with all birds requested that are not in anyone’s top 15
Remember people, if your bird is a ground dweller that probably does not need the confinement of an aviary please dont add it to your list. I am trying to calculate birds and bats that need an enclosure big or small.
Sorry @tjc05310 I just realised we were supposed to do our top 15 in order of preference which I didn't do. Is it helpful if I do that or do just want me to leave it as it is?
  • Great Blue Heron (North America)
  • Wild Turkey (North America)
  • Greater Roadrunner (North America)
  • Greater Rhea (South America)
  • African Grey Crowned Crane (Africa)
  • Marabou Stork (Africa)
  • Secretary Bird (Africa)
  • Western Capercaille (Eurasia)
  • Golden Pheasant (Asia)
  • Japanese Crane (Asia)
  • Emu (Oceania)
  • Kiwi (Oceania)
  • Scarlet Ibis (North America/South America)
  • Bald Eagle (North America)
  • Snow Owl (North America)
  • Wood Duck (North America)
  • Trumpeter Swan (North America)
  • Macaw species (South America)
  • Toco Toucan (South America)
  • Andean Condor (South America)
  • Harpy Eagle (South America)
  • Griffon Vulture (Africa)
  • Golden Eagle (Eurasia)
  • Eurasian Eagle Owl (Eurasia)
  • Mandarin Duck (Asia)
  • Dalmatian Pelican (Asia)
  • Black Swan (Oceania)
  • Kookaburra (Oceania)
  • Cockatoo species (Oceania)
  • Victoria Crowned Pigeon (Oceania)
I think I will make a separate list for the birds that don’t need aviarys that are flightless or wadding birds. As I did say those types would be omitted from the list.
Ah yes, I was looking for this. I will not be including ground or water dweling birds that that don't need to fly, so no ducks, pelicans, swans, pheasants, gunieafowls or turkeys

Here goes :

1. Hyacinth Macaw
2. Green Winged Macaw
3. Blue and Golden Macaw
4. Military Macaw
5. Bald Eagle
6. Eurasian Eagle Owl
7. Common Raven
8. Bearded Vulture
9. Sulfur Crested Cockatoo
10. Kookaburra
11. Indian Horbill
12. Greater Bird of Paradise
13. Steller Sea Eagle
14. Gyrfalcon
15. African Grey Parrot
16. Toco Toucan
17. Harpy Eagle
18. Phillpine Crowned Eagle
19. Victoria Crowned Pigeon
20. Kea
21. Burrowing Owl
22. Hoopoe
23. Andean Cocc Of the Rock
24. Californian Condor
25. African Red Billed Hornbill
26. Griffon Vulture
27. American Blue Jay
28. Common Kingfisher
29. Tawny Frogmouth
30. Golden Eagle
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I think we need more than 30 birds
I try to choose one of every Species and Biom to have more diversety, and all Birds don't need to fly (there are so many small birds)
Don't be curious i add the german names of the birds, i don't trust the translator xD (maybe i translate some of them wrong, please correct me)

1.AndenkondorVultur gryphusAnden Condor
2.HarpieHarpia harpyjaHarpy Eagle
3.Roter SichlerEudocimus ruberScarlet Ibis
4.RiesentukanRamphastos tocoToco Toucan
5.Hyazinth AraAnodorhynchus hyacinthinusHyacinth Macaw
6.DoppelhornvogelBuceros bicornisHornbill
7.KeaNestor notabilisKea
8.PalmkakaduProbosciger aterrimusPalm Cockatoo
9.Hellroter AraAra macaoScarlet Macaw
10.WeißkopfseeadlerHaliaeetus leucocephalusBald Eagle
11.UhuBubo buboEagle Owl
12.SchneeeuleBubo scandiacusSnowowl
13.SchleiereuleTyto alba guttataBarnowl
14.PerlhuhnNumida meleagris galeatusHelmed Guinea Fowl
15.AuerhahnTetrao urogallusCapercaillie
16.SekretärSagittarius serpentariusSecretary Bird
17.MarabuLeptoptilos crumeniferMarabou Stork
18.BraunpelikanPelecanus occidentalisBrown Pelican
19.ParadieskranichAnthropoides paradiseaBlue Crane
20.JabiruJabiru mycteriaJabiru
21.KronenkranichBalearica pavoninaGrey Crown Crane
22.DampfschiffenteTachyeres pteneresFuegian steamer duck
23.BasstölpelMorus bassanusAtlantic Garnet
24.PapageientaucherFratercula arcticaAtlantic Puffin
25.SchneehuhnLagopus mutaPtarmigan
26.GoldfasanChrysolophus pictusGolden Pheasent
27.JägerliestDacelo novaeguineaeKookaburra
28.SchuhschnabelBalaeniceps rexShoebill Stork
29.WeißwangengansBranta leucopsisBarnacle goose
30.BankivahuhnGallus gallusBankiva Chicken
So I've done a list as well - as requested, there are no ground-type birds that could be kept in a normal habitat (landfowl, waterfowl, secretary birds, hornbills, storks, cranes etc.). I have made sure that all the birds I've chosen are not too heavily reliant on perching and would look normal moving around on the current climbing frame system and moving on the ground.

