Exploration subforum drinking game

Updated this a bit again, and moved the strange lights to the top, since it seems to be the most popular anyway. I also thought about adding a hard mode challenge to drink an extra shot if it's NGC 7822, but nah. I had to add that last disclaimer to get legal trouble off of my back anyway.
How about something around those folks who ask how we don’t go insane and self destruct?

Obviously, the answer to all such questions is: You can’t go insane if you start out insane:D
Doesn't seem like a very constructive premise... Please don't turn this into DD any more than it already is.

"Tea is for caring." ;)

Speaking of which, where do I pick up my free mug and Anaconda again?
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Bit of an update: updated the entries a bit, and more importantly, after the recent attention to the Q4 exploration reveals (which even brought the forums down for a time), I've added Nightmare mode. Please don't actually do it.
Here's a drinking game for the exploration subforum. If you have any suggestions for new rules, by all means post them!

Drink a shot of your drink of choice (default: tea) every time when:
- somebody asks what those strange lights in the distance are - usually they turn out to be NGC 7822
- a new explorer comes to the forum and says people who don't scan everything are lazy and/or not true explorers
- a new explorer comes to the forum and says people who do scan everything are greedy
- somebody says "true / real / pure / proper" explorers
- a new update is coming and somebody says an upcoming feature or change is going to make exploration too easy
- related to the above: "the galaxy is getting smaller"
- somebody says exploration was so much more actual exploration before X was changed, added or removed
- somebody says the Advanced Discovery Scanners are overpowered and/or people who use them are lazy
- "bodies you've found but haven't directly scanned should be blank globes"
- a new update is coming and somebody says that it has nothing for explorers
- black holes aren't dangerous enough (and should have accretion disks, by the way)
- somebody says they use economy mode for exploration (because that's cruelty-free)
- "How far do I have to fly to find an untagged system?"
- "How can an icy body have a hot surface temperature?" or "How can a planet be hotter than a star?"
- "Was the Stellar Forge drunk?"
- "Is this neutron star bugged?"
- "Is this weird wreckage I found far away from everything special?" (Sadly, it almost never is.)
- somebody says "pew pew crowd"
- somebody says "RNGineers"
- somebody asks what the best explorer ship and/or the best loadout is
- jump range: "is the most important thing for exploration" / "does not matter for exploration"
- fuel tank size: "should be higher than stock" / "should be as low as possible"
- "explorers should carry only one SRV / two (or even more) SRVs"
- "explorers should / should not carry weapons"
- "you don't need a shield generator for exploration, I can land on even on 9g without a scratch"
- time to explain stuff about science!
- somebody says they intend to circumnavigate the galaxy... someday
- somebody claims that multicrew allows instant travel / allows you to teleport anywhere (it doesn't)
- somebody asks what the minimum jump range to get to Beagle Point is, and also if they ask for a route
- who is the mysterious CMDR Validating?
- are people still looking for Raxxla?
- patch notes: "Mysterious things have been added"

easy mode: Only drink when:
- a Frontier Developments employee posts in the subforum

Hard mode: Drink an extra shot:
- for every new Earth-like World found (WARNING: serious health hazard!)
- when somebody asks if the Stellar Forge was drunk, but it wasn't
- when a new [DW2] thread pops up
- when somebody says that exploration needs more love, work, content. Super hard mode: drink a third shot if exploration needs new ships specifically.

Nightmare mode: Extend the above to beyond the exploration subforum.

Please be mindful of your health, and drink responsibly!

after the recent attention to the Q4 exploration reveals (which even brought the forums down for a time), I've added Nightmare mode. Please don't actually do it.

Wish you had posted this disclaimer before I set off on a circumnavigation of the internet.
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