1. Hyacinth macaw - South America: Vulnerable
2. Ruppell's griffon vulture - Africa: Critically Endangered
3. Victoria crowned pigeon - Oceania: Near Threatened
4. Scarlet macaw - North/Central America, South America: Least Concern
5. Great green macaw - North/Central America, South America: Critically Endangered
6. Bald eagle - North/Central America: Least Concern
7. Livingstone's flying fox - Africa: Critically Endangered
8. Toco toucan - South America: Least Concern
9. Kea - Oceania: Endangered
10. Grey hooded gull - Africa, South America: Least Concern
11. Atlantic puffin - Europe, North America: Vulnerable
12. Yellow billed magpie - North America: Vulnerable
13. Striated caracara - South America: Near Threatened
14. Greater roadrunner - North/Central America: Least Concern
15. Von der Decken's hornbill - Africa: Least Concern
16. Socorro dove - North/Central America: Extinct in the Wild
17. Northern lapwing - Africa, Asia, Europe: Near Threatened
18. Eurasian hoopoe - Africa, Asia, Europe: Least Concern
19. Flame bowerbird - Oceania: Least Concern
20. Rainbow lorikeet - Oceania: Least Concern
21. Guam rail - Oceania: Critically Endangered
22. European green woodpecker: Asia, Europe: Least Concern
23. Sun conure - South America: Endangered
24. Red billed blue magpie - Asia: Least Concern
25. White cheeked turaco - Africa: Least Concern
26. Andean condor - South America: Vulnerable
27. Superb lyrebird - Oceania: Least Concern
28. Moluccan cockatoo - Asia: Vulnerable
29. Burrowing owl - North/Central America, South America: Least Concern
30. Waldrapp ibis - Africa, Asia, Europe: Endangered
1. Flying fox
2. Vampire bat
3. Hammerheaded bat
4. Common pipistrelle
5. Potoo
6. Eastern whip-poor-will
7. Puffin
8. Lammergeier
9. Indian vulture
10. Toucan
11. Bald eagle
12. Eastern screech owl
13. Kakapo
14. Kookaburra
15. Scarlet macaw
16. Barn owl
17. Snowy owl
18. Great grey owl
19. Great horned owl
20. Golden eagle
21. Harpy eagle
22. Steller’s sea eagle
23. Rainbow lorikeet
24. Andean condor
25. Galah
26. Magpie
27. Raven
28. Cardinal
29. Hornbill
30. Mynah bird
It is very likely we receive a large bird dlc, as the game has very little to offer in this department. Birds might also end up being some of the easiest animals in game to mod, a Scarlet Macaw can easily be modded into a Military Macaw, little modifications would be needed for a turkey vulture using a Lapped Faced Vulture, and so on. So it will be important to receive at least one representative from each bird family. This would of course not always apply as some birds even in the same family are incredibly detailed and distinct, for example having an African White Backed Vulture would not guarantee justice to a King Vulture mod, so in this case, I would rather have the Frontier model.

1. Marabou Stork
2. Great White Pelican
3. Great Indian Hornbill
4. Toco Toucan
5. Eclectus Parrot
6. Harpy Eagle
7. Palm Cockatoo
8. Bali Myna
9. African White Backed Vulture
10. Andean Condor
11. White Faced Whistling Duck
12. Egyptian Goose
13. King Vulture
14. Victoria Crowned Pigeon
15. Spectacled Owl
16. African Crowned Crane
17. Black Casqued Hornbill
18. Rose Crowned Fruit Dove
19. Bearded Barbet
20. Golden Conure
21. Military Macaw
22. Secretary Bird
23. Three Wattle Bellbird
24. Green Aracari
24. African Sacred Ibis
25. Guinea Turaco
26. Great Curassow
27. Lilac Breasted Roller
28. Great Egret
29. Black Crowned Night Heron
30. Raggiana Bird-of-Paradise

Oeh, this is difficult, because most birds I want are actually big enclosure ones like Pheasants, Victoria Crowned Pigeon, Secretary Birds, Shoebills, cranes and Lyrebird.

But I try to do it:
1: Lyrebird (while I want it in a big enclosure, I want more people to search for it/learn about it so they start wishing for this jewel of the bird world.
2: Quetzal
3: Torrent Duck
4: Frigate Bird (not a zoo animal, but whatever, they are too cool)
5: Greater Roadrunner
6: Victoria Crowned Pigeon (rather see it like Peacocks, but whatever, more mentions means more chance)
7: Lady Amherst Pheasant (see Victoria crowned)
8: King Vulture
9: African Fish Eagle (by far the most beautiful and special of any eagle)
10: Kookbaburra
11: Hoopoe, the only good thing coming from Europe (JK)
12: Gila Woodpecker (the one that drills through cacti)
13: Burrowing owl
14: Snowy Owl
15: Ground Hornbill
16: Greater Bird Of Paradise
17: Biggest Hummingbird (or the hummingbird with the most votes already)
18: Harpy Eagle
19: Bearded Vulture
20: Kea
21: Australian Ground Parrot / Kakepo?
22: Kiwi (rather see it free-roaming like peacock)
23: Puffin
24: Pitohui (poisonous bird)
25: Toucan
26: Hammerkop
27: Crested Caracara
28: Hoatzin
29: Black Swan
30: Manderin Duck
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Here is my top 30:

1- Scarlet Macaw
2- Green-Winged Macaw
3- Blue and Yellow Macaw
4- Great Hornbill
5- Toco Toucan
6- Keel-billed Toucan
7- Snowy Owl
8- Bald Eagle
9- Griffon Vulture
10- African White-Backed Vulture
11- Military Macaw
12- Golden Parakeet
13- Hyacinth Macaw
14- Steller's Sea Eagle
15- African Grey Parrot
16- Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
17- Flying Fox
18- Atlantic Puffin
19- King Vulture
20- Barn Owl
21- Golden Eagle
22- Great Horned Owl
23- Eurasian Eagle Owl
24- Eurasian Hoopoe
25- Common Raven
26- Pileated Woodpecker
27- Kookaburra
28- Palm cockatoo
29- Quetzal
30- Greater Bird of Paradise
Right here we go. There hasn't been much thought put into this so it's basically a list of species I've worked with or seen in animal collections.

1. Fruit bats (not too bothered about specific species but would love more than one)
2. Eurasian eagle owl (large and with an awesome call)
3. Red kite (brilliant conservation recovery story for Europe and truly beautiful)
4. Golden eagle (I prefer this to the Baldie being European and more widespread)
5. Gyr falcon (large, beautiful and quite different to the other falcon in behaviour and habitat)
6. Caracaras (species varies. Included for their intelligence and hilarious antics)
7. Harris hawks (most common species in bird of prey collections and would be able to be kept in groups uniquely for the raptors)
8. Scarlet macaw (iconic)
9. Burrowing owl (small owl with potential for unique habitat designs)
10. Toucan (species optional)
11. Ibis (species optional but we need some classic wading birds)
12. Raven, crow or magpie (need a smart corvid)
13. Cormorant or shag (sea fishing and very common in zoo collections)
14. Bird of paradise (ideally several species)
15. Merlin falcon (how could you not! Best personality of all the falcons)

It would be great to have a variety of small birds as well but how would you choose which?!
  1. Bald eagle
  2. Snowy owl
  3. Flying fox
  4. Fruit bat
  5. Harpy eagle
  6. Scarlet ibis
  7. Kookaburra
  8. Toco toucan
  9. Puffins
  10. Burrowing owl
  11. Roseate spoonbill
  12. Birds of paradise
  13. Andean condor
  14. Red crowned crane
  15. Stellar's sea eagle
  16. Great horned owl
  17. Hyacinth macaw
  18. Kea
  19. Peregrine falcon
  20. California condor
  21. African grey parrot
  22. Rainbow lorikeet
  23. Golden eagle
  24. Kingfisher
  25. White-throated bee eater
  26. Great blue turaco
  27. Rhinoceros hornbill
  28. American white pelican
  29. Tawny frogmouth
  30. Thick-billed parrot
1. Flying Fox
2. Bald Eagle
3. Harpy Eagle
4. Golden Eagle
5. Great Hornbill
6. Great Horned Owl
7. Snowy Owl
8. Resplendent Quetzal
9. Hoatzin
10. California Condor
11. King Vulture
12. Hyacinth Macaw
13. African Grey Parrot
14. Scarlet Macaw
15. Kea
16. Kiwi
17. Secretary Bird
18. African Grey Crowned Crane
19. Vampire Bat
20. Puerto Rican Amazon (Just wanna rep my Island!)
21. Red Crowned Crane
22. Peregrine Falcon
23. Marabou Stork
24. Giant Ibis
25. Caracara
26. Toco Toucan
27. Rainbow Lorikeet
28. Kookabura
29. Atlantic Puffin
30. Spoonbill
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1. Rhinoceros Hornbill
2. Shoebill Stork
3. Kookaburra
4. Rodrigues Flying Fox
5. Madagascan Fish Eagle
6. Anhinga
7. Harpy Eagle
8. Maribou Stork
9. Great Blue Heron
10. Northern Bald Ibis
11. Brown Pelican
12. Toco Toucan
13. Bald Eagle
14. Barred Owl
15. Sugar Glider
16. Tawny Frogmouth
17. Grey Crowned Crane
18. Secretary Bird
19. Andean Condor
20. Bearded Vulture
21. Scarlet Macaw
22. Atlantic Puffin
23. Guam Rail
24. Guam Kingfisher
25. Greater Adjutant
26. Snowy Owl
27. California Condor
28. White Backed Vulture
29. Victoria Crowned Pigeon
30. Golden Pheasant
My turn for the 30 birds lol:

1. Toco Toucan
2. Keel-billed Toucan
3. Great Hornbill
4. Rhinoceros Hornbill
5. Oriental Pied Hornbill
6. Shoebill
7. Scarlet Ibis
8. Black-faced Spoonbill
9. White Pelican
10. Bali Myna
11. Victorian Crowned Pigeon
12. Bald Eagle
13. Roseate Spoonbill
14. Silver Pheasant
15. Golden Pheasant
16. Scarlet Macaw
17. Blue and Gold Macaw
18. Military Macaw
19. Hyacinth Macaw
20. Red and Green Macaw
21. Himalayan Griffon Vulture
22. Andean Condor
23. Laughing Kookaburra
24. Sulphur Crested Cockatoo
25. Red whiskered Bulbul
26. Great Grey Owl
27. Snowy Owl
28. Green Peafowl
29. Sun Parakeet
30. Rainbow Lorikeet

To be honest, 30 is still short a selection!!
1. Great Hornbill
2. Shoebill Stork
3. Kookaburra
4. Giant Golden-Crowned Flying Fox
5. Grey Parrot
6. Kakapo
7. Macaws (Scarlet Macaw; Blue And Yellow Macaw; Hyacinth Macaw)
8. Cockatoos (Major Mitchell's Cockatoo; Pink And Grey Cockatoo)
9. Ocellated Turkey
10. Giant Ibis
11. Pelican Sp
12. Ultramarine Lorikeet
13. Martial Eagle
14. European Eagle Owl
15. Helmeted Guineafowl
16. Peregrine Falcon
17. Grey Crowned Crane
18. Secretary Bird
19. Swans & Ducks Sp
20. Bearded Vulture
21. Spanish Imperial Eagle
22. Atlantic Puffin
23. Pigeons & Doves (Superb Fruit Dove; Pink-Headed Fruit Dove; Pink-Necked Green Pigeon; Common Bronzewing)
24. Cantabrian Capercaillie
25. Roseate spoonbill
26. Snowy Owl
27. California Condor
28. White Headed Vulture
29. Swan goose
30. Himalayan monal
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